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“O' mighty Empress of The Deep, Mistress of The Storm, I can now only plead for your guidance and favor in these dire times - spare my brothers and carry us home guardedly!”

 -The plead

[!]A painting of how some folks envisaged Thalassa to appear as.





In a time long past, when the world still wore vibrant hues and the mountains carried no burden of accumulated ages, the Elves embarked upon a maiden voyage across the boundless stretch of the Interminable Sea. These pioneers, known as the Almenodrim, left behind the intricacies of their departure, setting forth on a journey that forever transformed them into seafarers. Unlike their fellow Elderfolk who favored the lands inland, the Almenodrim found solace in the embrace of the open waters.

In those ancient epochs, the seas had yet to calm from the tumultuous echoes of the Iblaesian War, resulting in poignant chapters for the Elven maritime strongholds. Many sons and fathers met their untimely fate upon the ever-rolling waves, leaving the seaward citadels bereft of their presence. Rare were the days when the somber toll of bells did not resonate for those mariners claimed by the sea's embrace. Virtually no family dwelling within those nascent cities remained untouched by the harsh realism of these tragedies.

 So all-consuming was this grief to the early Almenodrim, that the earliest known vernacular poem of the Almenodrim, the “Fate of the Mariner”, refers to it directly:



This noble seafarer of old,

Of silver locks, and manner bold,

Was loved in turn by fairest maid,

For whom his noble heart had sway’d.

“I will return upon the Dawn,”

He vowed to her, “and then,”

“together we will ply the shore,

and venture seaward nevermore.”


The sea is fickle, grudging, vain,

and her dark passion did disdain

The sailor’s word, and took his life,

to spite his earnest, loving wife.

Her heart thus broken, fairest maid

Fled, leaping, from that promenade

And broke upon the crags of stone,

Her mortal coil, flesh and bone.


And so it is, my friends, and so,

Unto the stars they did bestow

the image of their tragic love.

Their form can oft be seen above,

the Mariner, and very near

the Maiden, lantern raised austere

to guide all sailors in their quest,

To return safely to their rest.


-Excerpt from The Fate of the Mariner


Legend has it that the inception of the Sea-Sisters was woven from the fabric of tragedy, born from the sorrowful ranks of widows and orphaned daughters who were left adrift by the untimely demise of Almenodrim sailors upon the boundless expanse of this untamed Sea. Their profound emotional torment gave rise to a personification of the Sea itself. She emerged as an omnipotent being, possessing a touch of vanity, a hint of begrudging demeanor, and an unparalleled discernment, sometimes to a fault. To appease her, rituals and sacrifices were imperative, while simpler acts of worship and reverence could also suffice.

Within the Almenodrim's collective consciousness, the Sea Goddess reigned as the supreme mistress of her realm—the ebb and flow of her currents, the tempests that traversed her surface, the winds that directed them, and the ancient colossal creatures that abided beneath her waves. Her fury knew no bounds, and her retribution for perceived transgressions was even more relentless. Only through securing her favor could the Elves dream of voyaging unimpeded across tranquil waters, navigating under the protection of her goodwill.


What lurks beyond


Beast of the Abyss


The allure of the sea often casts a spell from the security of the shore. Its shades of blue and green conjure visions of paradise, and its undulating surface entrances the mind. Yet, beneath these enchanting facets lies the ocean's treacherous heart. Venture from solid ground, and you surrender to the capricious whims of its unpredictable temperament. Death lurks in each tempest, dangling the prospect of a fate too horrifying to fathom. Mortals' curiosity is drawn to the macabre, seeking solutions in the uncharted.


Among sailors, tales of sea monsters are a staple, often recounted with a glass of whisky in hand. One such legend spins around the entity known as Thalassa—Empress of the Deep, Mistress of the Storm—a deity concealed within the shroud of the midnight sea, inspiring both awe and wonder in those daring enough to tread her realm. The narrative unfolds upon the arrival of a crew at their vessel, the illustriously named "The Skirmisher." A mysterious and sizable presence greeted the entire crew, a phenomenon they struggled to classify. A "colossal serpent," one crew member reported, its deep blue hue illuminated by piercing, glacier-like eyes, caught the captain's attention. "Devoid of fins, the ocean seemed to cascade like a mane around it!"


"It traversed our vision with remarkable speed, skimming closely beneath our quarter. Had it been someone I knew, their features would have been recognizable to the naked eye." This observation, along with similar accounts from others aboard the Skirmisher, ignited a flurry of conversation. Over time, numerous sailors attested to glimpsing this enigma beyond the uncharted waves. Some returned from extended voyages, others after days at sea. The descriptions diverged wildly—some spoke of elegance, while others painted a picture of a true abyssal terror. Regrettably, amid these assertions, a prevailing sentiment emerged: the majority concluded that what the crew had encountered was undoubtedly a massive baleen whale, a sei to be precise, gracefully skimming the surface in search of sustenance.


