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Everything posted by farmerclown

  1. A certain Savoyard Basrid would pinch the bridge of her nose as she read the news that made her way to her office within the morning. She'd let out a sharp sigh as she reached for a wine glass. "We've a long day ahead of us." She'd comment to no one but herself as she prepared for whatever mess was to come this day! Seems to be one thing after the next for humanity.
  2. "Heathens and sympathizers have no place within the Holy See." Vaileia commented within the Church, signing the cross of Lorraine.
  3. "Our Lord has called and Michael I has answered." A Basrid commented as she watched the enthronement of the new Pontiff.
  4. "Now that's a Barclay Bargain!" The Lady Exchequer of Savoy comment at the two for one deal in one event, a coronation and dethronement!
  5. "It is the faithful that have rallied behind Philip the III and it is the faithful that will remain dutiful and loyal to the crown. Under ONE god, ONE mankind, and ONE emperor." Vasilieia mutter to herself as she watched onward at the High Pontiff coronating the new Emperor.
  6. "Rally the Faithful!" The Exchequer of Savoy would exclaim from the courtroom, yet in her mind all she could think was about how much she will have to be managing the funds of this upcoming endevour.
  7. Lady Exchequer Vasileia Basrid was delighted to see that the Duke and Duchess had returned, ready to welcome them!
  8. “To protect and serve the Silver State…” A gingered ‘aheral commented from her office in which she began to pen several letters, perhaps one in regards to continuing her own lineage- to grow and revitalize her bloodline. It was time.
  9. Valyris flipped through the latest set of papers released by her llir as she sat by her fireplace. It seemed as though she was deep in contemplation.
  10. Established 5th of the Deep Cold, the 50th year of the Second Age. The arcane gardens decorated for a wedding afterparty depicted in the Year 45 of the Second Age. The Magelight Tavern & Inn is the center of entertainment and leisure within the Silver City. Full of mystic, wonder, and refreshing drinks to quench one’s thirst after a long day of work or studies. Within the tavern, travelers and denizens alike will find that it is one of self-sufficiency, music which plays itself, brooms which whizz by in order to sweep up any incoming dirt, a place which magic and recreation come to meet once again. Located off the center of the main square of the lower district, one may simply follow the magelights to find the tavern. The official menu of the Magelight Tavern & Inn can be found here. On the upper levels of the Magelight tavern, one would find a cozy inn where travellers or those that wish to have a home away from home may take solace. The Magelight Inn is dedicated to tending to the needs of its guests as if they were at home. With hot breakfast served daily and comforting that has been warmed by the fire before being placed on the bed, it is considered a home away from home to many. The tavern and inn are currently hiring the following positions; barkeep, chef, innkeeper, and waitstaff. If one would like to work at the Magelight Tavern & Inn, they may seek out the Okarir’mali Valyris Wynasul or submit an application to the tavern. If one has any questions about the Magelight Tavern & Inn, send a bird to Valyris [[ Discord: Cepheid#9520]]. Application [[Reply to the post with such]] (OOC) MC Name: (OOC) Discord: Name: Age: Race: Position applying for: Do you have any prior experience?:
  11. YES! After months of waiting.... +1
  12. El’kaliri Thilln’asul 5th of Sun’s Smile, 40 S.A. “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” The day of the Silver Sun is a day that commemorates all the progress which has led us to the point we are at today and where we will be in the future; to honor progress, those of the past, those of the present, and those of the future. It is a day that signifies all that has been and all that we ensure it will be. It is a time for discussion of our future and what will become of such. In order to ensure that we stand by the tradition of silver and uphold the Silver Revolution, Haelun’or shall be hosting a Masquerade of the Silver Sun in the Citadel this coming First Seed of 41 S.A. There shall be games, food, dancing, and most importantly the mali’thill. While all that are friends of the state and beloved citizens are welcome, they are asked to abide by a strict dress code of silver and light blue-hued attire along with their masks. Masks are encouraged so that people may focus on parts of their purity outside of that of the beloved forms that were blessed by the Golden Pools and to highlight other parts of oneself. We cannot wait to see you there. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Penned and Signed; Valyris Wynasul, Okarir’tayna OOC: Friday, September 10th @ 4:00 PM EST // 9:00 PM GMT
  13. A sickly Okarir’tayna stirred from her slumber in a coughing fit, kept only alive by the beet juice from the fennic illness she had caught two years ago and had been fiercely battling. The firey haired Valyris glanced over the missives with glazed eyes and she spoke out in a croaky voice. “I knew there was a reason he detested the beets….” She muttered, a bit confused on what was comfortable about her state. “Alas… I will recover soon so this will be dealt with…” Her fever-driven ramblings continued as she fell back into her sleep.
  14. Praised be to the great Beboon. His sacrifices were not in vain. 🙏🙏
  15. A certain young Wynasul’s visage burns nearly as red as the hair that dons her head in a somewhat flustered manner upon scanning the idea of an arranged marriage and she quickly focuses back onto her work and fiddling with a needle and thread. “Government marriages? How… awkward…” Sabine flashed the missive over to a certain ‘roommate’ of hers and offered a amused grin. “Where is my anonymous poems? Eh? The pomp and romance! Didn’t your hear it’s clearly a necessity.” She spoke in a clearly sarcastic manner in the privacy of their home. @Johann
  16. "Such violence portrayed by the Silvered Lions is disgraceful of needless bloodshed against those who may be educated properly to return home. It is despicable to hear of such actions that are being committed by so called mali'thill." The Okarir'tayna commented from within the walls of the Arcane Sanctuary to herself as she shifted through the missives that had been delivered. "I do hope there is an address that we are not at fault for this bloodshed." The fiery-haired Wynasul muttered as a final note to herself, as she then returned back to her work and working on her next enchanted outfit in the quiet of her workshop.
  17. REGARDING THE OKARIRAN 11th of the Deep Cold, 32 SA The Silver Council has seen fit to expand to new horizons to combat the latent lethargy of essential duties throughout the Motherland. As a citizen Lleinde Tillun’sae has been leading efforts to expand the cultural societies, combating impurity and other lacklusterness, hence the Silver Council is reimplementing the position of Okarir’tayna to promote Miss Tillun’sae for her efforts.The new Okarir’tayna is going to add a fresh perspective in spearheading activities throughout the city. We would like to thank Zelios Viradiraar for his tenure leading the Sillumiran, however the Silver Council with the Okarir'sil have seen fit that the positions he occupied be opened up to the Blessed Citizenry with a vacancy. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Signed, Kolvar Uradir, Sohaer Valyris Wynasul, Okarir’mali
  18. A certain ginger 'thill upon seeing it on the morning walk to the posterboard skimmed over the contents of the letters to the state. She couldn't help but shake her head lightly. "So disappointing coming from a Viradiraar."She remarked to herself before ripping it down from the board and tacking a few different posters in it's place. "Much better. Those that have something to say may do such in person." "Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya"
  19. I've become so much like Avaeramos Yaeger it's scary. I wear black armor, verbally assault women, and physically assault my friends. When I look in the mirror, I can't help but say "戦い, 戦い" (which means fight, fight in common.) I grew my hair out long because I don't care so now I have to wear it in a bun and I don't care what people think so shut ** up Spoon! I always leave an open wound on my hand, and go out of my way to show it to everyone so they are reminded that I am in control. When I see kha being taken on walks I get mad at them for not being free like I am. I can't ftb with my girlfriend anymore without forcing her to dress up as Rhaella or Naeri, both of whom remind me of Dael. When I order fast food, I refuse to call them french fries and insist on calling them azdrazi fries. I just keep moving forward, until my enemies are destroyed.

