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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖋𝖙


Following the beginning of sunset the Swiv'Lur band marched into the city of Amathine, hoping to find the jewel of the south and a great deal of battle; they were met with no resistance. For better or for worse their activities were unhindered as they proceeded to the docks; stealing the Flagship of the Crown complete with six cannon, the Swiv led by Daahd'Lur proceeded to pillage any and all citizens before setting sail. Once a safe distance from the harbor the Warband began to launch cannon upon the docks sinking the remaining seaborne vessels with the exception of the sole fisherman's dinghy which continued to float about the harbor piloted by one brave aged Elf; though notably none of the cannons were fired upon him.



The sinking of The Sul.



The sinking of the Tarian'el.



𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓐𝓭𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷


It is with deep pride and greatest honor that I send to you today word of my exploits. I am sure you heard the cannon, and saw the flames, dearest 'Queen'. It is a warning, nothing more. The flames of wrath and ruin spread across the seas, and they come for you- today was an unfortunate consequence of siding with the Lord of Tyrants, Father of Cowards, and Cuckolded Scoundrel Xan. You strike at us and wish us doom and demise, so we repay you in kind. There are many cowards amongst you, and even some amongst us, but it will be known the Swiv' are not. The war will continue to be brought to your doorstep, famine, bloodshed, desolation, and ruin will admonish your realm unless you withdraw from the conflict. However . . . should you wish to continue this blight upon your populace we have provided you with a new Flagship:




We have nicknamed it the "Queen's Retribution" in your honor; hark! Look how it avoids the flames and cannon fire! Surely with this vessel you will be at once able to claim victory with your armies over Luraq! Alas, though I would love to continue this letter I am running out of ink and as you will have noticed I have resorted to using the blood of the Paladins. What they say about their blood being gold- it isn't true, though that would have made for some brilliant writing.



            The Saint-Slayer, Scuttler of Ships, Great Kapo of Luraq, Daahd'Lur. 

P.S Tell Balian they're next.








Call me a ****** piece of shit
A crazy nit wit twit, but I stole your ****** ships
If you think you’ll get em back, go and kiss my ass
About to cause another splash, a ripple to the lash
A time warp templar bloating mishmash
Of Kani wielding mouse, set fire to your blouse
You think you’re safe cause you’re in a house; but the house just got doused;
We not quiet, all loud, we emoted in shout, no reason for you to pout

I kill a ****** Saint that was made in MS paint, while cowards looked on and fuckin faint, so ****** lame, what a ****** shame.
I beat up your war machines and replace their minds, make them blind, and follow in a line; keeping time with command modules that are ST signed.
I march to your city, with my men in droves; if it weren’t for the Kae’thul wall that blocked off the ****** roads; what a land scar- that shit blows; but that's the way it goes, at least their active unlike your shit yo; at least they’re active unlike your shit yo

I expertly perfectly raid your village, like peasants to pillage with hella blood spillage while I reap your grain millage, and listen to Swiv’Lur blah babbilage
If you even had a smidge of my respect I would have left you with a spec of a deck, and not collect yelling ‘kek’ while my war mechs wreck you in your neck with their high tech codec.

You’re ****** useless the way that you claim to be ruthless, but you’re toothless and juiceless about to be robbed roofless by Rufus the Dog, the Hemoss family patron God, that Herald that cannot die protected by the plot, that Herald that cannot die protected by the plot.

I got eight cannon on this war galleon, how many shots you think it take to blow up Balian?
Your men aren't sallying or rallying, they’re dilly dallying.
What's going on? Call 911, cause we forgot who fought Cloudbreaker head on, and our allies are gone; across the pond- I guess you cant trust a Paladin’s word or bond. I guess you can’t trust a Paladin’s word or bond.


Everything is in Context, my mother used to- she'd give us a hard time sometimes and she'd say to us:

I don't know what's wrong with you young people.

You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?

You exist in the context, of all that you live, and what came before you.




Lyrics: I'm not translating the Chet Hanks lines.


What’s good from the hood, you been losin’ like you should
I’ve been blowing up your woods, yeah you fight me? Wish you could.
Right now, I’m down; gonna whip you all around
Gotta teach you ****** lessons, this orc strength got you mad stressin
Wrestlin’, It’s the best fuckin blessin’, powergame jk just ****** messin’
You got shit like a salad with no dressin’, just wish you listen to me
Look your nation gettin’ a little coup-y, this shit aint a ***** movie 
You want your ship back? Sue me. Blow your ass up like kablooie

I got that new weed,
Your shit so fuckin old I dry heaved
Don’t mean to do some prying-
But have you been exercising?
No? I thought so, you lookin’ like you tossed up
About to get you shot up, you fake leader imposta

We in a Hot Tub, that voidal tear night club
They got my ass mic’d up sing same love same love
By Macklemore, God this shits a ****** bore, catch my ass layin on the floor
Outvoker lore
Dont wake me if I snore 

I got that boomsteel, you don’t know where you next meal
Is coming from, you ****** bum, attack Sol Invicta- you ***** dumb?
You on some weird shit, some too many beers shit
Nathaniel Maxwell, when he died that was a bomb shell :(


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The LotC rap battles continue. This is the best thing to come out of apotheosis lmao

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2 minutes ago, Pallodium said:

The LotC rap battles continue. This is the best thing to come out of apotheosis lmao


not, its THE BEST thing to come out of this event


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shout out jerrythenoob please put on some cologne, yo rufus the dog leave foog the **** alone


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Sul Amirsan aen Sov shakes his fist at the sky.

"Acaelan's reckoning! Death to the Swivelers!"

He immediately placed a new order for three ships and lamented the cost.

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A poem response was posted to the song.





"The Dragons hit me up with a british sneak diss.
When I heard the words, just a weak-ass sneak miss.

They mention my tear, with this corny ass beat.

Stick to what you know, don't make me repeat.

I heard you got Drakes, your skill is deceit.

Play this shit out till your thoughts are complete.

Think you're from Hohkmat, your flow is damn weak

Call you a mage, call you a freak.

Flow of a Youtuber, locked up for life, 

Worst thing a brit can do? Stab with a knife.
Call me a Barrowlord. The Path of Strife.

Think you're my enemy? No-one I like.

I cannot see you - you must be a wight.

But at least with the ghosts, they might give a fright.

Dragonflame is only good to spark a light.

Checked out Pala-logs, Sean, on that flight!

On the topic of Paladins, the ex-cuse for 'Might'-

It's now time to Fade to Black. I wish you Goodnight."



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Bohmb'Lur, the goblin child fanatic let out a triumphant, high pitched cry of elation upon hearing the good news.

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