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It is kinda true. There is law about the blood of Ironguts.

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What of Forest Dwarves like Saviticus?

They will not be able to. Primarily due to the first Treebeard mating with an elf. Causing the creation of the Forest Dwarves. And Forest Dwarves would dislike this type of magic. Preferring druid magic or some other type.
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Though I like your idea, I always saw rune smithing as more of a overall kind of deal. As in, you could place runes on not only weapons but other things such as walls, floors. Etc etc.

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They will not be able to. Primarily due to the first Treebeard mating with an elf. 


Is that correct? I just thought they were dwarves that didn't like mountains.

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Though I like your idea, I always saw rune smithing as more of a overall kind of deal. As in, you could place runes on not only weapons but other things such as walls, floors. Etc etc.

From what I saw some runes could be put on walls/floors and others could be put on weapons.

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Is that correct? I just thought they were dwarves that didn't like mountains.


Yes. It explains the short number of forest dwarves. Due to the elven curse of infertility. And the age of Saviticus. Due to the elven blessing. Though on the downside they suffer from both curses and both blessings.

And the reason why it isn't down at the moment, because it is currently being written. About Forest Dwarves and the Treebeards that is.

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I enjoyed reading it, though I read it a while back, oh well.


My support!

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So we cant get enhancements but all the other races get magic, seems legit.

One step at a time, remember how long it took to even get magic to be an accepted RP medium on server?

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What of Forest Dwarves like Saviticus?


Saviticus IS an Irongut though. Sure, he is banished, but he still was one at one point. Plus, when we say non-Irongut's can't use magic we only refer to the arcane subtype. All dwarfs can be shaman-trained or druid-trained (although the majority of dwarfs would find both those streams of magic revolting).

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One step at a time, remember how long it took to even get magic to be an accepted RP medium on server?

True true ;) -puts his waiting hat on- I can wait lol

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In answer to savticus' issue (saviordude) and magic, he is a druid, druidic magic works off of envoking the spirit of the Aspect to do favours for you, they're not technically casting the magic but it still requires the ability to communicate with the spirits which takes time and energy. A Dwarf doesn't technically need to be an Irongut to learn Druidic magic due to all the stuff druids go through to become druids, in return for the favours they make from the Aspects, they have to preform favours for them, in the form of caring for forests and restoring landscape.


Just a word of note, it is still a major downside for a Dwarf to learn Drudic magic, as they will effectively become outcasts and loose all rights to live in the hold and will be branded a deserter and a heretic by the Dwarven religion, so there are still many downsides to becoming a druid as a Dwarf.

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Yes. It explains the short number of forest dwarves. Due to the elven curse of infertility. And the age of Saviticus. Due to the elven blessing. Though on the downside they suffer from both curses and both blessings.

And the reason why it isn't down at the moment, because it is currently being written. About Forest Dwarves and the Treebeards that is.

Can I get a pm with this lore/basic idea/core of the idea when it is written? I am probably baseing some major lore around forest dwarves and this would most likely cause it to be adjasted, completely rewritten or abandoned.

I will not share any information or distribute anything i learn before its official release, but again this could screw up most of the lore I have thought about.

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