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The Life Of Elphaba, A Tali'uruk Of Malinor


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((decided to try writing her a diary, if i should write more please leave feedback if you desire ^^))

A story like mine should never be told.

It is not for the faint of heart.

For my world is as forbidden as it is fragile.

I had never asked, never planned to be  born into the life, the blood, of the tali

Like so many others who share in my strange life, share my blood...

I was thrown into it, left to either burn in the world alone to die, or rise from the ash's of hate, and to rise above the curse of the blood.



Chapter One: Beginning of life, the prologue




                   The life of a half blood is rough from the start, but for my people. The uruk and Mali, it is quite volatile. My name, Is Elphaba. Child of Gorkil blood and child of the forests. This is my story, from day one.


                   The heat of the desert sun burned hot under my skin as my father prepared me for the trials. Eight days old...Eight days...and i was about to be thrown into the desert pits to fight scorpions in order to prove i was worth my urukan blood. My father was was a proud Gorkil. He had no qualms about taking me from my mother as she slept. Due to my urukan blood i had weakened her greatly. She had nearly died giving birth and after a week of recovery she was still just able to move. My father saw fit to steal me from my crib and take me to the ugz.


                  My home was in the middle of it all, the forest and desert seemed to merge with it. The two story wooden college seemed to fit in the meadow clearing, a silent place for me and my family to live without the disruption of normal society

My father had no slaves. He loved my mother for whatever love he had and kept the relationship hidden. Not wanting her to be treated as a slave to the other orcs they had a foolish love, i  say foolish because of the cultural view on the races mixing.

The elves seemed more accepting but the urukan, not in the least. An orc who took an elven mate was typically seen as whitewash. So my home in the hidden border of forest and desert remained a safe haven for my mixed family. Until my father stole me from my bed in the middle of the night; And taken me to that accursed desert.

The was the first moment, the first moment i had felt the hot sand under on skin, no matter how i moved i couldn't escape it. I was left on the ground while my father went to prepare my trial area. Then, as he held me to bring me to my trial. My mother appeared to save me


           I don't remember the fight itself, my mother described it as long, tiring, and painful. She was stronger than most elven women, still, to take on a full grown orc was no small feat. I imagine her and my father in the dust of the desert; fighting with his strength versus her quick jabs with her daggers and other various weapons. My parents, both bloods, fought, and fought hard for me. My father want me raised with the honor and power of a Fe-uruk. My mother wanted me to have the quick witted wisdom and strength of a elven women. Now reflecting on this event it seems as if my life was foreshadowed by this fight. A fight I could not fight in myself. The winner would have me, and raise me.




Chapter Two: Taken


In the forests near Malinor my mother returned me to my crib, a small oakwood crib that was placed at the foot of her bed. I slept, so blissfully unaware of what had just happened. By taking me from my father my mother had inadvertently caused a war between her and my father. He would have me back. He would fight to return me to where I belonged It did not seem to phase any portion of her mind as she slept with me. Recovering from a battle well fought.


    Peace, we were at peace. My mother and I had this bond developed, even more powerful than just a mother and daughter. At the time I was a mere baby, learning how to use my feet to walk and my mouth to talk. My mother was my teacher, caregiver, protector, and soul provider. So much of my life was thanks to her. I had nearly killed her while in her womb, yet she loved me so deeply. I grew strong with her, I was never out of her sight. I became a duckling, clinging to its mother from first sight. No matter where my mother was, i followed.


    "Mahmeh" My first word left my lips before my first year of life, a sweet moment to my mothers eyes. her warm embrace held me as her emotions of pride and joy flowed through the room. I can imagine the happy demeanor in the room. The light in her eyes, and in mine. I might not have had the realization that my mother was proud at the time, but it is an easy assumption to make. Along with making crawling, making my first steps, all of the things babies do that make their mothers proud I had done .


     As i reached the age of five i had begun to fall into the skills of an older child, For anyone who might not know, Orcan children advance quickly. How else could an infant of eight days handel the skill to kill a scorpion, I was growing up happily with my mother beside me. Teaching me all i need to know. Learning was dull to me, I had more of an urge to draw, and to play out in the forests; however, my mother's word was law. No matter how hard i tried to resist her demands to keep to my studies and training. I always lost to her will. Life couldn't have been better. I still had no comprehension of the danger she had me in, and vice versa. I somewhat doubt she knew herself. Regardless life went on as it was. Until the day i had my first bloodlust episode.

                                      My first blood rage, that dreaded day...


