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Status Replies posted by Borin

  1. making your persona name shit like "The Soldier" "The Seeker" "The Wanderer" is ******* stupid. no one calls you that. stop

  2. i think a lot of people in this damn server are negative nancies and need to start to be more positive. for real.

    1. Borin


      idk man you're being very negative rn

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  3. thank you squakhawk for these keepers 👐 may you give them the strength to be active and not hide 

  4. Is there room for 11* fully autonomous human nations/ settlements? This is the most egregious example but similar anecdotes can be found relating to other racial/ multiracial hubs; do we have too many spaces relative to our player base now, which has remained effectively the same size since the Pandemic?

    (This is a question. I don't claim to have the answer. I'd like to see yours, though!)

    1. Borin


      i am a great believer in multiple nations. the waldenian nationalist, the h*enseman, the dw*rf and the e*f for example cannot truly live together in harmony. it is better for all that we keep to our own kind or better yet, death war eachother.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. if we had rped w spanish as a language in 2016 I would be fluent by now but instead i know blah 

  6. favorite song that has come out this year. GO!!!

    1. Borin


      Dunno if ive listened to any really. None i can remember.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. Who is the most notorious player-created villain in LOTC history and why? 

  8. I enjoy this trans Visibility concept, didn't know it existed. please let us enjoy this time of the year by accepting both sides naturally and happily!

    (Happy Easter and TVD! and stop passive agressive posting- your not cool if you do!)

    1. Borin


      Its some Americanism

  9. what the hell happened here?

    1. Borin


      No no please respect my beliefs *makes snide comment about someone elses

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. what the hell happened here?

    1. Borin


      American holiday and Christian celebration on same day 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. @adamc2000 What do you do during Ramadan?

    1. Borin


      Poor fella sits in a hospital

  12. b ball and the gym, b ball and the gym, you want to go play b ball, go the gym, and cook a big fat steak, oh yeah, $7 chuck-steak, organic grassfed

    you wanna cook it


    1. Borin


      Cheers boss gonna sit and stare at this for 5 minutes

  13. Treelord rewrite not having a no-FTB ******* redline is outrageous.

  14. Where did all my cookies go?

  15. yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me

    1. Borin


      I love maltamoss

  16. looking for joy & love 

  17. The real evil is that they denied the minitzers their Panzer. Never forgive them for this. 

  18. I dont know who the bad guy is

    1. Borin


      yeah ive had that issue w that BR

  19. im so back- application accepted and now im going to abuse godmode so i never have to eat gg mods you fell for my trap.

  20. yep. 31 comments and 35 rep. the server speaks that i am the one who staff members

  21. wheres your aether buddy>?

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