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Knights Of The Eventide Dominion


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Knights of the Eventide

The Eventide Order is a sect of men and women who have been inducted in the Good Faith of the Creator, and with that, have adopted a strict set of rules and guidelines that they are bound to follow until their service is dismissed or otherwise deemed inactive. They can be considered zealots with how they embrace and enforce their faith and can, in numbers, be a force to be reckoned with.

They hold a single chapter in their first stages of life. Unlike most knightly chapters, they are not considered a goodly force; if anything, they can be seen as bitter and violent. Their motives are cold and they hold little care for the well-being of strangers, whether or not they are in danger. They are not a guard force, they are not a militant mercenary force - they are more of an inquisitry bound to no nation or community, acting as an independent force under the will of God.

Motives and Goals

The Eventide Dominion holds a rather obsessive hatred for magic; it is said that mages are against the Will of the Creator, however, they concluded that some are tolerable - given the circumstances. It is one of the several goals of the Eventide Knights to hunt down rogue Magi and annihilate them and any dark enclave they have wrought. “Rogue Magi”, being a wide term, is fit into several categories for the Eventide:



Criminal Evocationists

Dark-Art Users

Wild Druids/Shamans

Foreign Deity-Magic Users

Unruly Illusionists

And many more, these being but a few examples of “rogue mages.” Rogue-Magi, especially ones with criminal records, are prone to endure more dire punishment before being subjected to a ritual cross-burning, which is believed by the Eventide Order to cleanse the souls of the damned so they have a chance of being forgiven by the Creator after their demise. Clerics, Druids and other Deity-based magical user, given that their deity is non-heretical, are tolerated by the Knights of the Eventide if they do out step out of line and threaten the livelihood of the Anthosian masses.

Heretics of the Creator’s Will are also to be subjected to cleansing-through-fire; followers of Setherian and Iblees are prime targets, whereas the latter type that held in captivity to be “interrogated” for information. It is well-known that the Eventide Order wishes to prevent another doomsday that involves a darker being and it’s heretical ilk. Setherian’s minions, having been assumed to be ascended to a state where they do not wear flesh and blood, are killed on sight and considered dark spirits hailing under a corrupt higher-being.

Current Where-Abouts

The Knights of Eventide reside in what was once called “Vorkaelus Hold”, a ruin that Iblees cultists had renovated and reinforced until it was built up into a stronghold. They currently make effort at reshaping it’s innards and studying what the cultists hid within the ruins.

Vorkaelus hold has been renamed Archaerus of the Ebony Blade.

Origins of the Eventide Dominion

The dawn of the Eventide depended solely upon two men, both long-eared but of different heritage -- Viktor Delacroix, a Dark-Elf of unknown origin, and Alistair Benedict who also holds no identifiable past. They were traveling Mali, men upon the road who spent their lives spread the good word of God until they became fed up with the state of the world. Across five lands they had witnessed heresy grip the land in innumerous forms; through an unending exodus they watched as men held power not meant for their hands. It is the concept of magic being abused by greedy men and women and defiance against the Creator that caused the pair to form a hatred; a spite, and a cause to cleanse the world of power-hungry wizards and heretics that would support the unraveling of the Natural Order.

Their target befell upon Vorkaelus Keep; a well-known destination of a cult that once resided there. Rounding up honorable men and women willing to bound themselves to their cause, Alistair and Viktor led a small army to the keep and annihilated the cultist inhabitants within, claiming it as their own and allowing them a chance to assume their roots and establish.

Oath of the Eventide

To ascend beyond Levihood, one must bind themselves to the Eventide order and agree to follow the Four Holy Vows; breaking these vows will make the offender subject to haneous punishment, including torture and then death. To break the Four Vows, in the eyes of the Eventide Order, is considered an act of heresy and treason.

