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[✓] [Lore] The North Star


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Jon already did something like this in RP... He called this star the Eagle's Guide. Y'know, cuz Eagles always know where they're going. That name might be a good one.

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Can you change the font color for mobile friendly ??

Oops, my bad. I was even thinking of doing it but then didn't get around to making a non-colored version of my post. Sorry about that and huge thanks to Skippy for doing it! :)

I like the name suggestions, however we also call that bright solar object on the sky sun and that shaped thing with different phases moon. Another idea I had for the name was "Twin Star" as it represents the story and rumors behind the sparkling star ^_^ This could be used as a blessing or something similar in Roleplay.

For now however, I'm sticking with the name north star unless a Lore Master sees it as a gigantic problem.

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-is named star in the north-

*Appears in the south*


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-is named star in the north-

*Appears in the south*


You seem to forget that the minecraft has no actual astrology sytem implemented, hence sun and moon always rise from the same point.

Stop nitpicking, Blundy :mrgreen:

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Welp, I think we should use the default texture pack on the sky, and organize the universe on the way it appears to us. I mean, because the stars rise and then fall, this supports the fact that the minecraft map is actually flat. So we shouldn't try to have special lore that you can't ACTUALLY observe IG using the default texture pack.

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Are you referring to the IRL north star or is there an IC north star already? ^_^

Aengul star sounds good but I'd probably have to ask Blundermore if there was an Aengul for navigation, safe travels and seafarers or so :lol:

Thanks for all the feedback so far, it's greatly appreciated! It really encourages me :)

There's an Aengul named "Fastial" and is one of the descended from, Aeriel, Arke'ith,

Gazardiael and Eshtael.

Fastial is the Aengul of light and warmth.

Which.. Fits.. Cause.. It's the North star...


Fastials Star..?


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Move to Accepted Lore for the next stage. Please hold use till Implemented.

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