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The Association Of Robed Librarians


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The Association of Robed Librarians
(This picture is simply a lighthearted representation of our group’s members. Don’t take it too seriously.)
General information.

Some background music, if you'd like to listen!:

The master plan of the Librarians is to gather as much knowledge as possible, said knowledge spanning all possible fields of research.

The Association’s members venture out and study either in search groups, or independently, and then return to the Grand Library to document and share their gathered knowledge. Specialist members are generally expected to carry out research in their specific field, but in times of urgency, may document subjects not normally attributed to them


The Association of Robed Librarians was established in the final two years of the 5 races’ stay in Asulon, after a group of intellectual minds became concerned with the safety and well-being of the collective knowledges each civilization held. The idea to create a Librarian’s Organization (or Association, rather,) was itself created around a campfire, where many a sausage was roasted. After their meals were eaten, and their worries exchanged, those around the campfire decided it was time to ensure the protection of all worldly knowledge. With each person vowing to dedicate themselves to a particular field of study and documentation. From that day on, a small group of robed men and women could be seen travelling about Asulon, scribing down their experiences, and poring over books of any library they came upon
Current Events
After the escape from Asulon, the Association was scattered for a time, but remained vigilant in their collection of knowledge, in the hopes that they would find each other again. Recently, the Master Keeper of the Association, a man named Randolph, took the steps to bring his order back together. Posting Notices in each city he could, Randolph issued the call for his friends..

A notice posted on a nearby board
Attention all those of the Association of Robed Librarians, as well as any literate and studious mind who may notice this post!
This is a call to rally after our scattered exodus from Asulon! The Association is beginning anew, and you are needed once more to protect the knowledge of the world! Any previous Robe must do their best to convene at the location listed at the bottom of this post, and any literate mind who believes they might qualify to join us is encouraged to send in a copy of the adjoined contract to the same address! Thank you for reading, and Long Live Literature!

-Randolph The Grey, Master Keeper of Knowledge
((PM me after acceptance for co-ords to our establishment.))

((A sheaf of contracts, with information on the Association are attached to the post.))

Association Rules:

1. No documenting of any information you do not have express permission to take. Always ask permission before making excerpts of currently existing tomes.
2. Do not attempt to use aggression to gain information. Such action is petty and may cause the temporary revocation of your specialty position.
3. Do not keep any information secret. The association’s purpose is to document knowledge for all to see.
4. Keep your robe neat and tidy. Appearance is important.

Title Information.


Master Keeper of Knowledge- Gray Robe
The Master Keeper of Knowledge is in charge of the entirety of the Association’s documents. He is the Overseer of the grand library, as well as the appointer of new Specialties.

Specialty Researcher- Colored Robe
Specialty Researchers are Librarians who have proved their love of knowledge to the Master Keeper, and have been designated specific fields in which to gather and study information. Each Specialty Researcher may choose to take an Assistant Librarian as an assistant if their endeavors require it. (Specialties will be further discussed later.)

Assistant Librarian - Brown Robe
Assistant Librarians are the new recruits of the Association, and as such their jobs are basic, yet broad. An Assistant Librarian’s tasks range from; Tending the library, to delivering or receiving tomes, to directly assisting a Specialty Researcher.

TomeGuard - Brown Robe (Lightly Armored)
The Tomeguards, novice Battle Historians as well as physical protectors of the Grand Library and its residents, are tasked in both defending the Librarians and Books, as well as Assisting the Master Battle Historian (Red Robe) in their endeavors.

To Become a Specialty Researcher, an Assistant Librarian must show proficiency in;

1. Intellect
2. Politeness and Promptness
3. Self Defense
4. An appreciation for a certain study.

There are currently 5 specialties to take up, with some positions open to 2 members. Member amount is to be decided by the Master Keeper.

