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The cleansed grounds where Gashadokuro’s infernal shrine once stood, now devoted to the bovine Goddess Hesthor, Lady of Pure Waters.


The two priests of Hesthor stood infront of the infernal shrine that decorated Gashadokuro’s stomping grounds in the far reaches of Aevos’s swamps. This dreaded sight, an area stained with the blood of undead, hoplites, and Rah’muns alike, had finally fell once again to the judgment of Hesthor’s waters. But for the Pharaoh, Atemu-Ta, this was not simply a matter of perennial engagement with Iket - called Gashadokuro by some - and his men. Iket, for all meaningful purposes, is simply a useful tool of the forces of Isfet [chaos] who see him and his men as means to an end. When Isfet finally sets upon the world fully, Iket and all of his men will become disposable. The true enemy, Atemu knew, was not just an agent chaos - but the forces of chaos that directly oppose the order of the Gods. This triumph of Hesthor was then not one over Iket, but instead a direct challenge to the authority of Isfet and it’s ability to linger upon the world.


Atemu knew that Isfet can only imitate what is true, good, and pure. Hesthor’s waters refine what is true, good, and pure. But impurity is the absence of purity, and requires purity for it to exist. Purity is the perfect form of the ideal - self-sustaining, self-perpetuating, and self-reliant. Iket and his men are parasites, then, capable of only corrupting what is good, and creating nothing. All of these thoughts raced through the Pharaoh’s head as he gazed upon the miasma of infernalist energies that corrupted the area near him.


The Pharaoh and his fellow priest, Jahtep-Ra, wielded their crooks and called forth the Heka of Hesthor. The sight was truly something to behold. First a pure light entered the world through the forms of the priest-magicians. Then, the sounds of rushing water and the beating of bovine hooves against the ground ripped through the air and shook the corrupted landscape asunder. And then finally, the pure light overtook the forms of both Jahtep and Atemu, displaying hieroglyphic prophecies of purity’s coming and opening a gateway to bring the Immaculate River of Hesthor to overflow and wash away the infernal corruption - like water cleansing a river stone.


Then, such a prophecy came true. The light, sounds, and honied smells which filled the air manifest into the form of a giant tidal wave of spiritual essence, flowing with the texture of milk, which launched forth from the two priests and washed away the corruption. The Infernal tree hanging over the shrine began to crack and falter beneath the weight of Hesthor’s heka. Small magma-pools were snuffed out, and dead flora was rejuvenated almost instaneously. The force of darkness and mystique that hung over Gashadokuro’s grave vanished, replaced by the serene peace of Hesthor’s presence.


Heka had triumphed over Isfet once again. Atemu and Jahtep both looked upon their work with satisfaction. A perennial victory - perhaps. But at this point Hesthor’s message had been made clear to all, especially those agents of Isfet who previously discounted her: wherever corruption arises, her waters shall rise higher and wash it away. Another thing was clear: among all the spirits in Scorthuz’s domains, the growth of Hesthor’s priesthood and the invocation of her name against Isfet had certainly grown her name, it’s power, and her own domain. Atemu knew in the back of his mind that neither of these facts bode well for Gashadokuro or any other Isfetian agent across Aevos. Perhaps his people would become a target for these forces or, even worse, deemed a threat for elimination.


In any case the Pharaoh simply looked at his work and smiled.The once wretched swamp was now restored, teeming with life and vitality, flowing with purified waters. Today was a victory - for Hesthor, for Heka, for the divine law of Ka’tau and, most importantly, for the Rah’mun peoples.


[!] An illustration of what has happened is sent out across Aevos in a missive, and a small scribbling is attached to it.


“No filth is impervious to Hesthor’s waters. Forces of chaos - beware. The Great River shall soon too drown you as they have others.”



The Wrath of Hesthor pouring upon Isfetians






Thank you all who participated in the event. We had a great turnout. If anyone reading is interested in doing more events like this and others, and especially enjoys Egyptian-esque RP, I encourage you to join the Rah'mun Discord server and come RP with us!




If you want more info about who we are, be sure to look at this thread:







Edited by Boknice275
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"Oh great purity! By my blade will I always sing to bring you about! Always will I seek to pull you with the most virtous side of the soul! Oh great purity! Have at me"


Rose Pamphilos from the purified mire! clasping a pomegranate and a silver horn!

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Watching what once reeked of foul corruption & acidic soil for the gnarly-looking tree that stood before them did Ney'La witness such a drastic change in environment... for the better. She was indeed surprised to watch the tainted wash away the sin by the ethereal godess' might & allow the land to erupt with flourishing flowers, the tree no longer crying out for help with its now grand foundation, blessed by the waters that remained.


Ney'La was indeed impressed with her pharaoh's abilities to work for the bovine deity she'd only seen in idol form as a child, never seeing such beauty come to life in person before. However, this day only strengthened her bond to love nature ever more as the farmer she is, & to build her determination to find a way to practice growing stronger to protect what she'd failed to do so before.

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