    1. latte



  20. A CALL TO A TRIAL OF PURITY 18th of the Snow’s Maiden, 32 S.A. The ashes of progress as it burns and withers away, crumbling underfoot beneath the transgressions of those that wish to stifle our people thriving. To stifle progress and the opinions of the ‘thill is to stifle our very existence. While such stifling comes as no surprise when it comes from lessers, it comes as a surprise when it is of our own people. The petitions of the Haelun’orian Arts Centre have been burned to a crisp, with Seraphite Viradiraar and April Viradiraar caught in the act by Okarir’mali Valyris Wynasul. A colorized depiction of the Arts Center after the fire. Due to the extensive effect of their crimes, it is an act that cannot be ignored. They have endangered the lives of other ‘thill, the progress made on the tavern which is attached to the centre having nearly been burned if not for the help of Maehrir Dovian, they have stifled the voices of their other ‘thill. Hence, the aforementioned Viradiraars are being called to a trial of purity. The desecration of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya is not an act which is able to go unpunished. PENNED AND SIGNED; Okarir’mali Valyris Wynasul
  21. OOC IN-CHARACTER What is your name? Sabine Why seek membership to the Mages Guild? I wish to help others grow in their arcane knowledge as well as the realms understanding of the arcane. There is an innate misunderstanding of the Void's innerworkings by most of the realm, as well as many mage's themselves as to what the Void truly is; it's dangers and it's benefits. I wish to properly educate not only the outside realm but aspiring mages on what it means to study the Void. Along with this, I would like to teach the art of conjuration in a proper manner since there are many that only understand the surface level of the magic. What arts, if any, do you currently practice? Conjuration (Formerly; Unsound and Telekinesis.) What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance? Adeptus, in the Order Astrologicus When should you be contacted for an interview? Whenever.
  22. Valyris had a smile tug at the corners of her mouth upon reading the in-depth thesis of Sir Karl Amador going above and beyond with his task! She lifted a quill to sign the squirebook that had been offered out towards her with overdramatic cursive lettering in silver ink.
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