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Everything posted by MaltaMoss

  1. holy shit this is literally humanity
  2. Your honor he's guilty he did it all from the shadows
  3. The Mareno's eyes scanned the declaration, Valentin feeling a sense of burning hatred fire up in his chest. "No right." He muttered, swearing silently to himself. "The Penny Duke has no right to be making demands, let alone demands for honor."
  4. dude ive taken so much ******* Adderall these ADD meds are crazy see you later dude thank you for blessing us with quite possibly the best LOTC copypasta in the server's history you were a wise man with a moderately level head, rare talent godspeed
  5. Valentin read the paper with a smile, resting his hand loosely upon his sword's pommel. "I did tell them didn't I? It wasn't just us going hunting! Vilac, fallen so far."
  6. Valentin Mareno, his knightly honor and title rightfully restored after the defeat of the Penny Duke, smiled as his eyes scanned the Petran forest. He felt a swell of pride in his chest. In that moment he reached down across his breastplate, retrieving an old cigar that a certain Archduke had given him many years ago. "So Gustaf, I did good didn't I?" He turned his head, speaking to someone that wasn't even there. His eye twitched, brimming with a repressed madness. The Mad Dog of Acre lit the cigar, smoke pouring out from between his lips with every puff.
  7. Valentin eyes the paper with a deep interest, happy with it's contents. "The Consort sat there the entire meeting and provided nothing but crude comments and belligerent childishness. Hopefully the man is less wrathful after sleeping on it."
  8. Valentin rolled one, sticking the spliff directly between his lips. A chuckle escaped him, a certain madness lurking in his eyes. "He couldn't keep his wife, how does he expect to keep a country he's no claim to? Madness!"
  9. Valentin Mareno, sworn protector of Renilde I eyes the missive with great distrust. "Paul, I've come to fulfill my end of the deal. Your posthumous payments kept me afloat all these years, I suppose I've a job to do."
  10. Valentin Mareno begins to weep uncontrollably, the memories of his fallen comrades flooding back into his head. Oh if they only knew what they were dying for, what all their sacrifice would lead to. "Old Comrade, how I've failed you. I'm so, so sorry."
  11. lol ur evolving joshbright beyond fleeper status
  12. "For GOD and a righteous and Canonist Norland!" Spoke the Acolye, a smile upon his face.
  13. 40 gorillion dead pink tags beneath Oren (traumatizing) on a serious note Tree I'm glad you've seen the error of your minecraft villain ways and have stopped being a feeding CA murderhobo god bless Please continue down this righteous path so you may restore the souls of so many dead pink tags
  14. A teal-faced marauder sat high upon the orcish construction, eyes cast down upon the field of death left in the battle's thunderous wake. Upon the ground he spotted the mangled form, trampled beneath torrents of boots. The armor caught his eye, it was from land's so far from where it's wearer now lay. He turned his head, unable to look any longer. "Just another soldier, that's all." He reassured himself, grimacing.
  15. An old mercenary grins from the seven skies, a deep laugh escaping him as the memories flooded back. "Ah! The Silver Isles Campaign! Mad Freddy! What strange times to live in."
  16. This is so realistic. It's a borderline doxxing. How did you get this photo
  17. Excitedly has my family This is a cry for help Ave Renatus
  18. so when we pushed (redacted) into the river was he in the wheelchair or not (please answer)
  19. Welcome to the Moderation Team Union, please have your membership card stamped as you come through the door. (We have potlucks on Sundays someone needs to make casserole thank you)
  20. Valentin stared down at the report, clutching it in gloved hands as a confused expression took form on his weathered face. The aged soldier had been travelling, seeing the world as he left the old country behind to stretch his legs for a few years. He had to squint hard for a moment, his eyes weren't what they used to be after all, but he could have swore he saw mention of a Novellen on his shores. "Blimey, I thought Ol' Gustaf did away with these bastards. Where did they turn up from? A vacation resort?" He snickered, the memories flooding back as he gazed out across the great forests of the heartlands. "I reckon he blames himself, for Mad Freddy n' that. Don't worry son, your father didn't bite it because you abandoned him. It was fate, not a fault of yours!" The Mareno cackled, twirling with intoxication as he sauntered down the wooded path. "He comes back again! Back again! Spawn o' the coward comes back again! Oh-de-do-da-day!" And as he carried on into the woods, his crude lyrics and tone grew muted beneath the trees.
  21. I for one welcome our previous Moderation Warlord back onto his mod admin throne ItDontMatta for president
  22. NUB ******* WAE MALIN IS TREE????

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