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Challenge for Kukaal


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Challenge for Kukaal



[!] A flier with a message written on it. The ink appears to be blood.



The Honorable Rex has led the Horde into a new age of light. One that will thrive for years to come. The Horde grows because of Rex Kybal’Akaals commitment and drive.


During this time, the Rex has had to focus on global politics, instead of Akaal. He is not to blame for the stagnancy that is occurring within the clan. The work that comes with being Rex far outweighs the work of a Kukaal. A weight must be lifted off the Rex’s shoulders. A weight that should not be there to begin with. A weight that should have been passed on to the next Grizh of Ram when Kybal took power over the Horde


That being said, I, Maukûrz’Akaal, challenge Kybal’Akaal, for their position within the clan. That being Kukaal. A klomp with Leyd as our witness will show if I am meant to ascend. Leyd decides my fate as he always has.


No matter the outcome, the Grizh of Ram will help guide Akaal, while the Rex guides the Horde. 






With Respect,



Edited by StokedOff
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The Rex grins, a rare smile as he hears of the Akaal's challenge. He mutters a simple phrase in response. "Mi akkept."

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Kor'garr, Skriptgoth of the Iron Horde, looks upon the declaration with surprise highlighting crimson eyes. A large mustache curls over wide, tusked grin, barks of harsh laughter leaving the middle aged orc's lips.

"KEHEH! Maukurz blahz hozhly wyth dah Truth. Kor'garr rezpektz diz new azh zteppyng uhp vor der clan whoile Rex peepz dah bub'hozher piktyur." With that, he prepares to forge a new slate of bone and Aurum in anticipation of the challenger's victory. 

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