The Vanishing


Three years preceding The Skirmisher's momentous departure, another colossal vessel traversed the seas, a grandeur of luxury that would soon vanish without a trace. This ship, boasting an impressive 55 berths and provisions sufficient for a year. Curiously, in contrast to The Skirmisher, it lacked an aviary for airborne companions. Embarking on its journey, the initial segment went without incident. Yet, an undercurrent of unease permeated the ship's passengers, whose accounts later painted a disturbing picture. 


One passenger detailed the unsettling instability of the main mast, which unpredictably swayed and pitched at unnatural angles. Another traveler, overtaken by apprehension, opted not to continue the voyage's remaining leg, fearing the ship's potential demise amidst the undulating waves. Their fears, it seems, were justified, for the ship inexplicably vanished into the abyss of the unknown. Without a trace, it slipped from the realm of discovery. The ship's whereabouts remained a cryptic enigma.


The sea, known for its capricious nature, stands as a formidable adversary. Could a tempestuous storm have claimed the vessel? Despite numerous search endeavors, the subsequent years yielded only the remnants of other ships, leaving the mystery of the vanished vessel tantalizingly unsolved.


Unfamiliar Horizons

Song of the Sea


Amidst the tales of The Vanishing and the curious whispers of The Skirmisher, a group emerged, determined to quell the wave of incredulous rumors. An immense serpent? A beauty concealed beneath the waves? Such notions seemed too far-fetched, igniting unending debates among those scantily informed.


"What do they really grasp?" Aubron's voice rang out from the deck, his expression wry as he addressed Filvendor and Elluin. Amidst their tasks, they joined in laughter at Aubron's sly remark. Tarathiel leaned against the ship's rail, his gaze affixed to the ever-shifting tides. The rhythmic collisions, a blend of tranquil caress and fierce fury, reverberated through the vessel as it traversed the endless ocean expanse.


Raising his head, Tarathiel turned to face his brothers, a contemplative glint in his narrowed eyes. "You underestimate the possibility, Aubron. What if there's substance to their claims? Crews set out, driven either by a desire to confront this entity or to put an end to the hysteria, and they never return. It can't be a mere coincidence. An elderly woman's murmur lingered in my ears, hinting at the value of what these crews pursued—something so priceless that distant nations couldn't quantify."


"Nonsense!" Elluin interjected from behind, his gesture dismissive. "You've fallen into the trap of chasing the unknown based on these myths, Tarathiel. You're becoming as deluded as the rest. Don't be fooled by such tales; that so-called treasure the woman mentioned is likely a figment of imagination. Everyone claims to chase after this elusive beast, but if it truly existed, wouldn't word have spread among our people? About this 'precious find'?"


"Perhaps..." Tarahtiel mumbled, his gaze shifting downward to the deep blue expanse, words murmured in a hushed dialogue with his own thoughts.


The four brothers—Aubron, Tarathiel, Filvendor, and Elluin—stood as a unit, each distinct in their attributes and convictions. Yet, a shared devotion to the sea united them, a bond that transcended borders. Thud...thud, faint footsteps approached Elluin, and he found himself face to face with his towering brother, Filvendor. "Maybe ease up on him a bit—he's just captivated," Filvendor's voice held both gruffness and a soothing undercurrent. Elluin seemed frozen, his eyes wide and fixated on his older brother. "Absolutely! Yes! We were merely joking; he's welcome to...discuss his musings...elsewhere." With that, Elluin hastened below deck, his hurried footsteps echoing. Filvendor remained, scowl etched upon his features, followed by a sigh of exasperation.


The Heart of the Sea—an enigmatic gem ablaze with a solar heart's molten essence—held an eerie luminance, akin to a large quail's egg adorned with myriad facets. Safeguarded deep within the tumultuous waves, in the heart of a realm untouched by land, it shimmered with an ethereal sunlit glow. Tales spoke of its residence where the sea met the sky, within the midst of tempests or the stillness of motionless waters. An artifact of inconceivable allure, whose pursuit could endanger one's life, a testament to the ocean's inscrutable depths.


A hush enveloped them, a profound stillness spanning across the boundless sea, stretching for miles on end. Not a trace of land broke the expanse, only the deep blue horizon. The air itself seemed to hold its breath, shattered only occasionally by murmurs emanating from below deck—Elluin and, on occasion, Aubron—interrupting the eerie quiet. In this moment, Tarathiel felt the insignificance of such concerns. Filvendor, standing steadfast on the deck beside his brother, fixed his watchful gaze ahead. "Lower the anchor," he instructed in hushed tones. His piercing blue eyes mirrored the sea's depths, and like his brothers, he sensed an unsettling disquiet. Something was amiss. A profound disturbance had settled in the air, reshaping their realities.