     I had been training, the stone sword heavy in my hand as i was awkwardly holding it. I swung it a few time, not grasping the gentle grace and strength that a sword master needed. It was just useless swings, as if i were swatting at water with a stick. I remember my excited breathing, my first sword felt as if it belonged in my hands, yet I needed to learn how to wield it. I had the grace of the elven people, I had just not yet mastered it. Yet I had a fire of determination in me and i loved to train. My time in the soft sea green meadow was my favorite past time, the velvet grass felt at peace. In that meadow I had balance. I could be the graceful elf, and the vicious orc all at once. True I was merely five so I had no developed skill to back up my pretendence; however, children love to dream, and in that field of velvet green I was no different. The sun would set on the meadow, and the games would end on each night I was called in by my mother who would never venture away without me. The games end....ha...the games did end...quicker than they should have...


     The night of my fifth year of life, the smell of pancakes lifted to the second story of our home and awoken me with the promise of a full belly. I let out a chirpich giggle and my tiny feet padded rapidly across the window spotlighted wooden floor to the stairs where, in my attempt to find the promising smell, I had nearly slipped, luckily I had caught myself and made my way to the kitchen when the sound of knuckles on oak wood emanated from the living room down the hall.


   Without much time to open the door, the hinges let out a horrid sound of bending and breaking metal that was painful for my sensitive ears



        "Haelun!" I cried out screaming as I turned to run back up to my room as the sounds of crunching wood and snapping metal had reached me ELPIE! my mother screamed running into the hallway that led to the stairs and finally our eyes met. Fear, rage, and confusion. Were just a mix of the cocktail of emotions that seemed to swirl destructively in my mind like a hurricane. The oakwood door let out a final cry as it burst down to the floor, splinters and broken planks now littered the entryway. My mother had backed up onto the first step of the staircase when three orcan men stormed into the house. This had been the first time ever seeing my father since that day in the ugz. He glared at my mother with eyes of hate, he normally green eyes now showed a red fire. I can remember clinging to the handrail, scared that the fire in his eyes might escape and envelope everything in the house in a hate fueled flame. My mother held her stance in the middle of the entrance of the steps, but she was no match for three orcan men. As two of the men struggled to move her I stood at the top, my fear slowly turning into hate. For the first time. My eyes matched his; my fire slowly growing as my sky blue eyes were quickly snuffed out by the red of fire


    "LEAB MUMU AHLUNE!" Never before had I spoken the blah of the orcs. In truth I had no honest realization that I had even done such a thing.


    My mother had turned to my at my shouting, in that moment of distraction is when the battle had been lost. one of the orcs had brought the hilt of his sword to her shoulder bade, she fell to the steps and I ran to her. As I neared her, the second orc pushed my mother aside,causing her to fall down the steps. I was grabbed, and no matter how hard my little legs and hands kicked and punched, it was of no use. As one of the two men held me. My father had thrown my mother against the wall and began heading for the door "Weak. . . he hissed before leaving

YOU WILL NOT HAVE HER! my mother yelled as she stumbled up to run after us

"HAELUN! HAELUN!" I cried out, fighting with all my might to break free of my fathers hold on me, to no avail.


      Elphaba! EEEELLPPPHHIIEEE! My mothers cry was a sea of emotion, rage, fear,determination promise, she had just reached the door as my father mounted his war boar with me as a passenger. It was to late. I had been lost. My mothers promise to keep me safe, to protect me. Had been broken. I was now lost to her. As we made the trip to the ugz I sat on the boar. My rage never ending. I can still hear my fathers words


    "Fire iz hozh, Latz vill need dat ladur, Mi vill nub led latz bi vitevash, nub. . .latz hab fire agh a strung un, led id burn"


       In the common tongue "Fire is good, you will need that later, i will not let you be whitewash, no, you have fire and a strong one. Let it burn" I had no idea at the time what he meant. I was five, scared, i didn't know what was happening. All i knew is that I had lost my mother, and that now I had belonged to my father, and the orcan clan of the gorkils, and as my life was about to be consumed by living in the ugz under the fiery sun. My old home, the peaceful hidden home. Had also been consumed by flames. I had no knowledge of this until later; however, the two orcs had stayed behind and fought my mother more. Ending in the house, being consumed by flames. The peaceful life I had known was gone, from that moment. I had to fight to life. I was taken from the little bubble i had come to think of as 'my world' and was being thrown into a whole new life


Chapter Three: City of Sands


The sands of the ugz slowly shifted under my feet as my father threw me down from the boar. As i stood, my eyes peered around at the foreign city, nothing but sand and cactus that seemed to run on forever, the only thing that separated the wild untamed Deseret from the city was a gated wall that stood tall. towering over the cacti and people.


