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Everything posted by Harald

  1. Lost yet Found ISSUED AND CONFIRMED BY OLIVIER PERCIVAL ASHFORD DE SAVOIE Upon the 6th of JOMA AG UMUND, 479 E.S. | The 6th of SIGISMUND’S END, 1926 As the world turns to ruin due to the attacks of the Mori, a new horizon is due to appear before us. It is this new horizon which brings us the joy to announce that the heir to house Ashford de Savoie, Olivier Percival, during his long voyage has welcomed a son. Having been married upon the ship which brought him around the world, he and his wife welcomed their son who was blessed and given the name Lucius Edwin Ashford de Savoie. @giambro Yet with such joyous news must sorrow follow; as during their voyage back towards Almaris, the now-late wife of Olivier de Savoie lost her life at sea; having vanished overboard. The waves of the sea sadly washed her away into the dark. Olivier Percival was forced to mourn his wife over the long voyage, following the realization that the raising of his son had now fallen on him and him alone. Olivier arrived with his son and made the decision to keep him hidden for his first years to secure his safety. Yet now as civilisation seeks new land, we can finally announce and proudly present the newest and dearest member of House Ashford de Savoie. [!] A water stained painting of Olivier and his late wife was attached to the missive; a water stained painting of Olivier and his late wife was included. “We have won - Not with words, but with deeds.” Signed, HIS LORDSHIP, Olivier Percival Ashford de Savoie HIS LORDSHIP, Ser Sébastien ‘The White Sun’ Ashford de Savoie Guardian of Keep Peremont, Palatine Kommissar, and Meyster Knight of Hanseti-Ruska
  2. Sir Rev Vuiller would stand next to John Charles holding a box of cigars as he turned "Whos joining us now John? Please let it be someone I know!" a smile would appear as he noticed Charles, his predecessor in the Ministry of Justice offering the man a proper handrolled Imperial Cigar
  3. Frode, or by now The Savior would blink, looking around for his son Sigurd... his mind would pause for a bit as his red automaton eyes would stand still only lighting up his visage slightly.. Yet soon there after a wrinkly grin would appear on the figure's face as he'd hold out his polar bear arms shouting "I'M ONCE MORE JARL!!" he'd lash out in dance, clearly one of celebration rather than sorrow.. after all the figure knew he would see his son again.. Or at least thats what he believed..
  4. "There is no right or wrong, only does and don’ts and in the end all we can do is face the consequences for what you have done” As the world as we knew it has fallen all we are left with is our motions of being stuck down in this void that once might have hosted the Mori that by now has taken all of our homes. Yet with my warnings none of you heeded my warnings, none of the leaders of nations of the world came to seek me. And thus the world has collapsed as we know it. And to think, after having raised wars against one another since our arrival none of you were able to defeat the enemy. Had you only listened, and you only heed my warnings and now allowed your stubbornness to control you then maybe we would still have our lands, our cities retaken. But no, now the people of the world are in a collective doomed to this voidal horror in which we find ourselves. At least until we may find a way to escape this hole and start anew. Yet once more I shall reach out a hand to you all, the leaders of the world to come and see me so that my visions may guide us further. May my blessings guide you all.
  5. So... when are we going to the cabin? Also.. are you truly the highest fire? And most importantly, out of all our shenanigans, what is your favorite memory?
  6. “The true wickedness of the world is simply the battle within our own mind, of what is right and wrong” -The Savior- To the flock of the realm, to those of human, dwarven, elven, orcish or any other closely related origin I write to you, not as a man with the right to bear arms, but as he who has been sent by the Gods to ensure our survival against the beasts who now threaten to fully eradicate us from this terra. Let it be known, I claim no otherworldly power, as it would be false. Yet I have been given a vision, a quest to ensure our races do not meet their end. With my accomplice the tin man who I have named Ferrus I swear it to you all, we shall ensure our survival. Therefore once I have reached the next advance of my nature I hereby call the leaders of the different realms to meet me, there we shall fully discuss the plan that shall guarantee our survival. This I promise you as the Savior. May my blessings guide you all.
  7. Olivier de Savoie would finally hear of the passing of Sir August, the young man sitting at the stairs of the ruins of Savoy for a few moments holding a box of old cigars he had stolen from August in his childhood during one of their many talks.. A figure he had seen as a mentor was gone, a man he was hoping to rely on for years to come.. yet it was far to late now.. There was nothing more for him to do then to mutter a prayer before returning to the room within the runins he had layed claim to for himself. lighting one of the cigars as he'd think back on the found memories they had shared.
  8. Gwendel wondered who the **** Emerentia was as well as what deal with this Lenoid she speaks of is. After all he did never meet nor communicate with the man..
  9. From the seven skies, a particular Sir Rev Vuiller would look down towards the Kingdom of Balian. A warm smile silently resting upon his visage, since his passing twenty five years ago, the Kingdom he held close to his heart had continued to grow and expand. He'd dip his head towards his sons direction even though it would go unoticed. Pride filling his chest of his youngest child, as he might not have been his sucessor in matters of familiar tiltes he had carried on the legacy of their forefathers as a statesman.
