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Devinne Swash Regular

Devinne Swash Regular







To Lorand Korvacz,


You have proposed to my daughter and heiress to my demense, without speaking to me on the matter beforehand. While I am sympathetic to those who seek their love with passion, it is still improper to have proposed to my daughter without approval of House Whitewood.


However, Arowyn has pleaded your case, so I shall offer you terms to make things right.


I will allow you to marry my daughter if you best me in a duel of the following conditions:

A. Full Armour

B. No potions

C. No magics or enchanted weaponry

D. On Foot

E. Melee


If you best me, or sufficiently impress me proving that you will be able to protect my beloved Arowyn through the tribulations of life, you will receive my blessing to wed, and receive a warm welcome into the House of Whitewood.


If you fail to best me in the duel, you will have two options you may choose from to attain sufficient honour befitting of my daughter’s status:

A. Slay a Danugol

B. Serve 10 years in the Brabantine Militia


In all honesty, you might prefer the Danugol to me.


I await you for the duel in Brabant, next saint’s day. [Wednesday 3PM EST]


Visitors and Citizens are welcome to watch the duel.







His Grace, Ser Sterling Blaxton-Whitewood,

Duke of Brabant, Marquis of Lotusgrad, Baron of Blackwell, Lilenburg and Swan’s Keep, Lord of the Peaks, Protector of the Weefolk.




[!] Official Seal of House Whitewood




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William got hyped as he was reading the missive "I cannot miss this! I cannot miss this!" he then went on to mark the date on his calendar.

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An old woman nearly spat her drink out upon receiving the missive from one of her all-too-diligent grandchildren. This jest what he’s been up to?” Rozsika Korvacz was shocked, to say the least.

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"He vas taught better manners than this." Peter von Leopold, the uncle of Lorand spoke aloud as he read the flyer. "Ich have faith your elder brother will win, regardless. He was alvays ein skillled fighter. Last I saw him, anyvays." Peter said, speaking to his nephew, and raised son, Nikolaus. @TheosVult

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An old man, sickly in bed read over the missive with furrowed brows, letting out a sigh "Oh Lorand- Y hoped vy knew to court before engagement." Miklos quietly grumbled, setting the missive to the side "GODAN be with vy, Grandson of Mine.. Korvacz blood runs in vyr veins, vy will fight strong."

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4 hours ago, asoart said:

William got hyped as he was reading the missive "I cannot miss this! I cannot miss this!" he then went on to mark the date on his calendar.

Cosima thought that her brother needed new hobbies.

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Lorand Korvacz II looks over at the missive, quite glad that this happened, being quite fond of challenges. Hoping that the duel will bring at least some people to show up. "This is where the fun begins..." He sighs to himself for a moment, starting to plan a approach to this.

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Lothair wonders whether the flouting of customs was due to an ignorance or a disdain for them. "A curious course of behaviour for a future Duke."

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