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The Call of The Shadows


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In the dim-lit corners of  Aevos, a worn parchment unfolds, unveiling the summons of a clandestine fellowship concealed in the embrace of night's shadows. Valiant hearts, adorned in the mantle of shadowed armor, are beckoned forth.

Picture yourself in the muted hues of darkened armor, threading through a world where secrets stir in the breeze, and strength echoes through unexplored darkness.

Seize your destiny, from the soft jingle of coins to quests for justice. An invitation awaits kindred spirits, a subtle plea to join a more liberated order, resonating with the spirit of mercenaries. "Sometimes you'll have to use darkness to serve the light."

(OOC Note: This order is made for dark/ mercenary knight RP. For more info, message VintageGermanium.)

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“Peeps lok da Hanzer kin!” A rotting ghoul commented to another rotting ghoul, within the walls of Hexicanum. 

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5 hours ago, inshadowofyou said:

a worn parchment unfolds

Meira see's the parchment unfold and goes looking around shouting out "Someone forgot t'eir letter!" As she then thought nothing of it and walking closer reading a small portion of the parchment and says "Nope not for me." She walked off at that moment knowing fully the parchment was not hers.

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