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The Claw Family


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Jingeh Claw - Kyleinator

Age: 100


Jingeh Claw is the oldest brother of all Claws, Leading his siblings on a daily basis around Asulon. They are usually situated in Aquila at their Claw Mannor/Dancin' Gobbo. Jingeh's a stout Goblin, Short and stubby with a pot belly and a 'Shiny' red nose.

Tangle Claw - Tigergamer



Tangle Claw is, well, the opposite to Jingeh, The youngest Claw. He knows very little 'Glob' which consists of "Yub, Nub, Bu" and other short words. Tangle's nickname is 'Tanga or Tango' which he is usually called by his other brothers

Clack Claw - Skippy369



Clack Claw is one of the younger Claws, Just a years older then Tangle. He is a small, weakish goblin. Often seen wielding a bone. On his right eye, there is an outline of yellow. His nickname is 'Clackass'.

Tiny Claw - Mririshboys



A happy Goblin who stands at 2.7 feet tall, he has many little teeth that are scattered around his mouth in the oddest of places. His red eyes often twinkle. His right side of his face is covered in purple paint, the reason for this is currently unknown.

Jangle Claw - Thuud

Age: 74


Jangle Claw is one of the first Claw's from Momma Claw's womb, He has yellow paint on his left eye making him stand out from the others, but it also resemblies his love for flowers. He is known as by his brothers as 'Rex of Flowers'.

Glob Claw - JoshIsTooCool



Glob is the largest of the Claws. Baring a hefty weight, life isn't all fun and games when wherever Glob goes, his weight ties him down.. literally. Glob is a joyous Claw, finding all things amusing, especially the ripples of his large attire, which could keep him in awe for hours. Glob looks much like his brother, only considerably larger, and wishes to behave like them.. immature. He's the opposite of the 'runt' of the litter.. he's large cuddly Gobbo.

Klobb Claw



Klobb Claw is a short young goblin, he is rather weak and has an overly high pitched voice. He is outgoing, yet naïve. Klobb is very curious, yet has a very low attention span. He is often seen fishing as he has an obsession with fish. Klobb believe he is able to make people die by looking at them. This comes from a time, during the plague, when he witnessed people die around him, thinking it was him coursing this, his only way of explaining it was that he has death sight. Of course, he doesn’t. Klobb has large ears and large eyes, he has a small red nose and small childlike teeth.

Klobb is very stupid. He is smart enough to follow orders and know who his friends are, but that is about it. He can talk and walk like anyone else, but it is his naivety and gullibility that lets him down.

Bod Claw - Pengepi



Bod Claw is a large-ish Goblin who has little to no control over his bowels, he stands at 3' tall and has a bright red nose.He is also twin brother to Klobb, He refuses to wear any clothing other than a potato sack.Bod is not too stupid, but below average intelligence. Thinks redstone is dark evil sorcery.

If you wish to become part of the Claw family, Momma claw is constantly active.

[You need to make a new character if you wish to join the Claw's unless you have an Goblin character already.Fill out the form below]



Gobbo Name:

Short Gobbo Bio like the ones above[include appearance]:

Stupidity Level:


Special Trait:



All Credit goes to Kyleinator [Jingeh Claw] for making the family.

[Notice: All other Claw's that have not been listed, Please make a small bio and post it below, it will then be copyed and pasted on here.]

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(( yey claws. ))

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((I saw you guys givin your I had a dream speech at the cloud temple, pumpkins is for wine silly :P ))

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Gobbo Name: Glob Claw

Short Gobbo Bio like the ones above[include appearance]:

Glob is the largest of the Claws. Baring a hefty weight, life isn't all fun and games wherever Glob goes, his weight ties him down.. literally. Glob is a joyous Claw, finding all things amusing, especially the ripples of his large attire, which could keep him in awe for hours. Glob looks much like his brothers, only considerably larger, and wishes to behave like them.. immature. He's the opposite of the 'runt' of the litter.. he's large cuddly Gobbo.

Age: 30

Stupidity Level: 89%

Gender: Male

Special Trait: Abnormally large nipples.

[[i'ma current member of the family :)]]

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Gobbo Name: Bod Claw [[Pengepi]]

Short Gobbo Bio like the ones above[include appearance]: Bod is a large-ish Goblin who has little to no control over his bowels, he stands at 3' tall and has a bright red nose. He refuses to wear any clothing other than a potato sack.

Stupidity Level: Not too stupid, but below average intelligence. Thinks redstone is dark evil sorcery.

