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Rping The Environment Around You!


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Hello, LotCers, new players, and people generally inquiring about Arrpee in general. (Yes, I do call it that.) You see, there is a huge, HUGE difference between Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings. Why, you ask? Game of Thrones is cold. Brittle. Even the paradise of KIng's Landing is full of violence and plotting. Lord of the Rings is full of hobbitsy things, mystical elves, and fantasy filled adventure.


How does this pertain to LotC, you ask? Well, characters are portrayed on how you emote them. It is up to you and only you how to roleplay your character, however I shall be suggesting different ways to potentially portray your character and how you emote his actions. Let's get some examples in!


 The man walks into the tavern, a solid wall of hot firey air hitting me. The stench of old hobbits fill the area, as his blood stained leather swivels in the air. He takes a seat, slamming two coins onto the table. The old innkeeper grunts, slamming down an equivalent mug of beer, it sloshing in the warm heat.

Does that sound very appealing? Sort of like a dark atmosphere of a lazy tavern, that looks relatively hostile and glum. This would fit a GoT mood. Let's look at another...


The man merrily swings the tavern door open, a warm cozy atmosphere to greet him. Hobbits are sitting at tables, laughing and telling jokes. Hobbit hairs and scattered across the floor as instruments begin to pick up as the night progresses. Why, the man even had some rabbit blood on him, from his hearty meal just some hours ago! He places two coins onto the tabletop, the innkeeper sliding a cold mug of beer for him. He takes the drink, turning around with a grin on his face to observe the tavern fun.

This is very different. It expresses a fun atmosphere where the perspective of the man is turned completely around! This would fit a LotR mood. Let's explain how you can change the perspective on emoting and just general moods.


Glum vs. Fum


The Glum Elf:

The Glum Elf trudges through the forest of tall trees, the midnight moon beckoning over him. A screech can be heard of wolf's hunting, as he sits down on the tree. The grass waves eerily, as if waiting for something. He sits to contemplate his horrible life, and how glum he is.


The Fum Elf:

The Fum Elf skips through a forest of towering trees, sheltering him from the lonely moon. A howl of animals can be heard in the distance, as he smiles softly, putting his hands onto the wood as he moves to sit down. Even the grass seems friendly, waving towards him in the beautiful silence of the night.


Noticed it or not, there is significant difference on how things are done here. The emotes are very different, portraying different sides to something. Notice on how the things are completely the same. The trees are tall, there is a full moon out. Animals howl, the grass waves, etc. However, the mood is changed dramatically. Let's delve into things you can use.


Adjectives. These suckers are arguably the most important to acknowledge when describing your character. What sounds more frightening?: "Beckoning Trees!" or "Welcoming Trees!". It is up to you to paint the picture. Further examples: "The old wood croaks eerily." or "The aged wood swings happily to the side." 


Description. What is more informative and appealing? "The wizard walks through the woods." OR... "The old wizard walks through the woods, his large hat tipping as several wood creatures come to greet him. Even the trees seem to be in a good mood as he puffs out smoke from his pipe." Now, I am not saying to make a paragraph every time you want to RP. However, description is key and really does make the place around you!


Words! Don't forget 'ol words! Portray the mood of your character and the setting through these. Either with, "A maddening whisper floats through the trees, the inevitable attack coming..." or "The chair creaks under the weight of the merry dwarf, as he swings his arms about, sending the candle lit buckets of ale sloshing." Happy mood? Darker mood? Merry mood?  Idle mood? Depressed mood? Anxious mood? It is yours to decide! Make your words associated with moods, so you can better describe what is happening.



I think this shall conclude my guide. Enjoy, and make good use of it! Tata!~

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I must say, a rather good guide! Though, I think maybe you should put up a neutral ground between glum and fum.

The elf walks through the forest carefully, the tall trees blocking out the light from the bright moon. A faint howling is heard off from the distance, and the elf sighs in an exhausted manner. The green grass waving harmoniously, almost as if every blade of grass was the fur of a beast, moving over tge muscles of the ground. The elf sits down on the gnarled roots of the tree, and slumps down onto the trunk, contemplating the activities of the following morning.

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I'd love it if Lord of the Craft would brim their emotes with detail, just looking over each individual emote would fill me to brimming with glee. Some may pout saying it's unnecessary but I don't care, it's just so much fun.


And all I can hope that this encourages them, detail is key.

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