The following four statements are the vows:

I. Suffer Not the Unclean to Live

II. Uphold the honor of the Creator

III. Detest the Witch, Destroy the Witch

IV. Accept Any Challenge, No Matter the Odds

Ranks of the Eventide

The Eventide Order holds a compact, non-complicated ranking system that focuses ascension around one’s efficiency in handling heretics and degenerate-Magi instead of how well a soldier may kill and/or dispose of either. There lie two branches with the second being optional and shorter than the main; the ranking order goes as is (From lowest to greatest):

Eventide Levy
Eventide Man-At-Arms
Eventide Squire
Eventide Knight
Eventide Grand-Knight | Eventide Inquisitor
Eventide Lord Inquisitor

The Auxiliary Branch is offered to an Eventide soldier once he reaches Knighthood. While smaller, it focuses on units that handle other tasks that the main branch is not fit to handle; archers, scouts, medics, rangers and (as the name implies) auxiliary units are settled in this branch. Those in the Eventide Auxiliary branch are not inclined to ascend the branch, as it’s more to fit men and women who are not interested in knighthood into their desired roles.

Eventide Auxiliary (Field-Medics, Scribes, etc)
Eventide Taskman
Eventide Ranger | Eventide Evoker
Eventide Taskmaster


Foreign Relations

Whilst the Eventide Order is not focused on diplomacy and cross-guild interactions, the leadership is inclined to keep track of their friends and foes. The Eventide’s opinion depends on how a guild works, their morals/goals/motives, their observed inner-workings and the disposition of their members. Other orders who hold similar goals are prone to be liked by the Eventide, whilst goals of guilds that are not are more prone to fall in the “dislike” list; foreign relations also include kingdoms and nations.



Holy Princedom of Malinor: Tolerated.

Grand Kingdom of Urguan: Distasteful.

Orcish War Nation: Tolerated.

Kingdom of Renatus: Approving.

Holy Kingdom of Ruska: Approving.

Kingdom of Herendul: Approving.

Silver Enclave of the Mali’Thill: Distasteful.

Kharajyran Pridedom: Heretical.

Guilds and Foreign Orders

The Teutonic Order: Approving - Seeking possible alliance.

The Elven Inquisition: Cooperative.

The Druidic Order: Heretical, but tolerated.

The Arcane Delvers: Suspicious. 

The Mages’ Guild: Suspicious.


The Elilumiran: Requiring Observation.

Clerical Order: Acceptable.

Eventide Uniforms

Currently, there are only two available uniform; one for knights and above, and one for auxiliary units and ranks Squire and below.

Here is the Knight’s Attire:


And here is the other; the tabard:


The Man-At-Arms uniform:


The Eventide also allow Magi into the holy ranks; once their magics are tamed enough, they are given robes:



OOC Section

MC name:

Skype Name (Optional):

Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?:

IC Section

Your First Name and Surname:



Notable Skills:

Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?:

Reasons for joining:

What moral boundaries does the applicant have?:

Additional Information:

[[ An IC letter is to be sent in this thread with the application and a reply will be given shortly after. To find out about the Eventide Order, look for the IC poster ( http://tinyurl.com/m75w6rl ). ]]

[[ Useless OOC will not be tolerated. It is requested by the FM team to delete any irrelevant OOC comments in this thread. ]]

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Steelwall Exports Notice


Steelwall Exports would like to supply your guild with quality iron

goods. Your funding would allow us to expand our industries and provide


more services across Anthos. Please send a (forum) bird to Lark Steelwall

if you are interested.

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OOC Section

MC name: Dion3000

Skype Name (Optional): imdionn (You may already have me)

Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?: Yes, 1a - Thievery/Cheating. Not sure if a VA is still needed for it though. 






*A letter would arrive to the Knights of the Eventide Dominion headquarters, via messenger.*


Dear Leader of the Knights of the Eventide Dominion,


My name is Dionysius Light, a human male at the age of 32 years. I've recently took great interest in this organization you have, mainly because you also wish to serve The Creator. I am sending this letter to you in hopes of enlisting in the Knights of Eventide Dominion. I have wished to serve The Creator in any way possible, ever since I can remember and now, I wish to serve Him alongside you, as one of these Knights.

I have much experience in this sort of work. I was a Man-At-Arms in the Chapter of the White Rose for several years, until their unfortunate disbandment. Afterwards, I enlisted in the Holy Order of the Red Dragon alongside other Rose comrades. I was then Knighted by the ex-Grand Knight after serving as a Squire to ex-Duke Adorellan Kamura after being temporarily enlisted in the Oren Army and the Valiants, then returning to the Red Dragon.

I am quite skilled with a blade, as I have had much experience with it and the crossbow. I am disciplined, loyal, respectful, Creator-fearing, and I will do what I feel The Creator would want me to do, whatever it may be. I will follow orders and obey instructions to the last letter. I wish to cleanse Anthos of it's heretical scum an' those cowardly magic-users who do not use the abilities they posses to fulfill The Will of The Creator.