Gray - Master Knowledge Keeper
Randolph - (Althallos)

Red - Battle Historian
Robert - (Dr_Jewish)

Green - Nature Documentator
Gwendolyn - (CupCwakez)

Orange (2 spots)- Magical Endeavor Historian
[White robed] Sankar - (peterquartz)

Yellow - Science Historian

Blue - Astronomer / Lunar documentator
Benjamin - (Chimlet225)

Purple - Civil Historian
Cir'dian - (Agith)

Brown - Librarian Assistants/Tomeguards

bluedude10 - Flint Ironcast

mas0n99 - Aranga

Association Application
(LIBRARIAN POSITIONS ARE FULL, we are currently only accepting applications for Tomeguards)
(We have also accepted members purely through rp, so if you meet the librarians before seeing this post, and show your worth through rp and such, you might be accepted that way.)

MC Name:

Reasons you wish to join?:

Do you believe you can provide enjoyable and interesting RP to the community as well as the Association?:


Character Name:

Character details(race, age, gender, etc.):

*New* - A short bio/roleplay event describing your character, and how they came to discover the poster.

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Sorry about the glitched up main article. I'll fix it soon.





Application details updated in accordance with posts after February 2nd.

(Please read the entirety of the top post before applying, guys. While things are subject to change, We simply   cannot take in everyone that applies as a librarian)

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A word is posted below, just one word, and the symbol associated with it.




And the symbol opens up to you, made of blazepowder.. It seems to be angrily written.

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((You missed the Space Marine skin from Magicka))

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The little black and white striped figure waddles around carelessly, filled with bliss and tune.  Picking up a parchment and reading some information about some so called librarians.  Deep within its mind it knew that these figures would be ripped to shreds from those that sought to harvest their knowledge, it thought about helping them but didn't.  For the mime continued on, its little prancing way.


((I suggest adding some sort of bodyguard/defence rank, to make sure you are not all ripped to shreds by a simple bandit that thinks it may be funny to attack you.  A similar concept to the Mageshields from the Arcane delvers, protection is valuable, always.))

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(( @Geo the concern is well-placed, and we do indeed have guards of our own, though they serve a double job, being protectors as well as Battle Historians. I am planning on making a quick fix on the page when I get home.



 ((Edit: Additional title and edits implemented.

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MC Name: Dwarfman623

Reasons you wish to join?: I'm a lover of all things LoTC and all of my friends are apart of this organisation. I am also a lover of magic.

Do you believe you can provide enjoyable and interesting RP to the community as well as the Association?: Yes, I have multiple references saying I am an excellent RPer.


Character Name: Lach'li

Character details(race, age, gender, etc.:(Human "Adunian", 86, Male, Uncle to Gavin

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MC Name: PiercingDarkness

Reasons you wish to join?: I believe it to be the right path for my High-Elven character to dedicate to something having to do with the lore and learning new things for him to perhaps help me find a style of role-play suitable for him.

Do you believe you can provide enjoyable and interesting RP to the community as well as the Association?:
Yes I believe I can, my character is dedicated to most forms of learning new things and I believe I can role-play being a scholar because of my skills at amusing, interesting weird characters.

Character Name: Alexander Ardere is his name.

Character details(race, age, gender, etc.):

Alexander is tall and wears a black cloak for traveling, his hood is almost always on his head drooping down his face making him seem strange to most, he is one of the High-Elves and is known to be a strange, funny, amusing character. When his cloaks not on he is tall even for a elf and stands at 7,3 in hight and he has fire orange eyes, when his hood is not on he has silver colored hair which he is usually denied by people of his sub-race for seeming like a Wood-Elf, they usually ask him to take off his hood always expecting it to be dark so they would have a excuse not to let such a absurd looking High-Elf in to the Silver-city. He is male and like I said already pretty tall standing at 7.3 high, he is around four hundred but he might be older because of the fact he almost never checks, and he always has plenty of theories about why Elves live long for scientific reasons more than the legend of the Curse of Iblee's.