Tarathiel obeyed, releasing the anchor into the depths while sails were raised. Peering over the railing, he watched as the heavy, slightly rusted anchor descended through the placid waters. Was the sea always this tranquil? The anchor's descent seemed to linger, a notion that perplexed Tarathiel's mind. Before he comprehended the shift, all three of his brothers, faces etched with urgency, were suddenly at attention on deck, calling out his name in unison. "Tarathiel!"


The voice boomed from behind, echoing the concern of all three brothers. The boat, despite the serenity of the waters, rocked from side to side. Tarathiel found himself wide-eyed, grappling with disbelief and an undercurrent of fear. Were his perceptions playing tricks on him? As his brothers scrambled to secure ropes and sails, the unsettling truth emerged—something was fundamentally awry. "Retrieve the anchor!" Aubron's urgent interjection was met with Filvendor's frustrated counter, "What!? We've just dropped it; there's no time—"


Filvendor's words were cut short by the strangeness unfolding beneath the hull, defying the natural course of water. The boat groaned, emitting alarming sounds as water adhered to every corner of the vessel. The boat's movement became erratic, descending from the bow, then tilting to the left, and swiftly to the right, before culminating at the stern. Elluin's face mirrored his emerald eyes, both reflecting a mixture of confusion and alarm, while the Almenodrim brothers struggled to maintain their balance.


Amid the chaos, Tarathiel crawled on all fours toward the anchor, braving the tilting deck as he made his way to his destination. Each movement was a battle against the unpredictable shifts beneath him. With a determined grip on the anchor's handle and a firm stance, he exerted his strength in an attempt to raise it. Yet, his efforts bore no fruit; the anchor remained stubbornly stuck. "It's caught! I... I can't lift it!" Tarathiel's voice resonated across the deck. Then, an abrupt sound—a fwhump!—echoed, accompanied by a tremendous splash from both sides of the boat, water surging to adorn the wooden floors. The boat's movements eased, the disorienting tilting subsiding. As Tarathiel regained his footing, he waited for a response, but his brothers were immobilized by fear, their gazes drawn upward. Almost too far upward.


At the edge of their perception, the unimaginable revealed itself, a vision that sent a shiver down Tarathiel's spine. A vast height elevated it, surpassing the tallest mast ever crafted for any vessel, its enormity gradually obstructing the light, casting a cyan blue hue that danced upon the ship. It swayed with a gentle fluidity, a mesmerizing motion that seemed almost hypnotic. Tarathiel's gaze remained fixed on the water-embellished floor, his wonderment palpable. However, the countenances of his brothers painted a contrasting tableau.


Elluin's breaths grew shallow, as though he fought for air, a look of abhorrence etched across his features. Aubron's hand inched toward his longsword, hanging at his waist, his fear tangible. In contrast, Filvendor appeared more puzzled than alarmed, though a sense of unease lingered. The youngest brother, meanwhile, had not mirrored his siblings' actions, opting instead to let his gaze ascend to where their eyes had fallen. The Almenodrim inclined his head, slowly tilting it back to gaze upon whatever loomed above. An unspoken sensation of scrutiny washed over him, prompting a hesitant pause, a reluctance to meet whatever gaze met his own.


(...) "It was a 'colossal serpent'," one crew member had recounted. "Its coloration was a deep blue, with piercing, dazzling glacier blue eyes," the captain had described. "It had no fins, but it appeared that the ocean was... like its mane!" (...) So read the account, and truth echoed in its words. When Tarathiel's silver eyes first beheld her, the truth unfolded. She stood colossal, a presence seamlessly melding with the undulating tides, as if the ocean itself birthed her form. Atop the now discerned shells lay pearls and ornate treasures, adorning her like a regal diadem, resting elegantly atop what appeared to be her hair. Stumbling back to join his brethren, Tarathiel's voice caught in his throat, words tangled by the sheer enormity of what he had witnessed. Glacier blue eyes tracked the four brothers, exuding a palpable sense of curiosity. Words were rendered unnecessary; instead, their quivering breaths resounded, Aubron and Elluin's eyes darting in frenzied arcs.


