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The Zodiac Signs of Hyspia


La Corte de Girasol
3rd of Horen's Calling, 98 D.R.




[!] An abstract depiction of the Zodiac Signs.

With the Crown Princess, Santana of Hyspia’s, Quinceanera looming close, the Sovereign State of Hyspia recently approved a new, modern study of the zodiacs alongside their meanings. The theme of the Quinceanera is rumored to be of the Cosmos and with this in mind, detailed below are the seven constellations, their personalities and who they are likely to get along with. Associated colors and gemstones are written alongside this for your reading perusal.




Attached is The Hyspian Calendar. By finding the month you were born, you can find your Zodiac. The commonly used months of Aevos are listed down below, alongside their conversions to the Hyspian calendar.


The month of Sun’s Smile to the month of Carlos’ Strength.


The month of The Amber Cold to the month of Javier’s Justice.


The month of The Deep Cold to the month of Francisco’s Resolve.


The month of Snow’s Maiden to the month of Horen’s Calling.


The month of Malin’s Welcome to the month of Owyn’s Wake.


The month of The First Seed to the month of Cesar’s Gift.


The month of The Grand Harvest to the month of Maria’s Peace.







El Toro, i.e. the Bull. 

Born during the month of Carlos’ Strength.

Color: Red; Gem: Sunstone


The Zodiac of the Bull is seen in the night sky, stars connecting to form its proud horns. In Hyspian culture, the Bull is heavily renowned for its strength and pride, and also infamous for its stubborn nature and hotheaded personality. Those born under this sign are known to be much the same, quick to anger while being incredibly hardworking.


Naturally, much like their non-zodiac counterparts, the Bull and the Matador do not get along. Yet, with this symbolic relationship, they can be known to become unlikely friends - pushing each other to be better in their constant challenges.


Just the same, the Bull and Peacock clash in personality and outlook. It is said sometime ago the Bull and the Peacock were raised by the Horse, who brought them up each with differing values. The Bull was quick to anger, and start fights - while the Peacock primped and preened. The Bull and the Peacock bickered always, each wanting their own way. The Bull interfered with the Peacock, tired of its incessant preening and so the Peacock dramatically challenged the Bull. Their feud continues even to this day.


The Bull gets along with the Horse, enjoying their challenging and aloof nature. 




El Abanico, i.e. the Fan.

Born during the month of Javier’s Justice.

Color: Yellow; Gem: Aquamarine


The Zodiac of the Fan is seen in the night sky, stars connecting to form an arc across the sky, representing the Hyspian fan. In Hyspian culture, the fan is known primarily to the upper class. An entire language, one secret, is dedicated to the usage of the fan - each movement graceful and filled with elegance. This sign in question would be seen most often with the introvert, where one rather find solace in the quiet. They are known to be trustworthy, able to keep given secrets.


The Fan doesn’t get along with the Performer or the Peacock, disliking their loud and extroverted nature. They get along well with the Cantuta, very much in tune with one another and known to be the best of friends.




El Caballo, i.e. the Horse.

Born during the month of Francisco’s Resolve.

Color: Blue; Gem: Sapphire


The Zodiac of the Horse is seen in the night sky, stars connecting upwards to form the horse. In Hyspian culture, the Horse is known to be the representation of the royal family. Regal in its stature, the Horse is known to be extremely loyal and challenging alike. Individuals of this Zodiac work tirelessly, never seeming to slow down and have a certain aloofness to them that makes it difficult to know just how they feel.


The Horse is special in the way that they get along with all, naturally popular.





La Cantuta, i.e. the Cantuta.

Born during the month of Horen’s Calling.

Color: Pink; Gem: Lapis Lazuli


The Zodiac of the Cantuta is seen in the night sky, stars connecting in a spiral to form the symbolic flower of Hyspia. In Hyspian culture, the Cantuta is known as the flower of unity, symbolizing the bond of Hyspians. They are known to be peaceful and harmonious, bringing people together during dire times. Those with the Cantuta sign are known for their close familial bonds, and their love for socializing.


While this sign can bring the others together, they don’t get along well with the louder signs of the Peacock or the Performer. Above all, they get along best with the Fan, known to be the best of friends.





El Matador, i.e. the Matador.

Born during the month of Owyn’s Wake.

Color: Green; Gem: Bloodstone


The Zodiac of the Matador is seen in the night sky, stars connecting upwards to form the Matador's hat, the montera. In Hyspian culture, the Matador is an individual whose entire livelihood is based on whether their challenge with the Bull goes well. They are known to have great courage and bravery, as they dance their way about the sands of the arena, red cape swinging. At the same time, they are known to run into dangerous situations - though quick to adapt.


They don’t get along well with the Bull, always challenging each other further and further. Yet, with this symbolic relationship, they can be known to become unlikely friends - pushing each other to be better. The Matador, though, gets along well with the Performer - their professions alike in a way, in which they create performances for those to enjoy.





La Artista, i.e. the Performer.

Born during the month of Cesar’s Gift.

Color: Orange; Gem: Turquoise


The Zodiac of the Performer is seen in the night sky, the largest zodiac yet in that the stars connect outwards to form the flamenco dancer. In Hyspian culture, the flamenco dancer is an artist dancing to cultural music in the day to day and festivals alike. They are known to be extroverts and to have an adaptability to difficult situations as the show must always go on. The sign has a high drive, always striving to do something more and always bigger and better.


The Performer likes all signs, even if all signs do not like them - though they hold a general distrust for the Fan and Cantuta for their quiet natures. They get along especially well with the Peacock, and are known to pair with them in projects and matrimony.





El Pavo Real, i.e. the Peacock.

Born during the month of Maria’s Peace.

Color: Purple; Gem: Jade


The Zodiac of the Peacock is seen in the night sky, stars connecting outwards to form the Peacock. In Hyspian culture, the Peacock represents the vibrant colors and passion the Hyspian people are so well-known for. The Peacock is confident and friendly, making many friends but never terribly close with any specific person. They are known to be noisy and dramatic, their feathers ruffled when something doesn’t go their way. Extroverted by all means, the Peacock is a socialite.


The Peacock doesn’t get along well with the Bull, the Fan or the Cantuta, finding them troublesome for their day to day wants and needs. Despite this, they will interact with them but never get terribly close. Unlike the previous signs, they get along especially well with the Performer, known to join together in projects and matrimony. 








HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia,

Soberano-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk


HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Santana Leya de Pelear,

Crown Princess of Hyspia, Duchess of Paraiso

HER HIGHNESS, Renata Alba de Pelear,

Infanta of Hyspia

SENORITA, Amelia Miramaris,

Dama de Honor

Edited by La Corte De Girasol
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Renata Alba did some mental math to figure out her zodiac, before a painted nail tapped on the image of the Toro. "Ooh, Fae! This is ours!" The Infanta exclaimed, showing her brother the guide to finding their zodiac. "It means we're strong and brave."




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Verónica looked in aw from the skies, wishing this had been around in her time! However, she believed herself to be El Caballo and not La Cantuta



Stellar job


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