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† The Clerical Order †


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Thrym, is this guild going to build a massive monestary or something for the new map? I suggest that, as it would be an incredible and fitting place for this guild.

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I too would also help design and help build if you needed it.

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[[ I am extremely excited about this guild, but before joining, I wanted to know if you're going to update the Daemon list? I was interested in Fallsheth, the fastest of the daemon, and the sun. (according to a child's tale about the sun and the moon).

((I will add this Daemon if you give me a link to some approved lore))

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I made a nice camp with specific tents for ranks and such, but I managed to delete the map , I can make a new one if anyone really wants to see. It was pretty mobile and all tents, sort of like the group near the cloud temple.

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1)MC Name & RP Name: Jroy96 & Braxis Silverblade

2)Chosen Patron:Aeriel

3)Reason For Joining (do not have the reason be to become Ascended): Braxis is an Old war veteren from Snowy feilds and has much fighting experience in his past. And now has left the Nation he was High Constable to and seeks reason again. Braxis used to be extremely faithful to the light and Aeriel back in his past and when he got in many high ranks in Oren & Renatus he slowly did less and less for the Light & Aeriel. And now he is once again free and realizes he needs to make up for how long he shunned the light and hopes to become a cleric to help others and be a Servent and Peacekeeper of the Light


Human , Half Elf

5)Flaws in Your Character: He is verying trusting and loyal to many. Which can get him in the wrong place at the wrong time. And will do anything he can to protect his familiy the Silverblades. And he balances diplomacy and brute force but sometimes does diplomacy when brute force is needed and vice versa.

6) How long have you been on the server: since july 31 2011

Scenario Questions-Answer how you would react to each situation.

7) You notice an Apprentice Shade harassing a lowly citizen. [shades Are Evil Mages] Braxis would watch the shade and wait for either a verbel threat or attack to be made before intercepting. When I see a threat or a form of assult I go to the citizens side at once. And then will hand the man a small bag of minas and tell him go to a tavern and get some food and ale and forget about this. And then will calmly tell the Shade to leave. And if he does I will walk and catch up to the citizen to calm the lad down. But if the shades turns hostile on me I will unseathe my sword go and try to scare him away and if that does not work,I will knock him out instead. And then put his unconcious body in a safe hidden place so when he awakes he can leave and be fine...except for a headache

8) You see a small child shivering in the snow. Braxis will look down at the child and give him some leather clothing for warmth and some food.And then look around to see if any parents or the childs guardians are around. And if not he will take the child home and make a small room for the child to sleep in for the next couple of days while Braxis looks for the Parents/Familiy members. And when people come and claim to the be childs parents Braxis will confirm it by the Child and if he agreas and says that is my parents Braxis will hand the child over and wish them all to be safe and may the light watch over them. If they are not Braxis would ask them nicely to leave and then close his door and hopes the childs parents will come soon.

9) You are walking down the road when a bandit stops you and threatens to kill you if you don't give him all your money and valuables. Braxis will talk to the man asking him why is he using his blade for evil purposes, and risking so much for sevral minas and some items. And tell him easier ways to make a living such as being a Guard and gettin payed monthly, Or be a knight and earn money and fame through quest assigned by the commander. Or if the bandit doesnt really want to fight he would suggest farming or if he has a good swing to his arm he would suggest mining and make lots of money off of minerals and ingots. And then while the man would be thinking Braxis would Be safe and may the light watch over ye. And then walk off calmly to leave the bandit alone to think and hopefully change to a better life.

10) As you walk through the local market place a person begins to yell that Aeriel and the other patrons are weak and cruel and claims that joining Iblees is the only way to survive. Would tell the man "the Folks here are not dumb to abonded the light and join Ibless and worship the undead now leave before I summon the guards" If the man does not leave Braxis would get a citizen to get the guards while Braxis keeps an eye on the Worshiper. And when the guards arrive he would tell them of the situation and let the gaurds take over from there and wishes the worshiper may the light have mercy on ye soul.

11) A person walks up and asks you, "Why does God allow suffering to continue?"

Braxis would smirk and say "its a test can you not see? if ye remain loyal and faithul to the light and ye will be rewarded at the end. with what well God will know what ye need the most and will help ye get it." Then would let the man ponder on the though and wish him to be safe and may the light watch him as he walks off to let the man think in peace.

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*You notice Zane standing on the side of a road attempting to gather a crowd*

*As the silence overtakes the croud, the light from Zane's eyes escape the hood as the seal is broken and his hood is removed. When Zanes face is revealed you see a worn down dark elves face, a blind fold over his absence of eyes, and a disfigured nose is seen as if it was removed*

Brothers, Sisters of the Clerical Order. I fear that the greed of knowledge, and a greater understanding of our Gods have breached my skull. I, Zane, Cleric of the Clerical Order shall be making my leave into deep solitude into far off mountains. When my I may return is currently unknown to me, and may not be within the lifespan of a human, or perhaps only a couple of years, only time will tell.. On this note, I leave you all my goodbyes. I shall return, eventually.

*Zane pulls his hood on once more, granting him vision as the hood booms light and eyes form and blink. Wielding his golden staff of Lefor's Blessing, he walks off, into the nearby forests.*

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(( I am wondering what is happening with this guild we all live separately so how are we planning on handling the magic plugin. We are in direct link with our patron so no one really teaches us our basic power. So if anyone has a plan could they let me know.))

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†William Valinor


Patron: God

Race: Dark Elf

Apprently WizardinaBox is- From main post

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ah well hmm this guild doesn't seem to active anymore... I shall contact him true pm because I would not want to see this group die))

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((Wizard has just told me he can't lead the guild so, I think its basically up to me to pick the successor. First I need to know who is still actually in the guild. Guild members post here if you are still a member. I'll give you until Feb. 1st))

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((Wizard has just told me he can't lead the guild so, I think its basically up to me to pick the successor. First I need to know who is still actually in the guild. Guild members post here if you are still a member. I'll give you until Feb. 1st))

I am here

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