Weapons were instinctively grasped, Elluin's battle axe and Aubron's longsword. What prompted such a reaction? As they cast quick glances toward their brothers, Filvendor and Tarathiel motioned to restrain them, their hands raised in an effort to ward off rash actions. Apprehension and hesitation hung heavy in the air. Despite her astonishing and unforeseen emergence, nothing in her demeanor posed a discernible threat. So why did Aubron and Elluin remain locked in fearful apprehension? Their gaze fell upon a metamorphosed behemoth, a creature bathed in deep blue hues, its maw wide and agape, revealing the jagged, misaligned teeth that lined its upper and lower jaws. A jutting, irregular form protruded from its back, the remainder obscured from view. However, this partial glimpse was enough to galvanize the two armed brothers. A contrast of experiences, distinct from the sights beheld by Filvendor and Tarathiel.


Each brother's perception of her was a reflection of their inner selves, a tapestry woven with curiosity, fear, wonder, and reverence.


In this charged silence, punctuated by their shared breaths, Thalassa's voice rang out like a symphony of waves, each word a cascade of mysteries unfurling before them. "Brothers of the Almenodrim," her voice resonated in their minds, rich and melodic like the rhythm of tides. "You stand upon the threshold of the ancient seas, where time and destiny converge. Know that I am Thalassa, Empress of the Deep, Mistress of the Storm."


She wove her tale, a tapestry of cosmic battles and celestial collisions that transcended the ages. Thalassa, once a mortal mariner, became entwined with the very essence of the ocean, her transformation born from the crucible of primordial strife. Her voice painted vivid scenes—the clash of elemental forces, the surge of tidal powers, and her own metamorphosis into a deity who bridged the realms of the material and the ethereal.


Within the confines of each brother's mind, her story took on unique shades. Aubron felt the wind in his hair and the salty mist on his skin, living each of her tales as though he sailed beside her. Elluin's perception was a visceral experience of awe and trepidation, the tumultuous emotions mirroring the tempestuous seas. Filvendor delved deep into the riddles beneath her words, seeking to unlock the arcane truths hidden within her narrative. Tarathiel's senses resonated with the ebb and flow of her tale, his connection to the sea harmonizing with her journey.


But her story was just the beginning—a prologue to the revelation that followed. "The Heart of the Sea," her voice intoned, the words resounding with a weight that sent ripples through their consciousness. "A gem of molten sun and ocean's essence, held within my realm. Many ships of old sought its power, their greed blinding them to the fates that awaited. They sailed with ambitions to possess what was never meant to be owned, to control what defies the grasp of mortals."


A tension hung in the air, woven by the intricate threads of their reactions. Aubron's yearning for adventure wrestled with Elluin's primal instincts, Filvendor's analytical mind sought understanding amid the veiled truths, and Tarathiel's soul resonated with the goddess's words, entwining his spirit with her narrative.


Thalassa's presence began to wane, her ethereal form retreating into the depths, yet her voice lingered, a haunting echo in their minds. The weight of Thalassa's revelations anchor to their thoughts. The lingering weight of her revelations seemed to settle on the Almenodrim brothers, each lost in contemplation. Yet, as the sea murmured its secrets and the horizon stretched ahead, Thalassa's voice returned—a spectral whisper within their minds.


"Brothers," her voice resonated once more, a spectral echo carried by the whispering wind and the undulating waves. "You claim to seek the Heart of the Sea, a gem of unparalleled power. But do you grasp the weight of its consequences? The depths harbor ancient promises and treacherous truths. Mortals have coveted this gem before, blinded by ambition, only to be swallowed by the abyss."


A hushed unease settled over the boat, the veil of bravado lifted in the presence of an entity they had once deemed the stuff of lunatic tales. Aubron's adventurous spirit quivered, and he spoke with an undercurrent of apprehension, "Thalassa, we are unlike those who ventured before. Our sails catch the wind with humility, and we tread these waters with a reverence that courses in our veins, we are not here for the gem."


Elluin's voice wavered between primal instinct and earnest conviction as he added, "Goddess, our hearts are woven with the very fabric of the sea. Our quest is not one of conquest, but of coexistence—to stand as pupils before the sea's enigmatic teachings."


With a blend of sagacity and concern, Filvendor's measured words followed, "Thalassa, we acknowledge the precipice on which we stand. We recognize that the gem is not just a relic, but a conduit to realms unknown. Our purpose is one of stewardship, not subjugation, to witness the mysteries it unveils."


Tarathiel's words wavered between humility and a kind of courageous vulnerability, "Empress of the Deep, the sea's pulse beats within us. We yearn not for dominion, but to unveil the shrouded truths it holds, to pay homage to its eternal essence." The once-perceived myths now loomed as living truths, their bold intentions met with an ethereal gaze that saw through the masks they wore. The boundary between fantasy and reality had shattered, and the Almenodrim brothers stood in the presence of an unfathomable deity.