       As I stood stunned at the sight, my father pushed me forward with the blunt end of his war axe. I stumbled forward towards the gate, and bite my lip with the tips of my small tusks


          stupid, he didn't even let me have my shoes when he took me

    I wished I could say it out loud, what I was thinking. I knew better though. Just looking at father gave me fear. Along with a sense of hate. I resisted the urge to turn my head and snap at him, to let out my pent up aggression as she had done at the house


                      But look where that got me...


       I sighed softly to myself, my mother who had kept me safe all these years was now at the mercy of the other Orcs, my home would no longer be in reach. Gone were the days of playing in her meadow, hearing my mothers stories or having breakfast by the creek, everything I knew was gone. Taken away from me in a few moments of a horror filled flash of my life. I now faced a new terror, as I walked through the sand tarnished gate and the full view of the ugz hit my senses.


          I could smell the heat, the musky dry air around the smithy as embers and lava came together to make fine iron swords, the big orc stood tall, smashing his hammer onto the anvil as he shaped the weapon, his skin was black with soot and ash, a harsh, worn look to his face with his cracked tusks and war scarred body. I remember feeling my body trying to keep my gazed averted, but i could not manage to stop looking at the beast, My father and his people, the ones who took me from my home were the first orcs i remember seeing, this orc; however, was different Just looking into his eyes showed a cold stone heart that not even the heated sweat dripping from him could warm.


         The sight of the red and black tents caught my gaze as we passed through the blacksmith, Blood, tainted the white sand, marking the areas of where orcs let there savage side out, the smell of cactus green and the loud roars of the blah made my ears flicker as we passed through a communal fire-pit where elder orcs reminisced on old war stories, showing and bragging about there scars and kills as if there were trophy's, Just behind the fire pit stood a tall, well set up tent. The red and black canvas cloth lazily draping over the supporting posts.


     I tasted sand once again as I was thrown to the ground, my small body slid a few moments before stopping at the other end of the tent "What...will...what will happen to me" I managed to weakly get out, panting lightly as the fear in my heart began to stir. I remember seeing him walk to me, I pressed myself against the wall as his enormous hand stuck the side of my face, sending my head turning to the side. In the common tongue the translation for what he yelled is "WEAK ELVELN  CHILD! DO NOT SPEAK! I DID NOT GRANT YOU PERMISSION TO DO SO!" I bit my lip hard and my body tensed at the strike. I bowed my head in a sign to show him my submission, I would obey his rule and hold my tongue unless spoken to. That didn't satisfy him however, as I bowed to him he brought his hand down to my neck and threw me to the ground once again, proceeding to kick my gut. I let out a ear piercing scream. His kick making a hard impact on my lower ribs. With a cough I tried to stand, only to be slapped once again and sent tumbling to some chests in the tent; Looking like a frightened deer I dared not move, dared not speak. Though I hated it, I was at his control, for how long I was going to be this way, I had no clue. Thinking about it didnt help me any though. I just knew if I were to survive, I would have to submit to his rules, obey him.I was a mere five year old girl, what was I to do. I was powerless, vulnerable.


      He snarled as I stood frozen near the chests. "Mi vell break latz ob dat albai bluud   agh body" or, in common "I will break you of that elven blood and body!"


    I stood terrified just in front of the chests. I felt his strong hand smack hard against my cheek, sending my to the ground.  With a grunt i tried standing again, eyes turning red. I remember gazing into my fathers eyes, eyeing his face, a delighted smirk was plain as day.

                                                    “Hes enjoying this”

I could tell my father was enjoying the beatings he was giving me, all in an attempt to summon my bloodrage. My eyes slowly began to tint red as the anger in me festered, growing and growing. Like a small ember into a raging fire. My heart beat rapidly as the last bit of what little rationality I had left faded away into my subconscious, my thoughts only on the idea of killing the one in front of me, the one who continued to beat and abuse me. I wanted nothing more than to force him to stop. in the moment of my rage it seemed as if i could be as strong as him, or as terrifying as the orc we had passed in the entrance of the city. Nothing seemed to phase me as I had lost the thoughts of me being a small five year old girl, but instead. I saw myself as strong, powerful. I felt as if I could hold my fathers life in my hands, to make him suffer as he was making me suffer. i had no desire to submit to his beatings. I hated that he took me from my mother, took me from my peace. I felt the urge to beat him as he beat me, to prove that he had no hold on me, that I was not a thing to be punched and pushed around.

