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A Sickness [PK]

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Abrielle Stroheim, loving mother and wife. After marrying the love of her life Peter, the two go on and have children, a boy Oliver and a girl Colette. 

Each child was a blessing to them, they cherished them like any parent would. As years went by Abrielle would find herself very sick.

Not even a medic could help her, it seems it was something that made the woman weak and helpless. Laying in her bed and her husband to her side she ask

"How are our children, my love" she spoke softly. He then tell her how Oliver would be having his adventures, and their daughter was slowly trying to

figure life itself out. Abrielle smiled weakly, lifting a tired hand to his cheek "Make sure they know I love them. And I love you." and with that she gave her last breath.

Her hand went to fall, though her husband caught it in time and held it, watching her life slip away. He sat there and mourn a while.




A big thank you to @PeterPumpkinEater for being at my side, and for being my friend, I appreciate him so much. I look forward to still roleplaying with you as Colette. Making lots of memories like we did in the past. And to anyone else who has met her and been at my side throughout the roleplay. It was fun :)


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As Peter sat beside the bed of his deceased wife, he'd mumble prayers for what felt for eternity. But as one light from the flames of life diminished, soon two more flared up. He'd swear to raise their children, unhindered by the agony of losing his wife. There is always light in the darkness.

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The aged Stroheim could say little to console his brother, consigning himself to the position of a silent yet supportive anchor. He placed his hand on the man's shoulder as Robert found him alone in the half-darkness of his chambers, the hold of his grasp strong and firm, while the other hand at his side, hidden in the shadows, quivered.

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An elderly woman had heard the news, grief washing over her. She hadn't known Abrielle well, but she still cared for her. She thought back on the moments of aiding the couple with their newborn children and wept.

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Adelaide stood by the front door of their tower, setting down a gift and saying a few words to the air before leaving. "Rest well, Auntie"

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