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The Midnight Departure of Llora Soltée


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A Midnight Departure of Llora Soltée


Published the 3rd of The First Seed. Year 158 SA.



Once you walk inside the library you notice droplets of blood on the floor, it leads to the basement level of the library. As you walk down further you stumble upon a dead elfess lying on a puddle of red on the carpet near the fireplace, a bad stab wound on her heart and her face scarred bleeding as the last tears fell down her cheeks. In front of the dead elfess beside the knife and pool of red was a letter half-written. You reach out grabbing the piece of paper, partly written in ink. you slowly read what was in the letter.


"To whoever finds my scarred corpse and reads this letter, I couldn't keep up any longer I chose to depart from this world knowing I failed to show love and a smile to my confidantes, knowing I failed as a teacher and kept being the fool that I was meant to change. I have done everyone a favor, now I send my few last written words...To my children who I failed to raise with or without my partner, may you find love and create a better family - even if I won't be here, I'll always be in your hearts my little feathers. To my close and distant relatives, I'll miss you all dearly and my friends...I am sorry."


The rest was torn apart, it ended there but as you looked down at the corpse you noticed on her right palm she had a letter sealed with a green ribbon - you reached out and opened it.

And you began reading it slowly...

“To whom I once called my love and joy, I loved you so much despite the changes, my heart kept waiting for you to return, but the longer you were away again I realized that we might not ever re-marry, we may not ever raise another infant together, we may not ever share a laugh or smile to each other like before. You were my spark of hope, my loving cloud puff.. I'm so sorry, may there be a better chance for us to live happily in another life. From your departed wife, Llora Soltée..


 You'd lower your gaze and noticed a white owl feather partly tucked in her hair fell once to the bloody floor and was no longer white. The last few tears ran finally down the corpse and there was no more but a dead elfess, a mother, a wife, a failing Mentor, and a friend...She was gone.

The whole room was covered in small blood stains, easily removable. The room was left with silence, the fire by the fireplace sparked with noises but not loud enough to wake you up from what you believed would be a dream but it was not, this was real and now she was no longer with us.



A Silent Farewell to Llora Soltée. Her Funeral shall be held upon the 4th of The First Seed, Year 158 SA.

Edited by Cozy_Tea
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Raziel Amethil looked at Kasula in utter confusion as she played dead and fell off the stool, he did not understand Kasula's message. He did not - or did he not want to believe it? Was this some kind of trick of the Tennallar, played on him? Slowly it dawned upon him what cruel play the woman was playing. He held her good-bye letter in hands, rushing off towards Llora's home.


The magi did not wait, no. The doors exploded in a voidal combustion. But Raziel was too late - there he found Llora's corpse. There his dead friend lay, the pulse gone. Blood was everywhere. "Oh Llora," was all the elf could mutter out.


A gulp. Then he pressed his lips together and took up her corpse to carry it away. Once he stepped outwards he looked upwards to the stars and the moon. "I hope you are happy there. I hope she is not tormenting you. The moon, a new home for another friend..."


Thus, Raziel silently wept before preparing a pyre.

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Athri'annyer stood before the pyre of his cousin, saying a couple words in her memory:




In the hush of whispered winds, a somber tale unfolds.

Of a woman named Llora Soltée, whose story is now retold.

With grace and strength, she walked life's winding knoll.

A spirit as enduring as the silent flight of the snowy owl.


Beneath the silver moon, her statements would chime.

A melody that echoed through the corridors of time.
Underneath the canopy where branches gently weep.

Her memory in our hearts, forever to keep.

With every word she spoke, a meaning profound.

A symphony of kindness, in every note, it resound.

Her laughter, a gentle breeze through autumn's golden trees.

A warmth that lingered, like the sun in the arctic freeze.

Now, she rests where the stars' stories unfold.

A cosmic ballet, a spectacle to behold.

In the tapestry of life, her threads are unbroken.

We shall remember her and all she was, a valuable token.


So let us bid farewell with a bittersweet vow.

In the presence of all of us, here and now.

For in the stillness of the night and the sun's warmest prowl.

Llora's legacy lives on. So, think of her. When you see a snowy owl.




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