    I charged him. Me and with my young stupidity decided to charge him with no rational thought that I was dwarfed in power by him. I swung at his leg, the only thing my two foot form could reach. His cold laugh filled the tent with noise to fill the previous silence, he thumped my on the forehead with his thumb and forefinger, merely shaking his head at my pitiful attempt, I kept punching, unaware of his un-amused glace. merely wanting revenge for being hit and beaten around like some disobedient dog that could not defend itself.

    It was not long before I was he had me against the wall, my arms behind my back. He waited till the red in my iris’s had faded before leading me towards the entrance of the tent. “Id am da tick tu pruve latzelf” or, in common “it is the time to prove yourself”

    I was dragged through the city once, more. The glares and light snarls of the orcs caught my eyes and ears. The pungent smell of sweat, cooking meat, and melted metal polluted the air as we walked past the disgusted faces of the clan members. I remember being confused as to why i was getting such hateful looks. It wasn't until later that i understood what had happened to my father after the clan had found out about me. Why the glares and spiteful eyes seemed locked in on us.

    Orc culture, so primitive yet entraquate at the same time. Orcish culture thrives on their ideal of honor, following the laws and customs set by the first orc, the orc brother, Krug. Clans were to honor their clan mates as family, no one was to betray the clan, listen to the elder orcs and any higher ranked orc, fight and train, but never cheat during the fight with another orc, fight alongside the clan in wars, and never take on a mate of another race.

           My father had broken the last rule, by taking my mother as his mate he had made himself whitewashed, dishonored the Gorkil clan. To make amends it was demanded that I be taken from my mother, and he fight the highest ranks orcs, taking any beating. After doing so, he had been accepted back.

     Being accepted, and being welcomed, however; are not the same. My father and I were social  pariahs. As we walked closer to the training grounds I could see less and less of the red and black fabric that made the tents. Instead, small buildings made of sandstone and wood stood tall on a plateau of desert sand, a obstacle course made of posts to jump across, logs in water one had to jump across, a tall climbing wall along with high, parallel beams to jump under and over. Next to that, three armored dummies lay stabbed, cut and dented. Years of wear and tear making the wood tarnished and rugged. in the center of the plateau was a dug pit. Two orcs fought hard, screams and roars of battle, the cheers of the spectators echoed throughout the sands. Blood spilt, staining the ground red. Yet the battle did not stop, the battle built orcs beat each other with their clubs. I could easily tell which one was was the elder orc. His stance, the very way he carried his scarred body gave away his second nature in combat. I stood awe struck for a moment as I gazed at the display of pure orcish rage and strength


  “Are they...are they gonna get dead?” I asked in a mere whisper to my father as i stood in front of him at the edge of the pit


    “Da weak ash vill loze da klomp, agh den gu tu train” the prompt response came after a smack to my head. A punishment reserved for when I neglected to speak  in the orcish language, the blah.  sadly, Proper speech was the furthest thing from my mind as I stood, gazing at the fight as a child gazes at their first Christmas tree. It wasn't long before the smaller orc fell to the sand, bloodied, cut, beaten, but not dead. The laughs and cheers of the others around the pit were infectious, soon, even I was joining in the cheering, wanting them to go on with the fights. As I was distracted with the rush of the fights I had not noticed my fathers hand on my back. Until I felt myself falling into the pit. Falling into the blood stained sand, the violent pit where i had just seen a display of merciless power. The orcs that had just fought had been adults. Now, i was in that world. I stood, scared, dazed. Everything around be began to spin. I wanted to scream, run up and get out. Before i could, the gates of the pit shut, i pounded against them as the orcs laughed and smirked, i watched as i saw a cage being lowered into the pit with me. In it, a large black scorpion paced angrily inside. Ready to attack anything, or anyone it faced. I pressed myself against the wall of the pit, heart racing as I realized I was to fight, or be killed.



Chapter Four: Trial

 I watched the scorpion as it looked at me with hungry, venomous eyes. Its pincers opening and closing with excitement. Its beady eyes met mine with the primal instinct of  a creature on the hunt. The black exoskeleton shell glistened in the bright sunlight, the sound of the creature sniping at the bars of the cage, now half way in the air. It paced, looking at me, its surroundings. The adult orcs up on the edge watched in close observation. There narrowed gazes and disapproving looks gave away their hope that I was too weak to live. I stood against the wall of the pit. Looking around, my heart raced, the rise and fall of my chest moving quickly, like the pace of a war drum. I took the time to look around the pit to see if anything had been left in there that i could use. The only things that caught my eye, however, was the dried blood on the sand, and leftover fragments of bone.

