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    Janus Seadane
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  1. I'mI am American but I do think that zed is a better term for it
  2. Well, after extorting one of my personas out of 1000 mina (on christmas), helping another persona along to a PK with the sword, and pissing off the dwarves, I can safely say that while I will miss you, the odds of safety for my current persona have just gone up. Seriously though, thanks for the fun times, I actually really enjoyed that time when you forced me to ransom myself, at least after I calmed down. But you will be missed. I do understand what it is like to wanna leave lotc. Been trying to cut back myself lately. May you have a good journey.
  3. L_GS


    Chunk loading is a major issue concerning current lag problems, by reducing the amount of chunks loaded where they can be, it may help some.
  4. I think that we do need to encourage the creation of special goods besides just drugs. It would it make it more interesting in terms of what is traded. I am not advocating for anything really (I am too new of a player to have ever used Nexus) but I do think that being able to make more varied items in rp would be fun. I also think that McMMO is not great in current state for the server. However, if you made something similar to McMMO it could be good for professions, but there needs to be an upper limit to levels. Also you could make some of the bonuses start higher based on character race, then you could have some races have natural proficiency and others have to develop it over time.
  5. Okay, as a player who is relatively new to the server, like 7 weeks since whitelist, I don't exactly understand how this chart is supposed to be read. Like I can see what punishments are, but what offenses correspond to them.
  6. L_GS


    After being cast out by his family for his lack of adherence to the church of canon. Janus Sordant was a vagabond for most of his life, remaining independent and stealing much of what he needed to survive from those who had more. However, eventually he became too ambitious and was caught. Somehow not losing his life or hand for his crimes he was grateful. Though he was locked away for months on end until one day he was released and was changed by the experience. Although he acquired a new respect for the property of others, Janus became wary of any figures who raised themselves above others. Sadly, he still needed to eat. After attempting to find work and failing, he went back onto the street as a beggar. Still, Janus was able to survive, if just barely. However he was helped by a goodwill program from one of the various nobles to raise their own status and was able to find work in another city after moving on.
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