Thalassa's voice hung in the air, a pause laden with uncertainty. "Your words are earnest," she acknowledged, the currents of doubt yielding to a softened tone. "Yet the Heart of the Sea is a burden that transcends even the mightiest storms. Its power has drawn chaos and calamity. How can you, mortals, claim to withstand the maelstrom it may unleash?"


Aubron, his spirit undeterred, spoke with unwavering conviction. "We do not seek to withstand the maelstrom, but to navigate it with wisdom. We recognize the gem's power, and we do not take this journey lightly."


Elluin's voice carried a hint of challenge. "Thalassa, we do not claim to be invincible. But we are bound by our connection to the sea. We sail in unity, and through unity, we shall endure."


Filvendor's eyes glinted with a scholar's resolve. "Empress, we tread with awareness of the gem's gravity. We come seeking not dominion, but understanding—willing to learn from its truths, however daunting they may be."


Tarathiel's words resonated with the quiet strength of the ocean's depths. "Goddess, the sea is our constant companion. We embark on this journey not to possess, but to listen—to the whispers of the Heart of the Sea and the tales it yearns to share."

The boat kept still, the wind and waves carrying echoes of Thalassa's doubts. Yet, within the depths of their minds, a tempest brewed—an eerie stillness before the storm. Suddenly, like a crashing wave, Thalassa's voice surged forth with a ferocious intensity that shook the very fabric of their thoughts.


"Liars!" Her words reverberated with a rage born from ages of frustration, the ocean's fury embodied within her voice. "Mortals are but transient wanderers, yearning for the forbidden and the unattainable. You claim to seek understanding, yet your hearts are entwined with desires you do not comprehend!"


Aubron's adventurous spirit flared, his voice a defiant retort. "Goddess, we have not lied! Our intentions are pure, and our connection to the sea runs deep."


Elluin’s instincts stirred, declaring, "We are not blind to the challenges. We sail with respect, ready to face the unknown."


Filvendor sought reason within the chaos. "Empress, we acknowledge the dangers. Our quest is driven by a yearning to uncover truths, not exploit power."


But it was Tarathiel, the soulful brother, who stepped forward, his voice a calming counterpoint to the tempest. "Thalassa, hear us out. We do not deny our desires, but we seek harmony with the sea. Our bond is forged through reverence, not recklessness."


A pause, a palpable silence, as Thalassa's anger quivered in the air. Tarathiel's words seemed to pierce through the storm, stirring a longing within the goddess. His genuine curiosity resonated with her, a thread of connection woven through their shared affinity for the sea.


"Empress of the Deep," Tarathiel's voice quivered, his eyes fixed on the horizon as if searching for a glimpse of her form. "Tell me more about the Heart of the Sea. Why is it sought after with such fervor? What secrets does it hold that drive mariners to risk all?"


The storm of Thalassa's anger began to wane, replaced by a contemplative calm. "The Heart of the Sea is a relic born of ancient powers," she began, her voice no longer a tempest but a somber melody. "It holds the essence of both creation and destruction—the dance of life and the abyss of oblivion. Mortals have sought it for its power to control the currents, to summon storms, to bend the ocean to their will."


Tarathiel's curiosity deepened, his questions guided by a thirst for knowledge. "But what price have those mariners paid? Why does the gem ensnare their ambitions, leading them to vanish into the depths?"


Thalassa's voice took on a mournful tone. "The gem is a conduit of cosmic forces, a power that mortals cannot fathom. Those who sought to wield it were blinded by their ambitions, consumed by desires that surpassed their understanding. The gem does not yield to control—it twists intentions, reshapes destinies, and veils those who pursue it in shadows."


Tarathiel's gaze remained steadfast. "And what of those who sailed under your watch? Did they seek the gem as well?" Thalassa's voice carried a sense of lament. "They did, lured by its allure and the legends spun around it. They believed they could harness its power for glory and conquest. Yet, the sea is unforgiving, and those who coveted the gem vanished into its embrace, their fates sealed by the ocean's wrath."


Tarathiel's heart was heavy with the weight of her words, yet his curiosity remained unquenched, burning brighter than ever, an insatiable flame that yearned for more than just stories and myths. His silver eyes fixated on the horizon, Tarathiel's voice emerged, charged with the fervor of an inquisitive soul. "Empress of the Deep, your stories have unveiled the tapestry of ages and the power of the Heart of the Sea. But what of you? What drove you to become the guardian of the abyss and the mistress of the storm?"


Aubron's hand twitched near his sword hilt, Elluin's grip tightened on his battle axe, and Filvendor's mind weighed the situation. They sensed the shift in Tarathiel's conversation, his focus now set squarely on the mysterious deity before them.