I also have information on the headquarters of a group of heretics in Abresi and I am currently working on getting rid of 'em for good, as I am currently second-in-command as the Lieutenant of the Abresi City Watch. If you have any questions, or simply wish to contact me, I can be found in Abresi City Watch Headquarters, to the right of the city gates. Thank ye, sir, an' glory to The Creator!


~Lieutenant Dionysius Light


*The seal of Abresi City Watch is found at the bottom of this letter.*

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OOC Section

MC name: Dion3000

Skype Name (Optional): imdionn (You may already have me)

Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?: Yes, 1a - Thievery/Cheating. Not sure if a VA is still needed for it though. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/90479-dions-1st-minor-va/#entry799231






*A letter would arrive to the Knights of the Eventide Dominion headquarters, via messenger.*


Dear Leader of the Knights of the Eventide Dominion,


My name is Dionysius Light, a human male at the age of 32 years. I've recently took great interest in this organization you have, mainly because you also wish to serve The Creator. I am sending this letter to you in hopes of enlisting in the Knights of Eventide Dominion. I have wished to serve The Creator in any way possible, ever since I can remember and now, I wish to serve Him alongside you, as one of these Knights.

I have much experience in this sort of work. I was a Man-At-Arms in the Chapter of the White Rose for several years, until their unfortunate disbandment. Afterwards, I enlisted in the Holy Order of the Red Dragon alongside other Rose comrades. I was then Knighted by the ex-Grand Knight after serving as a Squire to ex-Duke Adorellan Kamura after being temporarily enlisted in the Oren Army and the Valiants, then returning to the Red Dragon.

I am quite skilled with a blade, as I have had much experience with it and the crossbow. I am disciplined, loyal, respectful, Creator-fearing, and I will do what I feel The Creator would want me to do, whatever it may be. I will follow orders and obey instructions to the last letter. I wish to cleanse Anthos of it's heretical scum an' those cowardly magic-users who do not use the abilities they posses to fulfill The Will of The Creator.

I also have information on the headquarters of a group of heretics in Abresi and I am currently working on getting rid of 'em for good, as I am currently second-in-command as the Lieutenant of the Abresi City Watch. If you have any questions, or simply wish to contact me, I can be found in Abresi City Watch Headquarters, to the right of the city gates. Thank ye, sir, an' glory to The Creator!


~Lieutenant Dionysius Light


*The seal of Abresi City Watch is found at the bottom of this letter.*

Days after the message arrived at Archaerus, Inquisitor Viktor writes a neat reply and folds the yellowed scripture up, settling it within a clasp-bound leather envelop. It is sent out of the Keep with an anonymous Eventide messenger and delivered to Dion in-person whenever he was deemed available. The letter, once properly unscrawled from it's leather covering, would read the following:

"Lieutenant Dionysius Light,

Your request is greatly appreciated, however, there shall be several clarifications listed within this scripture to affirm your decision to join the Enclave under the Creator;a list of precautions, if you would.

Whilst your displayed skills assure you are able to serve the Holy Dominion and it's Eternal Lord through the toils of combat and glory, there are other subjects that must be reflected upon. Your (assumedly) current allegiance(s) may conflict with the Dominion's interests; the churning stewpot of politics mixes at a constant rate and things are prone to be switched around and laws can be made that, as stated before, conflict with the Order's interests. As a Lieutenant to the Abresi City Watch, there may be difficulty handling both roles. The Holy Kingdom of Ruska, as far as the Dominion is aware, holds differentiated religious views and them holding reign over the Human Capital may stir trouble between you, the Eventide, and themselves. Should you hold loose feelings about your current occupation, the Eventide Dominion holds the expectancy unto you that you would leave the City Watch to embrace the Eventide Knighthood solely.

That aside, your history with knightly orders is considered impressive. In the eyes of the Eventide, the White Roses did good work in keeping the foreign hordes at pay, and with that, the heretics and their profane magics within their dark lairs. 

Consider this letter a semi-acceptance into the Eventide Knighthood. You will receive another message in several days' time that is intended to summon you to Archaerus so you may be promptly interviewed and then granted the Eventide crest and the gear that follows, along with suitable living conditions within the Keep itself.