Gender: Male.

Special Trait: Can fart near enough at will, and has brilliant ideas when he puts his mind to it.

[[He's aged fifteen, and is a current member of the family.]]

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Gobbo Name: Spinzy

Short Gobbo Bio like the ones above[include appearance]: Spinzy is a very skinny, and quick little goblin. But due to his skinnynes, he is very bad at fighting, and the only way he survives in the war uzg, is to make a quick get away when he is about to getting captured. But he is not weak like all the other races kids. And he stands 2feets tall and have good reflexes.

Age: 7

Stupidity Level: I don't know how stupid 100% is.. But he is quite smart, but not with science. He have good reflexes and a good hearing. But he barely knows what two plus two is. He is also quite bad at remembering. So he is about 87%

Gender: Male

Special Trait: Good reflexes and a good hearing.

(If someone can make a quick skin, or find one, I will be able to RP today, because. I suck at making skins. If you can, please add more player models size to it ^^))


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Gobbo Name: Klobb

Short Gobbo Bio like the ones above[include appearance]: Klobb is a short young goblin, he is rather weak and has an overly high pitched voice. He is outgoing, yet naïve. Klobb is very curious, yet has a very low attention span. He is often seen fishing as he has an obsession with fish. Klobb believe he is able to make people die by looking at them. This comes from a time, during the plague, when he witnessed people die around him, thinking it was him coursing this, his only way of explaining it was that he has death sight. Of course, he doesn’t. Klobb has large ears and large eyes, he has a small red nose and small childlike teeth.

Stupidity Level: Klobb is very stupid. He is smart enough to follow orders and know who his friends are, but that is about it. He can talk and walk like anyone else, but it is his naivety and gullibility that lets him down.

Gender: Male

Special Trait: Lumberjacking, mining and fishing

Age: 15, he is twins with Bod.

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A note hangs in the Living Quarters of the Dancin' Gobbo, written in large wobbly print in dyes of mismatching colours.

"Mi brudas, Bod as an idea tu mayk many munnies fur family. It be whures. Da Dancin' Gobbo need whures. -Bod"

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Gobbo Name:


Short Gobbo Bio like the ones above:

Zob usually goes around naked with only some shorts, unless he is going out with his family, where he will wear robes much like Jingeh's. He loves making jokes albeit he never means them as jokes [:blink:]. He's mentally distraught since childhood, and he never was one to be meant for great things, or due to anything grand. His life went out as everyone deems of him, a joke. He lives as he talks, distracted, usually ending up in awkward places due to this. He enjoys travelling and flirting, but the one time he tought he had a potential female as a mate,she tried to adopt him as she called him "Baby" [-_-]. He also has a few beliefs in the term of racism, such as thinking elven babies are born in apples, or the dwarven babies are born with a beard...or that all the humans are born being due to greatness, wich is why he usually mocks them aby the terms of them all always thinking they can achieve greatness, although they usually take this as a compliment. Zob speaks very, very...Vewy bad, although he speaks in what he deems "Perfect Orcish", sometimes even his family wont understand him, as he usually begins rambling in babytalk, mixing orcish with baby-mumble.

Stupidity Level:



Male [i think]

Special Trait:

Zob can talk. [lol], No, his special trait would be his ability to make animal noises.



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Gobbo Name:


Short Gobbo Bio like the ones above:

Zob usually goes around naked with only some shorts, unless he is going out with his family, where he will wear robes much like Jingeh's. He loves making jokes albeit he never means them as jokes [:blink:]. He's mentally distraught since childhood, and he never was one to be meant for great things, or due to anything grand. His life went out as everyone deems of him, a joke. He lives as he talks, distracted, usually ending up in awkward places due to this. He enjoys travelling and flirting, but the one time he tought he had a potential female as a mate,she tried to adopt him as she called him "Baby" [-_-]. He also has a few beliefs in the term of racism, such as thinking elven babies are born in apples, or the dwarven babies are born with a beard...or that all the humans are born being due to greatness, wich is why he usually mocks them aby the terms of them all always thinking they can achieve greatness, although they usually take this as a compliment. Zob speaks very, very...Vewy bad, although he speaks in what he deems "Perfect Orcish", sometimes even his family wont understand him, as he usually begins rambling in babytalk, mixing orcish with baby-mumble.

Stupidity Level:



Male [i think]

Special Trait:

Zob can talk. [lol], No, his special trait would be his ability to make animal noises.



[[beautiful. Not sure if I'm allowed to accept this, but you have my blessing.]]

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