Thalassa's voice, like the gentle lapping of waves, answered Tarathiel's inquiry. "I was once a mariner, a wanderer of the waves seeking uncharted realms and the secrets hidden beneath the tides. My transformation was born of cataclysmic forces—a collision of cosmic powers that bound me to the sea's essence."


Tarathiel's silver eyes glinted, his soul resonating with her words. "Empress, you are more than just a deity—you are a convergence of the ocean's majesty and the cosmos' mysteries. How did you come to understand your new existence, and how do you perceive the mortal realm?" His question was left unanswered.


Aubron's fingers twitched again, sensing the tension in the air, while Elluin's grip on his battle axe grew firmer. Filvendor, always the pragmatic one, exchanged a wary glance with his brothers. Thalassa, too, noted their unease—a deity's intuition cutting through the silence.


"Brothers of the Almenodrim," Thalassa's voice was firm now, demanding attention. "If you wish to continue this discourse, I insist that you drop your weapons. The sea's power can be as gentle as a calm tide or as fierce as a raging storm. Choose your course wisely, for defiance will lead you to join your kin at the bottom of the sea."


Aubron's hand released its grip, Elluin hesitated for a moment before reluctantly letting go, and Filvendor recognized the wisdom in Thalassa's demand. Their weapons clinked as they hit the deck, their postures now hesitant yet respectful.


Tarathiel's silver eyes, still brimming with curiosity, turned toward his brothers. "We must heed her words. Thalassa's intentions are known to her alone. Let us approach her as seekers of wisdom, not threats.” His eyes held a mixture of reverence and determination as he turned his gaze back toward Thalassa, her presence a shimmering beacon amidst the endless expanse of the sea.

With a respectful nod, Tarathiel's voice resonated, a pledge forged from the depths of his heart. "Empress of the Deep, I stand humbled before you. Hear me, for I pledge to safeguard this ocean, to honor its mysteries and preserve its harmony. I swear by the bond that connects us, by the very essence of the sea."


Thalassa's presence seemed to soften, the waves of her energy shifting in response to Tarathiel's sincerity. His words held weight beyond their meaning, a vow that transcended the boundaries of time and space. Aubron, Elluin, and Filvendor watched their brother, their hesitance momentarily cast aside by his solemn oath. Tarathiel's gaze remained fixed on Thalassa, his voice carrying a sense of contrition. "And on behalf of my kin, I offer my sincerest apologies. For their actions driven by fear and ambition, for their ignorance of the sea's true essence. I ask for your understanding and your forgiveness."


Aubron's fingers traced patterns on the deck, Elluin's battle axe lay still by his side, and Filvendor pondered the significance of Tarathiel's words. Thalassa's presence lingered, a silent witness to the unfolding moment.


"Empress," Tarathiel's voice held an earnest plea, "may the currents of our intentions reshape the course of our connection with the sea. We seek to learn, to honor, and to protect—ready to embrace the depths with humility and reverence." A subtle shift in the energy of the sea seemed to envelop Tarathiel's words, as if the ocean itself acknowledged his pledge. Thalassa's voice, a whisper carried by the wind, responded with a mixture of acknowledgment and a challenge.


"Your oath is noted, Tarathiel of the Almenodrim. Your promise shall be woven into the fabric of the sea's legacy. As for your apology, it carries a weight known to few. For your kin's transgressions, their journey is yet to be decided. The tides of fate remain fickle." With her words resonating in the air, the boat sailed on, guided by the currents of change and the bond between the brothers and the sea. Thalassa's presence remained, a guardian of the deep, as the Almenodrim brothers embarked on a journey that promised both revelations and challenges, united by a shared purpose and the mysteries of the Heart of the Sea.


The Awakening of Greed

Drums of torrent



Time flowed like currents beneath the surface, leaving traces of stories woven into the fabric of existence. Whispers of the Almenodrim brothers' encounter with Thalassa had taken root, spreading like elusive shadows that danced upon the waves. The sea sisters, entrusted with the mysteries of the deep, had nurtured the devotion to their goddess, their rituals steeped in a quiet reverence for her boundless power.


Amid this mystique, a subtle shift unfolded. The brothers who had once stood united found themselves swayed by forces both seen and unseen. Elluin, once resolute in his loyalty, found his heart ensnared by whispers—whispers that spoke of untold power, of dominion over the very currents that cradled their world.


In a clandestine venture, Elluin succumbed to the beguiling pull of the uncharted depths. He had stumbled upon a cryptic path, an ancient sea ritual whispered of in long-forgotten texts. Despite the tacit cautions echoing in his brothers' gazes, he plunged into the abyss, enticed by the siren's allure of unattainable power. The Heart of the Sea, a gem emanating a ghostly radiance, lay within his trembling grasp, its enigmatic core seemingly intertwined with mysteries that defied the boundaries of reality.