Blessed winds unto you,


Eventide Inquisitor Viktor Delacroix."

A stamp is settled upon the bottom of the scripture; dark bronze in color, holding the Crest of Eventide.


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MC name:Warlord212

Skype Name (Optional):hblast212

Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?:None at the moment, but willing to get them 

IC Section

Your First Name and Surname:Dallen Starbreaker



Notable Skills:Smithing, and sword fighting

Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?:I do, an' I was kicked out o' urugan fer it.

Reasons for joining:I wish te serve da creator an' 'unt down 'hoes w'o seek te destroy it.

What moral boundaries does the applicant have?:I refuse te kill children

Additional Information: None reall' Jus' maybe dat I almos' walked te wrong paff, bu' den found te ligh' o' te creator. 

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OOC Section

MC name: yopplwasupxxx

Skype Name (Optional): yopplwasupxxx

Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?: 1a Thievery

IC Section

Your First Name and Surname: Desmond Marsh

Race: Adunian

Age: 27

Notable Skills: Ah can use m'sword, but dats realleh it.

Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?: Aye

Reasons for joining: Ah was wantin' a new place t' start anew

What moral boundaries does the applicant have?: Ah will nae kill children nor women unless dey piss m'off enough

Additional Information: Eh, dats realleh it.


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Benedict sits down as his desk, reviewing the applications of the days. Later in night, he sends them back to the applicants. Both messages read the same.


MC name:Warlord212

Skype Name (Optional):hblast212

Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?:None at the moment, but willing to get them 

IC Section

Your First Name and Surname:Dallen Starbreaker



Notable Skills:Smithing, and sword fighting

Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?:I do, an' I was kicked out o' urugan fer it.

Reasons for joining:I wish te serve da creator an' 'unt down 'hoes w'o seek te destroy it.

What moral boundaries does the applicant have?:I refuse te kill children

Additional Information: None reall' Jus' maybe dat I almos' walked te wrong paff, bu' den found te ligh' o' te creator. 



OOC Section

MC name: yopplwasupxxx

Skype Name (Optional): yopplwasupxxx

Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?: 1a Thievery

IC Section

Your First Name and Surname: Desmond Marsh

Race: Adunian

Age: 27

Notable Skills: Ah can use m'sword, but dats realleh it.

Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?: Aye

Reasons for joining: Ah was wantin' a new place t' start anew

What moral boundaries does the applicant have?: Ah will nae kill children nor women unless dey piss m'off enough

Additional Information: Eh, dats realleh it.



Greetings, Applicant,


Your application has been reviewed, and you have been deemed acceptable for admittance in to the Eventide Dominion. Messages will be sent to you in the following Elven day which will give you directions to our compound, where an interview will transpire so we may get to know you better, and if you are truly worthy to serve the Dominion and the Creator.


-Inquisitor Benedict

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OOC Section

MC name: Demonxerov2

Skype Name (Optional): Demonxerov2

Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?:
IC Section

Your First and Surname: Damien "Xero".

Race: Human

Age: Around 24

Notable Skills: I can fight a bit, I can somewhat treat wounds, and I'm okay with heavy lifting.

Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?: You bet I do.

Reasons for joining: Some guy handed me a poster by a well. That's about it, I suppose. Just wanna be helping the good guys and all.

What moral boundaries does the applicant have?: Uh, I like people and tend not to hurt them unless I have to. 

Additional Information: None.

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OOC Section

MC name:

Skype Name (Optional):

Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?:
I have va's for the following.

- Murder
- Poison
- Torture
- Thievery
- Zealory
- Political Corruption
IC Section

Your First Name and Surname: Mythras Ardere

Race: Mali'ker'ame

Early hundreds

Notable Skills:

Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?:
Yes, for the most part.

Reasons for joining:

The Clerical Order kicked me out, so now I look for a new job.

What moral boundaries does the applicant have?:

- Won't kill children
- Won't eat others.


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OOC Section

MC name: Demonxerov2

Skype Name (Optional): Demonxerov2

Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?:


IC Section

Your First and Surname: Damien "Xero".

Race: Human

Age: Around 24

Notable Skills: I can fight a bit, I can somewhat treat wounds, and I'm okay with heavy lifting.

Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?: You bet I do.