  10. A HOPE OF JUSTICE More than a decade has passed since the accusations against me were raised by my once beloved little sister. Accusations not only breaking my character and going against who I am, but ones breaking up our family. I have been a man living a simple life since birth, having been born in Acre by my mother Victoria Vasile and father Marius Vilac. Raised within their walls until stumbling after my father to Balian where he left me with my siblings on the promise that he would return soon. Yet my father never return. As the oldest of thirteen children, it fell upon myself to take care of my siblings, Azrielle being one of them. And while I do admit that I was never the best parent seeing how merely a child when my father passed. No one can say that I did not try my hardest to ensure their childhood was one in which they felt safe and had what they needed. While being able to strike a deal ensuring they all had a place to sleep and be safe I myself spent eight years sleeping on the pews of the Basilica within Atrus. The very same Basilica I expect to be summoned to now to stand trial for the accusations raised against me. Let it be known, that once the summonings by the Holy Mother Church and her Tribunal comes, I shall answer it, I shall arrive and stand before the tribunal while they decide if they find me innocent or guilty in what I have been accused of. My prayers have been that they will see sense, and that even if I'm found guilty of a crime I did not commit, I only hope they will hold their penance to be fair and just, rather than the penance served my beloved brother Antonius of whom I shared a womb. That my head does not end up on a pike as he did without trial. It is on this promise that I shall heed their judgment and arrive at their summons to face the penance they might see fit. Therefore I, Sir Gwendel Victor Simon Vilac, humbly request the Auditor of the Tribunal to be allowed to return home to Balian, to spend these last remaining months with my wife and children before my Trial, in the case that I do not get to see them again after. Allow me this, as a will of good faith and trust in the judgment of our Holy Mother Church and their jurisdiction. May Godan hold us dear, and keep us safe, as he is the Creator of all. Amen. Signed, Sir Gwendel Victor Simon Vilac The Prince of Vîlanchia @Mordhaund
  11. This is gonna be great guys! cries in river adjustment
  12. The very late Patriarch Johan Vuiller looked down from the seven skies, a warm smile forming upon his visage as his adopted daughter reconnected with their kin.
  13. What is your full name?: Olivier Percival Ashford de Savoie [ HaraldMarron ] Is this a family, personal or investment account?: Personal Who has access to withdraw minas?: N/A Who has access to deposit minas?: N/A Who inherits in the event of death?: My brother, Carolous Colborn How much are you wishing to deposit to begin?: 1000 mina
  14. Sir Gwendel "the innocent" Vilac tilted his head reading the missive form one of his many hideouts of Almaris as he'd muble something to himself looking over the fireplace as he leaned back in his chair "Another cousin.. or well multiple cousins at that.. I take it we should arrange for these Vilac's to meet my heir and children.." he grumbled some more at that going to find some parchment and his pen..
  15. Olivier Percival would smile the sun smile as he'd settle his books and quills within the newly constructed keep. His gaze settled upon the new life that had been given to the ruins of Vuillermoz.
  16. By Choice or Circumstance “Per Electionem vel Circumstantiam” 13th of Owyn’s Flame 1914. IST 13th of Jula and Piov, 467. ES “A knight by the crossroads of his actions” By the very nature of our existence, a question tends to return in almost all we do, in sight of our actions and the results of them: do we truly have a free choice? Did we make the choices we did, fought the people we did and see the destruction of people’s homes due to our own free will and choice or was it from pure circumstance and the structure of the society around us? Look back to the Brothers’ War that saw the end of the Holy Orenian Empire. While it was not the first time the Empire fell (neither do I believe it to be the last), it is clear from the history and the books later written that what led to the destruction of this Empire differs from the Empires of the past. We saw the longest-lasting Empire in human memory destroy itself, rather than being destroyed by outside forces. Brothers against brothers, friends against friends, families with ties of yore stood on different sides of the battlefield. But did we do this by choice, or due to a sense of structure and what was expected of us? The same can be seen in the Petran Civil War: did the people who lost their lives during the war do so only from their own heroic choice and their free will? Or did they fight for what they were told to believe in? Did they fight for what they have been bred and raised to do? We like to believe that we have free will, yet looking back to history it's quite clear that anyone breaking loose from the structure of our society often ends up finding themselves cast out or meeting an early grave. We follow crowns, currencies, generals, armies, leaders of our houses and Gods. Most doing the biddings of these different figures of our society. Yet what led people like Philip I to destroy his own capital with the use of a thanhium bomb? What led the younger brother of Peter IV to raise banners against him, seeking to take the Imperial Throne and further destroy it, to recreate a lesser Kingdom? Or what led Renata I to dissolve the Principality of Savoy, leaving her people with no place to call their home? This raises many questions regarding the concept of our own free will. In some cases we can see a clear-cut case of what people would call free will. Whether for better or for worse, we can see it in every chapter of history. Even as of now, writing this I can say I have witnessed both parties of debate in the last year. We have royals, while yet young, break the structure of how they are supposed to act, or at least what history paints them as. Often we get a sense of feeling that Royals due to their blood or name see themselves as higher beings. Yet these newer generations of nobles show a clear rift from the past. Quite often it can be taken note that these new royals often don’t use their titles to put others down, they don’t simply hide away in their palaces but adventure out in the world at an early age, making connections and friends. We can notice how this has been going on over a few generations. This breaks the former structure of royals, Yet there are still parts of the system where we see their duties, names, and titles keep them from having a complete free will. God, as mentioned before, is also something or someone we are taught has made all, the Creator. He who knows all and who shall judge us or forgive us once we leave this terra. Yet would the existence of said God be once more a factor against our capacity for free will? I shall be honest when I say that this topic has perplexed me quite a bit, having been told my entire life that I will choose what I become, that I can choose who I wish to be, or what I wish to be. Yet, all these structures in the world seem to limit that ability. But would these structures not also be what keeps the world in check? It would in truth be impossible to declare if we are free-willed or not. There is no simple response looking into all the different factors that must be taken into account. Yes, we do have a sense of free will in the sense that we can make our own choices, but at the same time free will can not exist in such a structured world as the one we find ourselves within. Written by, Olivier P. A. de Savoie
  17. Godric de Vend clicked his tongue as he looked over the missive. A slight curiosity sparked in his eyes as he looked out the window of the ruins he currently found himself within. A large desk stood there, and upon it his writings and the book he had spent over a decade to complete.. The reasons for his absent mind, the reasoning for his unrelenting desire to keep away.. yet he thought to himself as the moonlight settled on the ruins that nature herself had laid claim to, maybe, just maybe it was time to return?