                                                               “Thats it! the bone!”


       As a small dust cloud of sand lifted from the ground as the cage was set on the sandy floor of the pit I ran to grab the biggest bone fragment around, a femur it looked like, broken in half. I grabbed the shortest end and snapped my head around to see the creature climbing over a skull not more than ten feet from me, I kept my back pressed to the sandstone, holding the bone in my hand, keeping the jagged part towards the scorpion. The creatures black shelled form scurried over the sand, closing the gap between  us. I lowered myself out of instinct and as i glared at the scorpion nearing me. As it lifted its tail to strike. I swung the femur that stayed awkwardly in my hand. i felt the tail of the scorpion cracked into the bone as my swing connected to its tail. i pulled the bone back and swung angrily as i stepped away.


              the scorpions pinchers snapped in a rapid frustration, it scurried forward snapping at my legs as my swing narrowly missed, i resisted the desperate instinct to kick at the vile creature, i was barefoot, to make any attack like that would give the scorpion room to sting my leg or foot. feeling overwhelmed i began to lose my sense of self control. my swings, which controlled and calculated before; were now mere swings of desperation. my racing heart and mind throwing me into a trance like state in which my body was no longer mine, every move every action seemed to be the act of some otherworldly force. i kicked some sand which only served to agitate it further it came charging at me in a blind rage i tried stabbing at the scorpian. i felt the bone scrap against its exoskeleton but no real damage was inflicted. A grunt of frustration escaped me as I tried again to furiously stab at the small beast.


                    The moment came where i saw the scorpion strike and miss me yet again. In that moment i noticed the recoil of the tail and waited once again to get it to strike at me. i kicked more sand up and as predicted the scorpion snapped it tail forward my exposed foot. I reflexively moved my foot back and in a fraction of a second i felt myself drawing my arm with the bone back and then lounging it forward, throwing the femur like a spear at the black insect. i ran back to the side of the wall, closing my eyes as the crowed above went into a dead quiet. i turned my head slightly to see the scorpion impaled with the white bone in its mid section. i blinked and looked around at the stunned looks of the spectators. All of whom had either a disappointed look at the fact i somehow still seemed to be alive, the ones who had no opinion either way seemed to display a conflicted cocktail of pride in the young orcress that stood dumbfounded by her own victory. me, no matter that the victory was small, it was still the first step in becoming a true orc.


                I ignored the gazes for now. Only focused on getting free of the accursed pit. As I looked away fro the whispering orcs I could see the gate to the pit rising. a smaller, slender orc worked the controls a basic wooden lever rigged to the top of the gate with rope and weights that served to hold the gate down when it was closed.

  I slowly made my way from the pit, walking up into the confused congregation of orcs who were still stunned still with dumbfounded expressions.


            “Wai did zhe lib?” or, in translation “why did she live”


                    The words came from a younger orc, not older than thirty. He drummed the tomahawk that hung from his belt which laid slung along his large loincloth with meaty fingers, the smell of dead animals defiled the air around him and the droplets of blood that dotted his legs made me cringe. I ignored him, keeping my pace as I tried to search for my father in the crowd


                I found him, and looked up at him trying to gauge how he thought I did. He did not return my gauge, but instead, peered to the inner edge of the crowd at one orc in particular. I turned to see what he saw and looked at the same tall, well formed bulky muscular orc with scars all over his body, and large tusks. The way he carried himself made me look away. I couldn't figure why, but I feared that orc. I could feel the aura of energy  of power wafting off him. Although I wasn't sure if he had any actual magic. Regardless I averted my eyes and looked to the sand until my fathers hand pushed me forward towards the tent. We passed the crowd, the training dummies, the smith. I kept my head low. Still confused about the events transpiring before my eyes. Everything was happening so fast I wasn't sure how to take it. So much in the last two days I felt so numb as my emotions tried to catch up to me. I was in no mood to argue, or be stubborn so I allowed my father to push me until we reached the tent entrance. I walked into the enclosed space and took to a spot on the floor, I closed my eyes as my father took a seat on his bed.


