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[A New Business!] The Starlight Eatery OPEN FOR LETTERS

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The Starlight Eatery

Serving Norland and Customers Since SA 179



Greetings sweet and savory fans alike! I want to introduce the newest eatery in Aevos called the Starlight Eatery! A sleek new kitchen and cheese-making room give it a homey feel. The inside is stocked full of savory eats and sweet treats! 

Don’t forget to stop by and get a gift for the kids! Commissions and to-go orders can be taken by bird to Ar-Malna [KillerMaid] or Godwin Maiheiuh [Aujy]


Experienced our service? You're welcome to write a review!

Ar-Malna does deliveries and performances as a clown for parties and other events! Rates may vary.



DISCLAIMER: All candy, trinkets, toys, or food commissions by Ar-Malna will be to order. Orders may take time and will have a base price of 10-15 minas. This can be negotiated if said commission is on a small scale. Bulk order prices are not included and will be provided when asked.

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Spuds read on. The moment he finished reading he ran out of his house and got on his faithful mastiff mount that quickly set off towards Norland nothing would stop his from candy and trinkets by his favorite sugar provider “ONWARDS BROWNIE! WE HAVE TO GET THERE BEFORE SHE RUNS OUT OF PIE AGAIN! MUSH MUSH!” 

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