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[Hohkmat] The Void Fears not the Demon


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Razad addresses Hohkmat from the Balcony of the Ziggurat -
as omens linger over the Magical city




“When Fahrazad the Great challenged the warlords of the Hakad for control of the nomadic people, many warlords turned to forces dark to bolster themselves. Yet they all fell, unable to resist Fahrazads command of the void and the sorcerers under his command. Power, true power, cannot be quelled by the forces of oppression” - Campfire retelling of Fahrazad the Greats conquest of the Hakad Warlord-Magi in the time of Godfrey


Fear not the demon, Sorcerer. For the void is the tomb to which the forces of the Archdemon have hid - but lo, him and his ilk cannot command it.The void is not theirs to wield or mold, it is their prison and their bane. So we shall not be cowed by omens, by blood rituals acts profane, we will bury the enemy under the might of our arcane, returning them to the prison to which is ours to will. Our walls are tall, but higher still is our power.


Of war, we remain committed. Eldritch Ayche shall continue our assault against anathema, for we remain committed to see any oppressed Magi of the Veletzian people liberated from their servitude to dark powers.

Our conflict now expands to a second front, to places yet unknown to us - but with certainty an attack is due, those of sight have been forewarned. A new force must be raised, properly equipped and led, to overcome such a challenge. This force shall be raised under the banner of a temporary Hohkmati task force, henceforth referred to in our native tongue as a Thaymark.

All Citizens who wish to volunteer are to heed my call in the coming days, to step forth and proclaim their commitment to this cause against the demon. The Chamber of Stars shall meet within the elven week - to begin plans against what we perceive to come. Ambitious Magi are encouraged to showcase themselves and make a name if they are otherwise unknown at this gathering…


Of allies, we call on them. Our diplomat shall be dispatched within the elven week  to The Serene State of Lurin, to make good on your promise to rally your magi to our banner - and fight this darkspawn with us as you have agreed to do. We know we can count on our southern Magi friends in this cause. The Hakad say that ‘words are as wind that fall like sand from the mouth, but deeds are scribed as stone in the dunes’


The Second Mystery, The Eternal Pursuit:
“The eternal pursuit is the mystery of power. The great must seize power, the weak must acknowledge it. Only the Sorcerous Path may liberate us from our weakness”



GRAND-MAGISTER, Razad the 'Fatebinder', 

Hierophant of the Mysteries, Master of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat

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An elephantine behemoth gazed upon the missive. Most dismissed it as being unable to read. Perhaps that was the case, and it merely was looking at the quite fancy imagery upon it, or the brilliant colors of text. Yet perhaps- perhaps it could read. It stood there for a few minutes, gazing upon the missive. It's gaze flickered upwards oncemore- two beady eyes staring at the endless ashen storm above; after a few minutes, the figure slowly lumbered away, trunk swaying side to side at a slow tempo as it did...

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"Do you think they write these with irony in mind?"


The Blonde Watcher inquires towards his Yisar, wrapped in furs as he traverses some frozen lands. The publication is stowed in his bag as he continues on rambling towards the poor creature.


"Really - I know I couldn't make this up if I tried. You think it'll be a problem?"


The creature, but only a humble Yisar, offers nothing but the equivalent of a ambivalent shrug towards Haus. He sighs, watching his breath condense and near-freeze on the chilled wind as he treks onwards. 

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