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Previously: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/237333-the-apes-claim


Monkey!” a stout metalclad creature called out at Mori-Yu, The Infernal Ape of Hexicanum, as the demon stared over the precipice of his newly taken tower.


The Rakaal turned towards Draahd’Lur with a sickly grin plastered across his face Welcome to Bloodmoon Tower, little goblinoid.


The armored figure glowered up towards the gorilla and with clear annoyance he retorted Before you arrived here, this dark spire, Luraq, was mine and it still is. You trespass far beyond the forests of the Oyashi and you insult an Admiral of  Azdromoth.


Mori-Yu released a mad cackle before cooing “Plans within plans within plans.. Words alone will not drive me out. Assemble the forces of your own to meet the might of The Legion.


I know not what vile trickery permitted your claim over my lands but when I discover it they will feel the same wrath that is destined for you.” The Kapo croaked out before giving a sharp exhale and storming off to assemble his forces for a siege.


Kekekeke. KA-KEKEKEKEKEEEEE!” The wretched laugh rung out throughout the desert before the twisted Hou-Zi also went to call to arms the disciples of  Gashadokuro.


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The events will happen every other day and take place at varying times so as to be EU friendly.


If a player's character is killed in battle they may not return for the next battle but they may appear for the battle thereafter. [Killed players go on cooldown]


Each side will battle in squads of 5 for the sake of crp clarity.

   - Each squad will be limited to summoning 3 non-player entities for the purpose of combat. [Rule pending change depending on the outcome of battles.]

   - If each side has the same amount of victorious squads then the surviving victors will fight (or concede) the following day at the same time.

         - Wounds may not be healed in the time between fights [only in the event of concluding a tie] though stamina may be recovered.


Players caught unjustly whining in looc [if a mod rules against their complaint] will be wholly banned from future participation in this eventline.


The Legion of Iblees will be defending from within the fort. The Azdrazi and their allies will be able to use the nearby ship and campsite as launchpoints and safe havens.






Players will not loot fallen foes.

Potions used must be used, horses killed must be killed, projectiles expended must be destroyed, and other such single use items must be appropriately disposed of.


A forum post must be made by the victorious side of each event which does not detail specific character deaths (unless a player decides to PK of their own volition)

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                                                                Field battle and Gate Breach [FRIDAY 5/31 @ 4:30 pm EST]


                                                                Layer 1 [SUNDAY 6/2 @ 7:15 pm EST]


                                                                Layer 2 & 3 [TUESDAY 6/4 @ 12:30 pm EST]


                                                                 Layer 4 & 5 [THURSDAY @ 4:30 pm EST]


                                                                The Summit [FRIDAY @ 7:15 pm EST]



180 / -10 / 2170

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The results will be determined by which side seems to have won the majority of the 5 events. The winning side may remove either @_Jandy_ or @Sean_VEVO as a region owner of ironhorde_vassal_swivlur.



If both parties agree to truce in order to co-attack Hyspia together then the seige may be halted.



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Daahd'Lur called upon the realms of Mortal Men and Immortal Dragon alike; war was brought to The Dark Spire.


"Prepare the cannon for bombardment." Cried the Captain of The Luraq,


When the Paladin Order was finished, he mused, the full attention of the Drake Knights would be set upon Luraq.


Darkness had won many times before, but it would not be allowed to prevail within the boundries of the Kapo. Many would be slain in the conflict, and whatever the price, thought Daahd'Lur, the tower and Luraq would once again be in his grasp.





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Daal skipped along merrily in his whimsy towards the tower. A hexicanium blood all the way

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