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La Mariposas de una Quinceañera

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𝕷𝖆𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖆𝖘 𝖉𝖊 𝖚𝖓𝖆 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆

Published the 12th of Horen’s Calling, 103 D.R.





A portrait of the young princess would rest here.





Upon this day, the crown is thrilled to announce the coming-of-age for Her Highness; Princesa Solana Aracely, the youngest member of the Royal Household. Due to the El Puente taking place during her true fifteenth names day, Princesa Solana chose to delay her Quinceañera so as to not overcrowd the celebrations of the season. Allies and friends alike would be invited to partake in the grand celebration, with the theme being “The Garden of Butterflies”.


As per tradition, the colors forbidden to be worn are red and blue.




The celebrations shall take place within the Royal Palace of Hyspia, inside the main ballroom. Music shall be provided by the royal mariachi band, along with catering to fuel the attendees as they dance well into the night. The comedy lounge shall also be open for those who wish to rest their feet for a moment as well. It is during this time that any individuals that are interested in courting the Princesa may publicly, or privately, present her with pearls, as is in Hyspian tradition.



As the music and dancing comes to an end, gifts may be presented as a traditional Hyspian cake will be distributed to all those attending. During this time, a piñata will descend from the ceiling for everyone to take a chance at cracking it open! Whomever achieves this shall be presented with a special pin.



With the festivities coming to an end, all attendees will be guided towards the infamous arena for a bull fight! The final tradition the young royal must take part in, though others (who have opted-in and signed a waiver) are able to participate. Medics shall be on standby in case of any injuries.



[OOC: Sunday, May 26th @ 6:30pm EST]


Formal Invitations:

The Sovereign Household of Hyspia
La Señora, Revekka Panya-ha Luceran de Rah’tuma and her household
La Señora, Fleur Halcourt, Baroness de Compagnon and her household
La Señora, Marcela Annika Denodado, Heiress of Banderas and her household
El Señor, Konstantin and his household
And, of course, the Citizenry of Hyspia


Personal Invitations:

Señora Revekka Panya-ha Luceran
Señor Joaquin Andrea Salazar
Señor Carlos Lorenzo Salazar
Señorita Gabriela Alondra Cabrera
Señor Joa von Leopold
Señor Alejandro Flores
Señora Verena von Kanunsberg
Señorita Tomila Krupin
Señora Mahaut van Leuven


En El Nombre De Dios


HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Ramona de Pelear,

Sovereign Princess of Hyspia, Duchess of Pacazu, Baroness of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lady of Ladorada, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestress of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Matriarch of House de Pelear


HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia,

Soberano-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca, Del’mar and Montenno, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk


HER HIGHNESS, Solana Aracely de Pelear,

Princess of Hyspia, Countess of Dureno

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Solana's elder sister frowns. This girl was growing far too quickly. . .


Santana takes to the streets to find a brick to place atop Solana's head- perhaps that will stop her from growing. 

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Renata Alba began to immediately plan a gift for her cousin! Something fitting would be important. Something that encompasses who she is!

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Posted (edited)

"A celebration, neh? I've also been meaning to visit Hyspia... Hm. Maybe I'll speed up construction on my ship." Said a 'fenn in blue sailing garbs. "Should probably ask Panya if I can get an invitation, too."

Edited by Nimbus_Strike
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After receiving the invitation, Alteon began to find a wonderful gift for Solana! He also began to repeat and practice; "Gracias, gracias, gracias."

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