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| Forest Dwarves - Come Home |


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[!] This note would be posted all around the realm of Aevos - especially around the forests [!]



| Forest Dwarves - Come Home |



To all those Forest Dwarves hidden amongst the woods,


For many years our folk have been spread widely across the realm - Hiding from the hate of the blood age. The depths of the forest provide us safety and comfort, though just as well they may hide us from our kin… and from the dangers of the realm we inhabit. Now, the blood age is over, and all dwed must find strength in each other. It is for these reasons that centuries ago the Paragon Bjor Cottonwood chose to answer Anbella’s call - and create a home for all those Forest Dwarves who would venture to the lands of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Our village has recently been rebuilt, a beautiful jewel amongst the forests of the Highlands - Hefrumm.


I call to each of you to leave the safety of your burrows amongst the roots - Find your way home to the land of Forest Dwarves, and live amongst your kin. Your skills in hunting, carving - Your ability to live from the land, to hunt, to carve, and your understanding of Anbella’s natural realm will be invaluable… and very well may serve to protect us all in the uncertain future to come. With The Harrower and Azdromoth’s war drums beating louder than they ever have.. It’s time for our folk to be together - to face what dangers lie on the horizon.


Hefrumm is a place for all forest dwarves to have a say in their place in the realm. Our folk know that it is only together that we can thrive - and so our village is one of equal places for all our kin. In Hefrumm, your voice will be equal amongst the Folk’s Council - and never shall you feel separated from the forests that you love - that you call home. The village is located outside the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan - along the main road. Dwed of Aevos’ forests… find your way home. 


Anbella Guide

ᚨᚾᛒᛖᛚᛚᚨ ᚷᚢᛁᛞᛖ




Tuzic the Ember,

High Chief of Hefrumm, Servant of Anbella, Chief of the Mossborn, Seer of Hefrumm




This is a recruitment post! We are looking for new forest dwarf players in Hefrumm - One of the longest-lasting settlements in all of LOTC! Our group has a rich lore, going back for many years now. We need all kinds of players, and we’re a very chill bunch of people just trying to have some fun.


My discord is: sharpstringz - If you’re interested/curious about making a forest dwarf, shoot me a DM and I'd love to help you in any way that you need - whether that is skins, backstory, lore, or anything else! If discord isn’t your style, I will also respond to any comments on this post - or forum DM’s! My IGN is Sharpstring if you want to reach out in-game. And if you're wanting to simply make a character on your own, that is more than welcome as well!


Village Location: -1797, 131, 941 


Here are links to just some of the lore of Hefrumm and the forest dwarves!: 






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Atop the mountains, among the animals, a dwarf with emerald eyes and a great brown beard looks up to the windy skies. His chest puffed up and his belly full, belches into the wind. "Moi kin summon me Home." Says the Cottonwood, Lofi Beornsson, to the herd of wild boars that feast upon his Sugartits stew.

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Ealisaid panned to her husband in question.


"We overdue ah visi', love?"



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A young mossborn now recently unearthed from his hiding space would be lurking atop the roofs of moss and bushes. Playing with the toads and frogs at the great pond. 

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The golem Margaid'Dorn covered itself in moss.

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The 3’8 Forest Dwarf would come out of his home with a smile on his face looking at Hefrumm. “Ah ‘ome at last wit’ meh kin.”  Roak made way down his stairs and would be with his kin once more. 

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