For days, Elluin had been stealthily entwined in his secretive quest, veiled from his brothers' watchful eyes. The ritual's details were known to him alone, hidden within the shadows of the past. Under the shroud of night, he embarked on perilous journeys, venturing into the ocean's unfathomable abyss. A crew, unknowing pawns in his ambition, sailed with him, their lives forfeit in the brewing storm between man and deity.


On the eve of his clandestine voyage's culmination, an ominous tempest brewed on the horizon, Thalassa's fury manifested in the raging waves and howling winds. In the midst of an onslaught between man and the sea's wrath, Elluin seized a fleeting moment of chaos to descend into the roiling depths. The tumultuous waters, a maelstrom of power and treachery, obscured his intent as he embarked on the forbidden path of the ritual.


The specifics of the ritual were enshrouded in secrecy, passed down through generations of lorekeepers and scholars who had dedicated their lives to preserving the knowledge of the sea. To uncover the ritual's details, one had to decipher cryptic writings, unravel riddles, and interpret ancient charts that hinted at the ritual's existence. The culmination of the ritual led the seeker to the heart of the ocean's sanctum, a place where the boundaries between the mortal realm and the sea's ethereal depths blurred. Here, the Heart of the Sea was said to be concealed, its ethereal glow resonating with the power and mysteries of the ocean itself.


With a heart pounding in tandem with the sea's furious rhythm, Elluin grappled with both the ocean's forces and his own desires. Amid the tempest's chaotic dance, he navigated through underwater caverns fraught with peril, evading guardian creatures that sought to protect the ocean's sanctum. Each step required careful consideration, each task intricate and demanding.


And then, through sheer determination and audacity, he stood at the heart of the ocean's sanctum, the gem clutched in his hand, its glow a beacon of his triumph against the abyss. A week had passed, marked by secrecy and mounting tension among the brothers. Elluin's triumph, however, had come at a cost that none of them could have foreseen.


With each pulse of the gem, Elluin's mind unraveled like threads carried away by the tide. The echoes of his sanity battled the intoxicating force, a dance that teetered on the edge of an abyssal precipice. As his brothers discovered his transgression, their expressions reflected the gravity of their newfound reality.


It was a reality where the Forbidden Ritual's power held not just mastery, but an insidious enchantment that threatened to consume all reason and tether them to the abyss that had birthed the ritual's dark secrets. The path he had tread, once veiled by ancient texts, had exposed him to forces that transcended his understanding. And as the whispers of forgotten guardians echoed in his mind, he clung to the gem's radiance, a source of power that now held dominion over him.


Elluin's journey had been one of perilous exploration, a quest driven by an unquenchable desire for power. But the cost of that power was steep, and now the consequences of his ambition loomed like shadows beneath the waves.



Tide’s of Betrayal

When the Heart of the Sea is wrested from Thalassa's grasp, an enigmatic dissonance ripples through the tapestry that binds the mortal realm to the depths of the ocean. Thalassa, the ethereal guardian of the sea's secrets, is intimately intertwined with the gem's pulsating heart—a luminescent core that weaves together the ebb and flow of the tides and the elusive essence of the depths.


In the instant of theft, a rift is torn in the very fabric of their connection. Thalassa, a goddess whose existence thrives within the resonance of the waves, feels the sting of a severed bond—a fragment of her being wrenched away, leaving her aura tinged with melancholy and discord. It is as though a star has dimmed in the vast expanse of the cosmos, and the echoes of her lamentation ripple across the ocean's expanse.


This disruption extends beyond the confines of Thalassa herself, sending ripples of disturbance coursing through the currents. The seas awaken in turmoil, expressing a reflection of her turmoil—mighty waves rise and fall with an air of uncertainty, and once-placid waters become restless and unpredictable. Even the creatures of the deep, those ancient beings who recognize Thalassa's divine touch, are stirred from their slumber, their behaviors mirroring the goddess's own unrest.


Beneath the surface, Thalassa's emotions surge like tidal forces—anger, sorrow, and betrayal mingling in an intricate dance. The theft is not solely a matter of the gem's physical absence; it is a theft of trust, a fracture of the sacred covenant that binds mortals to the sea's enigmatic embrace.


In the heart of a tempest, Thalassa's wrath takes form—a tempest she orchestrates, a symphony of chaos woven from the very elements she governs. Lightning rends the sky, and thunderous roars shake the foundations of the earth. Those who witness this celestial display sense the voice of a deity wronged, her fury an ancient force that surges through the elements themselves.


