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[Complete] Report Pancho & Hotbox

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Pancho & Hotbox


Rule(s) Broken

Harassment & Discrimination


Player(s) Involved





I was admittedly disappointed with the outcome of a roleplay event, as seen through the screenshots I have provided, however I was consistently respectful. I shared my opinions and views on the situation and upon rereading my messages the only potential insult I returned to these individuals was "cringe" which was honestly said in a joking manner as I had tried to take their comments as jokes in the beginning - which I believe can also be seen throughout the conversation as I say "lol, lmao" etc a lot in an attempt to brush off their words. Yet when they began to flood the chat and went to use sexist terms, which they apologised for once they were called out for their behaviour (in an admittedly sarcastic tone by using the words "woman enjoyer" which is both creepy and degrading) I felt it was proper to make a report. I am reporting Pancho due to harassment as I felt he was a ring leader and responded to my comments with unnecessary aggression more often than not. I am reporting Hotbox due to his sexism and additional harassment which I believe was encouraged by Pancho. I wasn't initially going to make this report out of fear of attack, but felt it fair to the community to do so as I know this behaviour should not be widely accepted in the community.



Relevant Material


Evidence of uncooperative conduct.


I was muted to "calm down" and thus unable to resolve the situation further as I felt uncomfortable speaking to them in DMs after their blatant sexism and aggression.


Desired Result of Report

An Apology


Before posting on this thread, please review the Report Rules.

Edited by CyyanTea
leniency in regards to the outcome of the situation
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Hello, person being reported here. I responded to your comments not using any personal attacks against your character, instead using commonly referred to things as seen by your own evidence. "Consistently respectful" is not a term I would use for some of the things you were saying, but go right ahead. I never said any sexist comments, nor did I talk with Hotbox about anything he was saying. I saw yapping, I engaged in yapping, and now it's come to this. I was also timed out for the things that I said, thus engaging no further. If you had an issue with me, I would've been glad to solve it in DMs had I known you genuinely were upset about what was being said. 


Evidence of "Respectfulness"



Evidence of me also being timed out.

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I am sorry if you feel hurt by what I said.  And thats honestly. 

I love women!

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In regards to Pancho's message: In my own screenshots should include my responses to the messages I received as well as the messages I gave (even if only seen through a discord response. Again, I was admittedly upset (partially due to the harassment and sexism) and also as a result of the consistent animosity displayed since the beginning of this situation. Your first screenshots display jokes and nothing more, the only potential insult being "cringe", the rest is fact or opinion regarding the situation. Also you have notably clipped these comments out of context, which I have not done for my own evidence - which by the rulings of reports makes them ineligible as proper evidence. Furthermore, the screenshot you have taken of me speaking with mail, is an entirely emancipated issue. Admittedly I should've worded my concerns more respectfully or spoken to him in DMs regarding the topic - or perhaps not at all. It was however, said over 12 hours apart and not at all associated with the conversation where you threw verbal insults, consistently took my jokes and opinions as insult and thus retorted - such can be seen by my screenshots which provide full context to all the messages (rather than singular clipped messages some of which not within the time frame of the incident). I also never inferred you were sexist, that was a matter entirely for Hotbox.


Finally, in regards to Hotbox. If your apology was indeed genuine than you should have worded it as you have done on the forums instead of using phrases such as "woman enjoyer" and the like which are renown for being used in jest and sarcasm. I realise now you may only be apologising sincerely due to the threat of a warning, but if that's what it took I will accept your apology.

I will not elaborate on the situation further as I believe that would be petty and counter productive to both parties as it would seem in this environment we have finally found peace. I would have communicated with you both but after the aggression of your tone I felt unsafe to do so - hence I made a report as it is a neutral zone where there is an obligation to uphold respect.

I apologise for the upset I may have caused and in return accept any apologies you offer, only if that is proof that you would not return to such toxic behaviours in future.

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Other than that, the comments clipped were already in your evidence.

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Yes. I am well aware that all my comment are already in the evidence, otherwise they would not have been legitimate... as I said, I showed comments relevant to the situation in full context. You clipped them and did not.

My point by now is: It took me making a report for you to apologise without sarcasm.

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Your report is under review. Applicable parties may provide a response before a verdict is given.

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