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Henry Arthur Haverlock breathed a huge sigh of relief, knowing one thing he had hoped for had been done. He then moved along, aiming to see to other affairs within Ravenmire and Blackworth.

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Caius I, pleased with the decree nods his head towards the missive, pleased with the outcome and Bo's pious step. He turns towards Cardinal Frantzisko.

"It is our hope that hostile relationships with the Sovereignity of Ravenmire will cease henceforth, that relations may be normalised and prosperous for the future. Rest assured, in the name of honour, the Church must cease it's sponsorship of hostile military action against Ravenmire henceforth, on accoutn of this concession. Let it be known to men."

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A bandaged baron in the tower of Blackworth would let out a sigh, looking over his glass of rum he would say to himself  "Peace in ouw time my feooowsth." Then looking into the night sky he glance to the moon, a single tear leaving his eye.

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The Baroness of Mondstadt, a distant niece of the sovereign, slid a courier a letter with a whisper for it to be delivered in secret; one of congratulations.

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"The King who would be Sovereign - and the Beggar in his service who would be Baron thousandfold, and Prince, King and Emperor all at once," commented the Bishop of Saint Godwin, Father Jean - the former governor and scourge of the despised and excommunicated Stassies, whose status as rat-refugees in the Realm of Ravenmire yet remained a glaring issue, unsolved by the Sovereign's concession.


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"An excellent outcome. Peace amongst men, just as Emperor Aurelius once said." remarked Marc Galbraith during one of his frequent visits to the Free City of Chambery upon reading the local newspapers. Later on, he would immediately flee from the city upon being informed about a certain matter regarding his presence in the Heartlands that threatened his own safety and security whilst remaining in such nation.

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18 minutes ago, Cheese said:

The Baroness of Mondstadt, a distant niece of the sovereign, slid a courier a letter with a whisper for it to be delivered in secret; one of congratulations.

As Bo get the letter he gives a small nod as he stands on the walls of Ravenmire taking in the Northern sea breeze, mourning the loss of a good friend as funeral preparations are undergone in the capital for the Marshall of Blackworth.


"I hope Vy is doing well."

A simple letter is sent in return to his niece.

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Within the rooms of their separate homes, the retired Landser Hildibrand Brawn, Krieger Joseph von Berkhoven, and Arthur Helfgott read the missive before talking to themselves.


Hildibrand Brawn’s Response

The aged Highlander smiled seeing this “It ‘st by ‘he Will o’ GOTT that all o’ humanity should be hand ‘n hand with’n HIS kingdom.. no need for the unification of our separate nations t’ show that we are o’ one banner… GOTT’s Will ‘ist absolute.” He spoke before going back to his desk to work on some jewelry.

Joseph von Berkhoven’s Response

The studious soldier looked at the missive and nods his head “If it is by the Vicar of GOTT that our fellow brothers und sisters of the Canon sacrifice their title to be of GOTT’s flock once more, then I have no questions.” He spoke before looking out the window at rest of Kretzen “Ich hope we will be able to purge Aevos from the deceiver’s filth with this addition to GOTT’s army..”

Arthur Helfgott’s Response

The adventurous Reinmarien looked at the missive before thinking to himself “I should venture out to this Ravenmire soon, Ich think it will be grand to meet our fellow northern Canonist neighbors.” He spoke as he went to get all his gear and pack ready… and also a map so he knows where to go.

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Little Gaspard reads over this notice with a rather large frown upon him, grieving the loss of his mentor.
The Little Gaspard speak faintly to himself
"I should have been there. . .If. . .If only I wasn't s-so weak" 


Let the emo phase commit


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A Blackworth bannerman would salute the dead Marshal

"Fight or be Forgot" He would respond as he lowered his head remembering the dead

"You died a warriors death" The bannerman said as he looked on over the black cliffs of Blackworth silently weeping.

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