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[Flora Lore] Blazing Fern


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The Blazing Fern


Upon the Forests in Anthos, A strange few trees and plants seem to have changed. Some may say that the trees are ablaze in a flame, but to those with the keener eye, it is a growing vine-like plant bright orange and red, seemingly changing colors simultaneously. it has fern leaves protruding from the vines, and they take over branches and leaves, leaving the tree into a form of Hybrid. The next step in the cycle of the plants life is its decay. The ferns begin to become a fading orange, as if it were a dying flame. It then turns to an ashen grey, as the colors on the vines begin to fade. At this point you would see strange  insects, the color of foggy water climb up the vines, and eat the grey remains.




The roots of the vines, unlike most plants, start from the top of the trees. They are originally seeds from another vine, as they grow small pellet-like seeds on the ferns, and are carried out in the wind.

They take rainwater and spread into the leaves, then into the tree itself. It entwines into the bark, and grows vines.


Alchemical uses


The Seeds: The seeds naan be grounded into powder. Once mixed with silk, the juices of 5 oak leaves and some sugar, it can be used to create a very potent potion that can cause sever rashes and heat exhaustion.


The Vines: Once boiled and squished, a flammable substance can be made that when consumed is very bad for the internal organs, causing kidney stones , severe fevers and nausea.


The Ferns: When grounded up and combined with olive oil, it can be boiled into a superb smelling essence. However, the content of olive oil causes a good deal of sweating, and damages the skin.

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