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Announcement from the New Krimpgoth


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Krimpgoth Announcement


As the newly appointed Krimpgoth of the Iron Horde. I will ensure that all orcs within the horde follow the standards set by our spirits and by Krug himself. Any who dishonor the orcish grizh will have to answer to me and my fellow krimphai.



Honoraries have served to be an important part of the horde. As it stands, these honoraries are to be recognized as urukhim until otherwise stated. 

The only current honoraries in the horde are:







These specific orcs have shown that they do not honor the urukhim way and shall be hunted until they learn to change their ways.

Current official whitewashes include:

-’Yrmsik Fiyem’ of Kaethul

-'Krognag' of (possibly) Petra


Both of these lists will be updated as needed and posted on the notice board within Krugmar.


Ang Gijak-Ishi,

Gnarla’Vukh, Krimpgoth Of The Iron Horde.

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