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elHeial'thilln: the SILVER COUNCIL

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By the hand of the Sohaer in the year 182 S.A.


To the Blessed Citizenry and all other Our subjects whatsoever to whom these Conveyances are directed; Ai. Know ye that We of Our distinctive benevolence, certain erudition and mere motion do by these Conveyances promulgate and institute through these proclamations Our Silver Council.



THE SILVER COUNCIL – elHeial’thilln – shall comprise eight members, specifically:

Sohaer, the Head of State: Calathân an Naedwylm ( @MCVDK )

Maheral, the Most Blessed One: Avern’dionne Fi’talareh ( @Llir )


Elensir, the Chief Counselor: Presently vacant ( x )

Okarir’sil, the Master of Warfare: Incariol an Naedwylm ( @hotbox_monk )

Okarir’san, the Master of Diplomacy: Lindëlórelien an Naedwylm ( @gohliad )

Okarir’akaln, the Master of Coin: Valadhiel Viathûn ( @Alexi_ )

Okarir’lin, the Master of Residency: Soris V ( @WizardWhisper )

Okarir’maehr, the Master of Knowledge: Desimir Divadri ( @LegendaryLegend )



THE ELENSIR shall carry out their duties in accordance with the Edict of Edwyrm.



THE OKARIR’SIL shall be endowed with the following responsibilities:

i. The obligation to fulfill the role of the foremost minister of war, acting as the principal counselor on all subjects of warfare, and presiding over the Sillumir.

ii. The obligation to oversee all martial matters within the Silver State of Haelun’or, thereby safeguarding its well-being and ensuring readiness for times of conflict.

iii. The obligation to uphold and enforce the laws of the Silver State with integrity and diligence.



THE OKARIR’SAN shall be endowed with the following responsibilities:

i. The obligation to fulfill the role of the foremost minister of diplomacy, acting as the principal counselor on all subjects of international relations, and presiding over the creation of international agreements.

ii. The obligation to preserve and cultivate positive diplomatic relations between the Silver State of Haelun’or and foreign nations worldwide. 

iii. The obligations to ensure the well-being of Haelunorian citizens traveling abroad, engaging in peaceful negotiations with foreign nations to safeguard their continued safety and security.



THE OKARIR’AKALN shall be endowed with the following responsibilities:

i. The obligation to fulfill the role of the foremost minister of finance, acting as the principal counselor on all subjects of national wealth, and presiding over the Treasury.

ii. The obligation to guarantee continuous financial stability and growth through proactive growth initiatives and meticulous management of the State coffers.

iii. The obligation to maintain comprehensive and precise records of the State coffers, encompassing both revenue and expenditure.



THE OKARIR’LIN shall be endowed with the following responsibilities:

i. The obligation to fulfill the role of the foremost minister of residency, acting as the principal counselor on all subjects of the citizenry, and presiding over the Strewardry.

ii. The obligation to ensure timely and rightful taxation of all current citizens, and to promptly evict those who fail to comply.

ii. The obligation to approve and accommodate any ‘thill who wishes to reside within the Blessed city, provided they meet the requisite criteria.



THE OKARIR’MAEHR shall be endowed with the following responsibilities:

i. The obligation to fulfill the role of the foremost minister of knowledge, acting as the principal counselor on all subjects of mundane and magickal information, and presiding over the Eternal Library; therein its subsidiary institutions.

ii. The obligation to establish and uphold comprehensive records of historical events, political information, practitioners of magic, and any other pertinent data deemed significant.

iii. The obligation to safeguard the welfare and integrity of the Eternal Library, ensuring its accuracy and continued relevance.





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