  18. The Ember Sun’s 10th of Horen’s Calling 45 B.A. “The sun shall always shine on us as long as we stick together” some childhood quote from one of the ember’s many adventures.. With new generations comes new adventures, and with the new city built within the Kingdom of Balian. It's from these adventures that strong friendships have been formed. A sense of belonging and kinship sometimes stronger than that of blood. The Sun's Hall Located within the capital city of Balian, the Sun's Hall was the first proper hangout of the Ember Sun’s. Located right by the Basilica of the city. Held dearly by most of the members as a means of escape from the dull world of the grownups who politely were nicked Withering roses by one of the groups earlier members. Having all the children would need, the clubhouse included multiple floors of common rooms, a kitchen as well as places to hide should the need ever arrive. Yet some questions were raised towards how this group of children had arranged for a house to call their own, but as the story goes Olivier de Savoie had during opening of the city spoke to a kind man offering him a sack of coin in exchange for him purchasing the house for them giving the kids the keys later on. While the group consisted of children and early teens from all over the realm of Almaris one thing at least was clear. It did not matter if you were from Balian, Haense, Aaun, Adria or somewhere else when you first entered the Ember suns, as we were all equal under the sun no matter rank or lineage. The group had just one simple mission and idea of the world, that as long as they would stick together and help each other when times get hard, they could ensure that their lives would be a lot less lonely. Let it also be known, that all kids from the realm shall be welcomed within the Sun's hall!
  19. Olivier de Savoie reads the missive from the Ember Sun's club house tilting his head "See, this is why ea did niet like Hoonse, they kept on being bullies and liars!" he huffed and puffed then making a paper plane out of the missive throwing it out the window! "They already denied people form being allowed ot be part of Hoonse as well.. just because they did niet like them!" he then sat down starting to scribble in his book a large missive!
  20. Sir Gwendel "the innocent" Vilac would read the missive, signing it as he sent it back to his old comrades to let them know he agreed!
  21. The child, Lord Edvard Baenyx Vuiller was fully ignorant of the situation as he played with his tin soldiers on the floor of the Vuiller keep. Pointing towards Ledicort tilting his head “Dada?” He seemed confused seeing how the lad after all did not have a father around..
  22. Sir Gwendel Vilac would have heard of the news somehow.. looking up at the sun as he spoke "Until the sun settles for the last time..." He placed his hammer to the ground looking forward "Ave, Constanz the truthful" a hood was then pulled over his head, his trusted hammer left behind as he vanished into the livily place before him
  23. Sir Gwendel Vilac tilted his head seeming confused "Who the **** is Teft?" he shook his head "It seems my sestra's illness as spread to lies.. I wonder what she might have done to the poor man to blame it upon her own blood.. one thing is clear, she's no Vilac"
  24. Sir Gwendel poundered.. for a few moments.. his mind ticking.. remember how he still to this day has not really ever left Petra since arriving.. Standing by the Archduke's side since he was a teen "Oi Constanz, Those titles and the land of that traitor cousin of mine.. May I have them to give my son August? After all I hold Halcourt blood!" @Eddywilson2
  25. Sir Gwendel Vilac looked over the missive tilting his head "he is trying to call for the dissolution of a Military that has withered under his leadership?" he seemed a bit confused "None of the people who either stood under our first or second commander agree with you Mr Laurence.. But Hey.. You did leave your comrades and wife to die during the attack from what people say.. Even if I were niet there.. I'm not suprised.. How sad that you have proven yourself to be the largest dissapointment to come out from Halcourt" The man then continued his work.. Ensuring the men and woman of the Sons of Petra were well fed and ready for battle.. after all someone had to..
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