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Coal VIP
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Everything posted by AzumaPan

  1. "last i saw her she was talking to a boy with savoyard clothing claiming to be from sedan, a reynault or something" said a child from the bishop family
  2. "about time" said Sunny Vuiller at the notice
  3. sad that i lost a friend to this just because i pked (killed myself irp) and some people in haelunor just straight avoid rping with me just because i was undecisive on making a character
  4. this is going to bring more possibilities to powergame, they arent going to know how to properly use it and abuse the knowledge of those who arent really on the topic, there is already magic that is powerful but has drawbacks, the only drawback of a flintlock is reloading which can be made to take various emotes but some people are going to abuse it and we already have crossbows that are already being missused
  5. i personally want 1.13 and for the devs to focus enhancing 1.13 rather than update to 1.14 with a bad chunkloading, the new blocks are cool but it doesnt replace the chunk loading, we cant move from point a to point b it takes literally too much time for travelling, maybe we can go back to 1.13 with an older save if world corruption is a concern but we cant stay in 1.14 its ruining the traveling of the map
  6. AzumaPan


    Yuriel was a single child born in helena in the coldest day of the deep cold, his mother died shortly after giving birth, he was a very reserved child had not many friends and past most of his time studying about other cultures and races, because of this he took a liking for elves he didnt knew why but elves intrigued him, maybe was the mysticism surrounding them. at a very young age he presentiated how his father was being coaxed by some guards to pay them for extra protection, after his father paid the guards to leave them alone he told young yuriel that it was fine, but he deep down knew that was wrong, he learned what corruption is that day and grew a deep hatred towards anyone like those guards. his family was poor but could afford a simple education for him, he met his friends there, they mostly learned about the art of trade and about the deceased commander Cassius Horen. at a later age he met a girl who he quickly fell in love with but the feelings wherent shared and his friends made fun of him thats when he started developing anger issues, because of that he couldnt consider them friends anymore. currently his father has fallen ill so he set off in a quest of travel and trade in order to help his father recover
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