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Kingswood Titles | BECOME A LAIRD TODAY!

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The Kingswood, in the common tongue, is a beautiful region within the Kingdom of Númendil, inhabited by stout, rural folk, and home to ancient pines, winding brooks, and teaming with wildlife. Home to a flourishing Godswood, and ancient woodland creatures from elder days. Not everything is well however, and our beloved Kingswood is in danger. Due to the war, the Rangers of Númendil have had their work cut out for them, as poachers and logging has taken its toll on his beloved forest, together, us, the people of Númendil, alongside the Royal Order of Astral-Knights Beneficent of Alduun have taken a stand to defend our woodland home. In cooperation with the Royal Government, the ROAKBA has been granted custodianship of roughly 64 parcels of undeveloped land within the Kingswood, and for a limited, YOU, yes, YOU are able to purchase one of these parcels of land, with all proceeds going to the maintenance and preservation of the Kingswood. In exchange, you will be granted a certificate affirming your right as a Laird of the Kingswood, naming you a lesser peer of the realm of Númendil, underneath the warden of the Kingswood, Arathor Caranethion Arthalionath and his sheriff, Beren of Minas Angren. After presenting one of these certificates to a member of the ROAKBA or the Númenedain government, you will be presented with your plot of land, and allowed to leave a sign designating it as yours, to be inherited by your successors in perpetuity.

For only 100 Mina, become a Lord or Lady today! Also great as a Holiday present! To purchase a certificate, seek out Beren of Minas Angren, or purchase one in the tavern of Numenost the Fair, Paddy's Pyre! Note: The title of Laird does not grant one any legal benefits, no invasive alterations to the plots purchased may be done.




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"I've never been a Laird before..." The High Keeper pondered, reading over the missive keenly.

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Laird Kalador of Kaladania smiled quaintly as he held his certificate in his hands. "Ha! I'm a Laird, and for a good cause aswell!"

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The current Laird of Grenzstadt claims more land for Grenzstadt, leaving a banner that speaks to any passerby. A new title is added to the list.

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Laird Húrin smiles after conducting business. "Heck yeah!"

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