Reasons for joining: Some guy handed me a poster by a well. That's about it, I suppose. Just wanna be helping the good guys and all.

What moral boundaries does the applicant have?: Uh, I like people and tend not to hurt them unless I have to. 

Additional Information: None.




OOC Section

MC name:


Skype Name (Optional):


Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?:

I have va's for the following.

- Murder

- Poison

- Torture

- Thievery

- Zealory

- Political Corruption

IC Section

Your First Name and Surname: Mythras Ardere

Race: Mali'ker'ame


Early hundreds

Notable Skills:



Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?:

Yes, for the most part.

Reasons for joining:

The Clerical Order kicked me out, so now I look for a new job.

What moral boundaries does the applicant have?:

- Won't kill children

- Won't eat others.



Benedict sits down at his desk again the following Elven day, and reads over the new applications. After discussing them with the other Inquisitor, they send the verdicts out. Both messages would read the following:


To the Applicant, 


Your application has been reviewed by the leadership, and we have decided you are fit for entrance in to the Eventide Dominion as levy's, and from there we shall see. You will be sent directions to our new keep within the next Elven day, and once you arrive you will be subject to an interview to see if you are worthy of the Creator and the Dominion.


-Inquisitor Benedict

The messages is stamped and sealed with the Eventide official symbol

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OOC Section

MC name: Ja_mes_K

Skype Name (Optional): Ja_mes_K

Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?: No, but I will willingly write one up.

IC Section

Name: Svengal Ulfhaedyn

Race: Northman

Age: 31

Notable Skills: Killing dark elves.

Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?: Aye

Reasons for joining: I join to purge the heretics and slay the infidels, as my father Aedric would have wanted before he died in battle against the heathen orcish hordes in the service of Emperor Godfrey.

What moral boundaries does the applicant have?: I have none; for none shall stand in the way of the righteous wrath of the Creator.

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OOC Section
MC name:
Skype Name (Optional):
Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?:
He does, for evils 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 4a
IC Section
Your First Name and Surname:
Thirty-one years of age.
Notable Skills:
Fighting using a sword, and farming.
Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?:
He does.
Reasons for joining:
I am looking for a purpose, and that purpose is to serve the Creator.
What moral boundaries does the applicant have?:
Will not do something that shall purposefully hurt a child. 
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OOC Section

MC name: Ja_mes_K

Skype Name (Optional): Ja_mes_K

Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?: No, but I will willingly write one up.

IC Section

Name: Svengal Ulfhaedyn

Race: Northman

Age: 31

Notable Skills: Killing dark elves.

Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?: Aye

Reasons for joining: I join to purge the heretics and slay the infidels, as my father Aedric would have wanted before he died in battle against the heathen orcish hordes in the service of Emperor Godfrey.

What moral boundaries does the applicant have?: I have none; for none shall stand in the way of the righteous wrath of the Creator.

A reply to Svengal's application is sent via Eventide Messenger, the letter bound in a blackened leather envelop secured by a metal clasp. Once removed from it's case, Svengal would read the following:

"Svengal Ulfhaedyn, 

Your application is greatly appreciated. Within this letter there shall lie several things said that will follow the judgement of the Eventide Leadership, which lies at the bottom of the page. Your answers to the forum's inquiries are no-doubt... interesting, but there are some things that must be pointed out and clarified.

Whilst your ferocity in handling your faith (much like your father before you, as stated in your application) is admirable, there may be some things that may conflict with any "habits" you may have grown against the four other races apart of the humane one. Take note - we, the Eventide Knighthood, acknowledge that the Good Faith of the Creator is not bound by one race under God. Humans to even Dark-Elves are viable to join should they prove their Faith is legitimate, as it is expected you would tolerate this and assume anyone in this Knighthood, should you reach the time where your vows are taken, despite their race, as a brother or sister. 

Infidels are seen as figures that may be indoctrinated into the Good Faith, but the hatred you hold for heretics is supported wholly by the Eventide. Slay them as you will under our Knighthood and under God. 

There is more the Eventide wishes to know before your complete acceptance into Levi-hood, and such will be concluded within an interview scheduled an Elven Day from this point on. Consider this your semi-acceptance into the Eventide Knighthood.

Signed, Eventide Inquisitor and Grand-Knight Viktor Delacroix."

At the bottom of the letter is a stamp of bronze hue, the crest of the Eventide set into it's center. 