Yet, beyond her tumultuous rage, Thalassa's motivation is rooted in the desire to mend the delicate tapestry of connection that has been unraveled. Her whispers, carried by the winds and whispered by the currents, offer a reminder—an entreaty to respect the sea's mysteries, to tread its depths with reverence rather than striving to harness its boundless power for personal gain.


The Heart of the Sea is not merely a gem; it is a conduit of ancient knowledge, a vessel through which the sea imparts its wisdom. To restore the gem to its rightful place within the goddess's embrace is to mend the threads of fate itself, to rekindle the harmonious melody that has resonated since time immemorial. And so, Thalassa's story, one of wrath and redemption, intertwines with the ebb and flow of the tides—a narrative as old as the sea itself.


Whispers of the Abyss

"Elluin, what path have you tread?" Aubron's voice quivered, his hand hovering over the gem as if wary of its arcane tendrils. Filvendor, the analyzer, sought to decipher the enigma that had been brought to light. "The Heart of the Sea—its power defies comprehension. We must return it, for its allure conceals treacherous depths."


Tarathiel, his silver eyes windows to a heart burdened with both sorrow and determination, spoke of the bond that united them. "Our brother has succumbed to greed's whisper, an abyss of his own making. It is our duty to retrieve him from the depths he now wanders."


Yet, as their words fell like pebbles into the churning sea, they found themselves met with a gaze ablaze with feverish intensity. Elluin, consumed by a frenzied ambition, declared his dominion over the waves, his voice a haunting echo of hubris. "I am now the sovereign of the sea! Its currents and tides bend to my will! A god among mortals!"


Their voices of reason were met with the maddening laughter of unchecked power, and in that moment, the veil of unity that had once shrouded the brothers seemed to shimmer with an ethereal fragility. The sea's mysteries had wrought change upon them, leaving them standing at the precipice of choices both fateful and unknown.


As Elluin's maniacal laughter echoed in the air, a sinister shift began to ripple through the sea. The waters at the shore, once calm and inviting, were now being drawn back in an ominous spectacle. Panic spread among the elves as they noticed the unnatural phenomenon, a collective gasp rising from the crowd.


The brothers' hearts sank as they rushed to the shore, their eyes widening in dread at the sight before them. Thalassa's voice boomed through the very currents of the sea, her fury palpable and all-encompassing. "Return what was taken, or face the consequences of your folly!"

Aubron, Tarathiel, and Filvendor turned their gaze toward Elluin, who cowered in a futile attempt to evade his fate. The brothers, united by their bond and their love for their misguided kin, stepped forward to shield him from the wrath of the goddess.


"Thalassa, hear us!" Tarathiel's voice carried the weight of desperation. "We seek to make amends. Spare him, and we will return the gem to you."


Thalassa's voice held a mixture of sorrow and resolve. "You took something precious from me, now I will do the same. The sea claims its dues." Aubron's voice trembled as he stepped forward, his heart heavy with regret. "We were blind to the allure of power. We failed to see the consequences of our actions." Filvendor reached for reason even in the face of wrath. "We are humbled before you, Thalassa. Spare him, and we will honor our bond with the sea."


But Thalassa's anger remained unyielding, a force beyond their control. The waters surged, and a swirling vortex of power engulfed Elluin, his screams lost within the tempest. As suddenly as it had begun, the waters calmed, leaving nothing but an empty shore where their brother once stood. Thalassa's voice, a mournful melody, resonated through the air. "The balance must be restored. I take what was taken, as nature demands."
Thalassa's voice, now a chilling reverberation, cut through the air once more. "You have beheld the repercussions of your insatiable greed, of your audacious grasp for power beyond your rightful reach. Absorb this lesson, or your people shall suffer the dire toll. Instruct them to shun the treacherous path of greed and to revere the sea's vast dominion, or the ocean shall not only claim fragments of their existence but engulf their entire realm in a relentless abyss. I shall guide no soul across these unfathomable depths, ushering them through safe tides, unless you instill within your progeny the knowledge of what I granted and retracted. I am a harbinger of takings and bestowals. Do not forsake this covenant."


Aubron, Tarathiel, and Filvendor stood in stunned silence, their hearts heavy with the weight of their choices. The Heart of the Sea was lost, and so was their brother—a tragic tale of unchecked greed and the relentless power of the deep.



Greetings! I typically don't engage in writing such pieces, but this is primarily meant for enjoyment and to contribute to the cultural essence of Amathine. I trust you'll find it entertaining nonetheless! Rest assured, this creation predates any association with the silly sea people. I forget their name


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omg guys new Thalassa Lore just dropped 🥰

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