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🔮 To the People of Hohkmat 🔮


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Warning: Could be a lil loud




People of Aevos, farmers and philosophers alike, I come before you as a humble servant, with the void as my tool. I write this message today in hopes that it finds you well, in order to ask for your patience.


I am a very busy man and I have been for many centuries now, but it is my dedication and commitment to my craft and people that continue to beckon me forth to havens of knowledge such as Hohkmat, despite my lack of presence in many cases. It is my intention to nurture a small sect of our reality within my own district, to that of a beacon of light for all who would wish their reality malleable. . . To all that would wish to sculpt the realm in their image. A place where creativity seeps from the very walls of the establishment, the inspiration so real it bursts forth into reality in the form of magical flora and fauna.


This is the reality I wish to procure within my district, but it is not possible without your assistance. No matter the strength of any singular mage, it is unity that creates true greatness, standing side by side with someone like minded and trusting, knowing if the worst were to occur, they would be by your side standing with you against the dark. This is the strength I require from you all, this is the environment I wish to nurture. . . But I can only do it with your help. Assist me in ushering in this age of greatness with the void as our tool and your names shall be written in the history books, immortalized forever as those who walked the path uncharted, leading the way for future generations to flourish, enriched by our accomplishments.


Allow me time and I shall give you greatness


Lord Magister of Hohkmat and Eternal Servant to the Realm





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The Grand Magister looked on , seeing the winds of magic ebb once more within Kalgrimmors district...a chill ran up his spine "Kalgrimmor has returned to his seat of power..."

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"I challenge you to a duel," said Lanre Cerusil to the empty square.

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Sitting down at an safe place Gwen looks around with one eye tiredly half closed, wondering "What is this voice? Hm, needing help, I wonder how... wait, void? Hm... maybe one day... maybe." she said before falling asleep where she sat.

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Bianca smiled from within her shop as she saw Kalgrimmor emerge to send out this missive. She paused in her work at forging a new blade to 'steal' a copy from him as he passed. A light grin showing as she read the paper and gave her grandfather an encouraging pat on the shoulder. "You're almost there Grandfather. Yet another amazing feat!"

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Isabella raised her head to peer up at the disembodied voice that echoed through Hohkmat's streets, plucking her pipe from her mouth for a wry chuckle, Time is not a luxury of the Hakad, let us hope the wonders you seek to seize are worth the wait, Lord Magister Kalgrimmor...

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