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[✗] [In-Game Ban] [StormKnight737] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):






StormKnight (stormknight737)


Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


You have been banned for 01-Aug-2023 at 01:11 by Fireheart_ from this server for: Sexually Explicit RP - 3 month ban, you may appeal on Oct 31st - Moderation: Fireheart


What circumstances led to this ban?


The events that led up to this ban are more then simply a story. This event happened due to actions between myself and another player. We had characters who were similar, and compatible in both their personalities and the relationship worked for the story. However, we did not intend to take our rp this far as characters. The reason we did was completely personal. We were both intoxicated by the power and intensity of such an rp, and so got very carried away. I will not claim that we did not intend to do what we did, as I have indeed learned my lesson. Our characters were close in ways that we ourselves were not able to separate from, and so formed a bond that was wrong and led to places we did not mean to.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


There are no aspects I disagree with. I feel horrible because of my actions, and intended to not return to LOTC until I knew for a fact that I had a handle on what had led me there. As such, I even took an additional month before considering returning, and another week to iron out my thoughts and determine my true feelings. I agree with the ban, and feel it was not only right, but necessary.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


I wish to return to LOTC as participating in it not only brings me lots of joy, but also allows me to deepen relationships with people, and learn more about myself. I love roleplay and find it both incredibly stimulating and good for my state of mental health. Additionally, I believe the only real way for me to prove I've changed and improved as a person is to return to LOTC, triumphant over my own struggles and internal demons.


Attach other relevant information.


Between my own work on myself, and the help others have given me, I know that I have changed, and hope that I will get a chance to prove that. Along with this, I have never been banned on LOTC before this event, nor on any other game or platform, let alone for this reason. As such I would please request an unban, as I want to prove my true intentions and power to truly change.


edited 12/18:

It’s been over a week since I first submitted, almost 10 days now. Please get to this soon, I looked through other appeals and this doesn’t seem to be how you usually treat appeals, please message me over the forums as I don’t use discord anymore and try to get to this soon, thanks!


edited 1/02/24:

at this point I would rather be denied and given a date to re-appeal at then be left waiting. If by the 8th no one has an answer, please just deny it and I’ll re-appeal at another time. I am pretty disappointed with how little importance this seems to have been given.

Edited by StormKnight_737
1st: Kinda getting impatient but trying to be respectful about it 2nd: I would rather be told no and given another time, honestly I’m starting to get very disappointed with the way this process is being completed
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Your ban-appeal is being reviewed by the Admins.

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Your appeal has been denied. Contact @The60th or Administration with further questions.

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