OOC Section
MC name:
Skype Name (Optional):
Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?:
He does, for evils 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 4a
IC Section
Your First Name and Surname:
Thirty-one years of age.
Notable Skills:
Fighting using a sword, and farming.
Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?:
He does.
Reasons for joining:
I am looking for a purpose, and that purpose is to serve the Creator.
What moral boundaries does the applicant have?:
Will not do something that shall purposefully hurt a child. 


A reply to Arden's application is sent via Eventide Messenger, the letter bound in a blackened leather envelop secured by a metal clasp. Once removed from it's case, Arden would read the following:


Your submission is taken with utmost appreciation by the Eventide Knighthood, however, there is a small collection of errors. Your answers seem vague, and your name seems somewhat questionable reflecting on that you hold no surname. It is expected by the Eventide Knighthood that all of their men offer their complete names so that they can be seen as legitimate members; and so no confusions spring up without warning.

There is no other real discrepancies with your application, and with that, it can be concluded you are semi-accepted into the Order. In one Elven Day you will be approached and requested to follow to our keep, Archaerus, where you will be interviewed to focus on specific details to conclude if you are to be fully accepted or not.

Signed, Eventide Inquisitor and Grand-Knight Viktor Delacroix."

At the bottom of the letter is a stamp of bronze hue, the crest of the Eventide set into it's center.

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MC name: Drazker.

Skype Name (Optional): Drazker.

Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?: 

1A - Thievery & Cheating

1B - Lock-Picking, Breaking & Entering, and Jail-Breaking

1C - Arson & Destruction of Property

2A - Murder

2C - Torture

2C - Kidnapping

3A - Unholy Worship & Religious Zealotry

IC Section

Your First Name and Surname:"Vectis Vekon, second of my name."

Race: "Human."

Age: "Eight and twenty years old."

Notable Skills: "As a warrior, I am trained in Southeron fencing and Northern swordplay. I can also operate a crossbow and strike a target with a longbow accurately at one-hundred meters. As a priest, I am devout in my worship of the Almighty and His host of Aenguls. Finally, I have knowledge of the Northern Foe."

Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?:"I am, and have served His will on the battlefield many times, slaying the dark denizens of the north in my time as a Knight in Oren."

Reasons for joining: "The crusade against corruption must never end so long as it endures in the North and in the nations."

What moral boundaries does the applicant have?: "I am bound by honor to follow orders, but will not participate in any murderous or otherwise un-knightly acts."

Additional Information: N/A.


*Late one evening, a messenger bird would find it's perch at the address of Archaerus of the Ebony Blade. Bound to it's left leg one would find a scroll. At first reach, the bird would squawk and hop away, so difficulty could be found in discovering the origin of the letter's contents. Once retrieved, however, the scroll would unfurl to read:*


"To the notable Knights of the Eventide Dominion,


I have taken interest in your recent formation and the men that count themselves among your ranks. As a fellow warrior of the Faith, I congratulate you, my brothers, in your capture of the cultists' home. I had encountered them in the past and exchanged blows, but had not the time to finish them off, preoccupied with more important matters. With their ousting, you have done me a great favor.


If you would be so courteous, I would be glad to see the place redecorated. Perhaps you men could use an extra sword. If, by chance, I am so graciously invited, I request my Squire be granted entrance as well. He is a foolish lad, but harmless. I look forward to your swift reply.


Written in good faith,

Sir Vectis Vekon II"

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OOC Section

MC name: nsjja12345

Skype Name (Optional): N/A

Does the character you're applying for have a VA, and if so, what evils?: 


Yes, he has 1a and i may be going for 4b and Cannibalism soon.

IC Section

Your First Name and Surname: Borin Rameriz or "The Pickpocket" (Same person just under cover of mask if called "The Pickpocket."

Race: Human

Age: 24

Notable Skills: Very good at fighting has the most skills with Rapiers.

Does the applicant hold faith in the Holy Creator?: Yes.

Reasons for joining: After his final job with the Enforcers fell, Borin looks for more occupations to do with guarding/fighting.

What moral boundaries does the applicant have?: If you chase someone down and catch them, don't waste giving them in if death is what they deserve.

Additional Information: Has had jobs in; White Rose, Enforcers, House Lyon, Aegis Regiment and Aldersberg Guard.



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    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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