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[PK]Passing of a Poet

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Passing of a Poet






The world was spinning, his head felt as though it was pounding, the tightness in his lungs was growing. What was this feeling, that sharp claustrophobic emotion, that tugged at his chest. 


It took him mere moments to realize, that lack of air, that stinging pain, and that wet metallic taste in his mouth. They were the signs, the tell-tale understanding of one's own death. 


You have established yourself upon the Ladder, now pray, pray to the Goat.

I. . ..pray to. . .none. . .but the Serpent

Than be devoured, be the consumed, for the Goat” 

Right. . .makes. . .right


He was only an acolyte, but he even knew that none but perhaps the serpent would save his soul. Perhaps that final offering, of death of the hellish dog, had served as a show of worth. Then again, all he had been in life was but a simple poet. 


A Poet, promised Princedom

A candle, snuffed before it could grow. 



Hey, know this PK is really short, but it made sense to make a little post. Kept it simple so that those that know, can spread the tale. But also to kinda give him one last sendoff. I've had a lot of fun playing him these last couple of months, hopefully will make a new character to replace him. 


Also feel free to rp knowing that he died, if you knew him. While the specifics may not be known, his death would quickly spread about. 


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The Serpent mourned the loss of her devout follower upon hearing the news of his untimely demise...

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"I told him I did ne trust him with the path. But he still sought it out." Mutters a mage, one cousin of the young elf. "What a curse the vie for knowledge is."

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Nefeli Py'lrie arrived just moments too late, finding the aftermath of a tragedy. With anguish etched into every feature, she sank to her knees beside the fallen figure of her beloved friend, regret heavy in her heart. The weight of their unresolved disagreement hung in the air, intertwining with her sorrow, and leaving her paralyzed with guilt. Tears stung her vision as she tenderly held his gold-rimmed spectacles, a poignant reminder of what was lost. The ache of their unresolved differences left her with a lingering sense of emptiness, a haunting reminder of what could never be reclaimed. 


A weakened whisper came, faintly murmured words that Len'ii hadn't received when they truly mattered:


"I'm so llun"

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Young eyes gaze at a missive, a pain in the chest starting to arise, and a lump in the throat constricting any words from escaping. Pale hands started to shake as shuddering breaths took hold. Those mismatched eyes shedding tears now as the young Acal'Turrii would just rest on the floor of her room- that was once for two- and curl her legs close to herself. "You promised we'd talk again..."

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Some large Zar'akal returned to his home and knelt a shrine of The Goat. He offered a prayer to The Lord and for the feast that he had been given. He knew the ladder was tough to climb, and this soul was set somewhere above a small zekul but behind a Zar'akal - what a cruel world it was - it was a cruel world he brought upon The Poet.

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