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New winds bring songs [lesser wind spirit]


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[Lesser wind spirit to Fiarza,
spirit of clouds and songs]



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An air elemental like figure taking any shape he wills with the use of clouds. Wind spirals around him constantly and would usually take the shape of a large bird like creature or a humanoid with long hair and beard when showing himself. His movements are constant like the air flowing around him and in his realm. His demeanour is mostly calm but shifts quickly depending the situation.




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Fûthmoz spirit realm would be a cloudy white area in the bright cloudy sky, no sun would be in the realm and it would have tornadoes around connecting the clouds of above and below. Only grey floating mountain tops could be seen above a ''floor'' of clouds. Its appearance would change quickly due to the wind swirling around in it, carrying feathers and leaves from pacts, gifts and sacrifices. 





By Azfrai’Lur, conduit of the wind

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