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[Amendment] Blood Magic

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Tier Progression


Old Lore


Tier Progression

Tier 1 - Novice lasts for 2 weeks. The blood mage begins to take on faint physical and mental changes and may access Ensorcell Material, Ensorcell Flesh, Hemhorraging, Scabbing, and Siphoning.
Tier 2 - Apprentice lasts for 3 weeks. The blood mage further develops physical and mental changes and may assist in more complex rituals.
Tier 3 - Adept lasts for 3 weeks. The blood mage’s physical changes reach their completion and they may lead group rituals.
Tier 4 - Expert lasts for 4 weeks. The blood mage may lead or assist in more complex rituals.
Tier 5 - Master is reached at 12 weeks (3 months in total). The blood mage’s mental changes reach their completion and they may access all of blood magic.

New Lore


Tier Progression

Tier 1 - Novice lasts for 2 weeks. The blood mage begins to take on faint physical and mental changes and may access Ensorcell Material, Ensorcell Flesh, Hemhorraging, Scabbing, and Siphoning.
Tier 2 - Apprentice lasts for 3 weeks. The blood mage further develops physical and mental changes and may assist in more complex rituals. The mage may learn Augmentation and Invoke Ignorance now.
Tier 3 - Adept lasts for 3 weeks. The blood mage’s physical changes reach their completion and they may lead group rituals. The mage may learn Hail, Quiet, Seal, Embark, and Invent.
Tier 4 - Expert lasts for 4 weeks. The blood mage may lead or assist in more complex rituals. The mage may now learn Gilding, Engorge, Rune of Insight.
Tier 5 - Master is reached at 12 weeks (3 months in total). The blood mage’s mental changes reach their completion and they may access all of blood magic. The mage may now also learn Call Calamity and Spiritspell.



Pretty straight forward, only tier one listed the spells accessible for that tier. For the spells each tier can learn I went with the tier the mage would have to be to lead the ritual.  This would make it easier for teachers and students alike to keep track of the spells they can learn for each tier.

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dont see the point considering it says which tier you need to be in each spells description on lore already, also your amendment doesn't account for the fact embark, invent & spiritspell need 2 slot BM

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Personally, I think that Augmentation should be listed under T1 considering there is a T1 version of the spell. For the rituals, they shouldn't really need to be listed because you can LEARN the rituals at any tier, but you can't LEAD them until specific tiers. This amendment would make it look like they can't learn it until later on. Also, it would ruin the whole TA at T4 thing if you have to wait until T5 to learn some of the rituals

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1 hour ago, Traveller said:

also your amendment doesn't account for the fact embark, invent & spiritspell need 2 slot BM

True, I updated my wording from access to learn since 1-slotted blood mages can still learn the 2-slot rituals for teaching. As for the first part second part I've had students and seen other blood mage players ask what spells can be learned at each tier. While someone could go through each spell and see what tier they can learn it at that is both inefficient and pointless. Most magic pages include what spells can be learned at each tier for convenience already. I don't see why blood magic should lack that when most magics have it. It is a small amendment but one for convenience.


1 hour ago, MeteorDragon said:

Also, it would ruin the whole TA at T4 thing if you have to wait until T5 to learn some of the rituals

You need to wait three months anyways before applying for a TA and by then the mage should be T5. Also as per the rules you need to be T5 in order to apply for a TA. I don't see where blood magic says you can apply for a TA at T4. While the rune of insight can be self-taught at T4 it says you still need to acquire a TA and does not say a TA can be acquired at T4. And as for the mage being able to learn any ritual at any tier, most teachers already follow this tier progression. Sure a T2 blood mage could be taught every spell and ritual and then left on their own until they reach T5 but most teachers aren't doing that.

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Invoke ignorance at T2 seems wrong. Dropping the magic, especially if its a self-taught, one person ritual, should be a T1 thing.

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1 hour ago, Markisstreaming said:


Invoke ignorance at T2 seems wrong. Dropping the magic, especially if its a self-taught, one person ritual, should be a T1 thing.


I agree tbh but the lore for Invoke Ignorance specifically states it can only be self-taught at T2 or higher, that is what Zarsies wrote. For tier progression I simply went with what each ritual said.

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Amendments/Additions implemented into main lore post. Thank you for your submission. Moving to correct subforum to prevent redundancy and clutter.

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