       “Lat did hozh tudey, keep duing hozh lyke dat, obey da lawz ob da goi, agh latz vill bi agh hozh feuruk, worthy ob da fire in lat eyes”. I kept silent, taking comfort in the warm sand against the cool desert air. It reminded me of the nights I spent in the meadow with my mother. She would hold me, telling me stories, singing, talking to me about life. How people like me, the mix bloods, would have to grow to be fighters,to fight for our life, for what is right. She would tell me of the evil in the world. All her talks, her speeches did not get to me though. I couldnt understand what she meant. Aside from that there were bad people that I needed to be careful of. My mind was just to full of things i didnt understand. Sleep took me easy as my mental and physical exhaustion wore me down      


                   I was awoken by the sound of a horn coming from outside the tent. With a groan I rose from the sand and shook my hair. The small grains flying everywhere in the tent; landing on the chests, table, even the bed. My father peered at me from his spot on the table as he worked with a wetstone, sharpening a dagger he held in his hand.


           “Hozh, lat am awake” he sat the dagger down and stood up from the bench set at the table, and walked over to the tent flap; Stepping out as I stood and stretched with a yawn. I didn’t want to go out there with him. I was terrified; The events of the previous day had left me wondering what other horridus events would happen if i left the relative safety of the tent. Regardless, i knew he expected me to follow; And with much hesitation I followed him out of the tent back into the tribal city.


             I was met with the sight of orcs wandering about the city, some in pairs, others alone, many of them stopped at the trading stands that lined the sandstone streets of the city, picking up daggers, armor, food. Others dropped off supplies to the behemoth blacksmith. i looked to the main gate as i could see it a bit off in the distance. about four tents down. Part of me wanted to run for the gates, run for freedom. I knew better though, with my father's watchful eye i was trapped in this city of sand. I followed him down the path and up the hill to the training area. The worn dummies, and dusty crates of weapons littered the training ground. My father pushed me towards one of the crates and i looked inside to see an assortment of daggers, short swords, and tomahawks. I picked up the small dagger and held it in my hand. smiling at the weight. I looked to the middle dummy. A wooden figure standing at about five foot, which dwarfed my current three feet two inches. Its sturdy oak frame was worn and cut by years of abuse by other training orcs and the elements. Sand blew all around us as the winds picked up. my hair gently flowing in the breeze. As i stepped forward to the dummy i was pulled back by my hair. I let out a grunt as i felt a dagger slice through my hair like butter . I was pushed forward after the hair was cut through. stunned, i put a hand to my now boyish cut; I found it messy and uneven and looked to my father.


         “I LOOK LIKE A BOY!” i cried keeping my my hands to my head. my father merely snorted and lifted his hand to smack me across the face.


          As i feel to the sand, the dagger falling from my hand. He jerked me up by the arm “lat tu muzh lyke albai, mehbey peein mure uruk vill remynde lat dat lat iz agh uruk.” when i huffed in protest he took me to the training dummy and sat me down “lat wunt tu complane, mi vill gib lat zumting tu complain aboud.” he took out a rope and began to tie me up to the leg of the dummy i  squirmed and tried to resist like a puppy trying to break free of a leash. I was no match for his strength. Eventually i was tied down, still pulling at the rope wildly. He merely smiled and laughed at me “cume back vhen lat cen break free” i glared at him when a new voice reached my ears


             “why doze zhe hab tu cume back. cen wi weab hur here popo?”I looked to the voice and was shocked to find it belonged to a girl my age, standing three foot two, get black hair, and with one green eye, one blue eye. Just like me in every way, except one.


Her skin, was almost elven color, a diluted olive color. “meet lat ziztah” my father said, smirking.


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((i will if i get feedback and if people want me to contiue the writing ^^))

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This is a grand tale. You should certainly continue writing, and, perhaps, publish it as a memoir In-Character.

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((Thank you :) im considering doing just that depending on how well this goes))

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((Thumbs up))

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((Added a preview of chapter "ages 5-10" more will be added later :P enjoy and plz give meh feedback!))

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((Updated! and after some 'fun' formatting time i have the first chapter officially done!))

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(( Amazing.. I can't wait to see when I appear in your story))

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((You should totally continue this! I was almost in tears. xD))

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((Well then your in luck :P now that im free more postings will be comming out!))

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Now half of chapter three is up :) Hope you all enjoy

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((Excellent. Definitely worth the read.))

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Thank you to all who read :D


I know its been awhile but its here! chapter three, its here! please enjoy, and leave any/all feedback ^^

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