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MC Name: bluedude10

Reasons you wish to join?: My character already having a Alchemy based background, i hope to work my way up to the (Yellow robe) Science/Historian
. I've always wanted a Scholar like character, and i hope i can accomplish this by joining this group... The Lore works well with what i am trying to achieve. But I'm mostly just looking for a small group of fellow RPers that likes a subject of mine to intertwine with.

Do you believe you can provide enjoyable and interesting RP to the community as well as the Association?: Yes i believe i can bring fun enjoyable RP.


Character Name: Flint Ironcast

Character details(race, age, gender, etc.):
Race: Human. Age: 26. Gender: Male.

*New* - A short bio/roleplay event describing your character, and how they came to discover the poster. Flint, was traveling to find Alchemy supplies. After finding the common Tippen root, he was on his way to a small desert outskirt outside of Oren. Hoping to come across the Zawabate plant, for a healing remedy hes been studying on.. On his way he notices a small note pinned to a wooden post. Rather intrigued after reading it, he sends a small note out on a bird.

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Association Application

(we are currently only accepting applications for Assistant Librarians and Tomeguards)

MC Name:
Greeno31 - MrGreene_HD - James Tarus

Reasons you wish to join?: It would enhance the roleplay of my character and in time enhance others too. It seems a good group for one of my characters too.

Do you believe you can provide enjoyable and interesting RP to the community as well as the Association?: Of Course.

IC: (( All done Ic ))

Character Name:
Many call me Saris. Well, tis my name although my full name is not mentioned until I believe I can trust you.

Character details(race, age, gender, etc.): I am a Human. I believe I am 24 now. As far as I know I am male.


*New* - A short bio/roleplay event describing your character, and how they came to discover the poster: A bio? *chuckles slightly to himself* Not much to tell of me. I train in the arts of magic or at least I shall begin to soon. As of now I merely learn how to gain the connection with the void and what not. *smiles as he writes the note* I advise a high ranking Oren house, perhaps the only decent one. Bah, I care little for them truly, I merely seek somewhere to house my wisdom now. Lucky I saw this poster in Oren, I was under the impression there were little people whom housed wisdom anymore. Alas I was wrong. Thank god. Bah, you have read me go on for too long now. Consider me. My wisdom will serve you well.

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MC Name: Tom_the_crafta

Reasons you wish to join?: It would enhance my roleplay and I would learn more about the server both ic and ooc.

Do you believe you can provide enjoyable and interesting RP to the community as well as the Association?:

Character Name: I discarded my original long ago. Now I go by Aceala' Vuln, but most, not realizing that Vuln is not my surname call me Aceala'. I prefer one over the other, but I always found it interesting.

Character details(race, age, gender, etc.):

           I suppose I am a male Dark Elf with dark eyes, black hair and usual hue of skin of blue. I am quite young, well for an elf at 128.  I think I am average height, though after leaving I have not met enough elves to be certain. The particular hue of my skin, due to claimed high occurrence of deformalalites is a regrettable, blue.


*New* - A short bio/roleplay event describing your character, and how they came to discover the poster.


One day began as usual. Wake up. Put on my boots and leather greaves. Clean my sword. Put on my belt. Report to post. Like usual, nothing was going on. A lone cloud sailed high up in the sky. A few of the nobles were there but they were inside the house, far from the gate. Since the House of Valois was in such close proximity to the monks village I went quite often. I looked around for someone to talk to but everyone seemed to be gone. I checked the message board. The same as it had been for days. I looked down with disappointment  I started to walk away but then a paper was out of place. The monks must of just rehung all the notes in an immaculate arrangement  but one was different. I examined it more closely, it had some writing on it. "The Association of Robed Librarians." I continued reading, intrigued. "We are looking for people to become assistant librarians ..." I knew right then this must have been what I was waiting here for all along. A chance to finally be able to study like I had before. I scanned the note for where I must go to find this great place.

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