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Posts posted by Frymark






    c. 394

    A depiction of the previously held Waldofest, 

    organized by Grand Maer Alfred Barclay.



    To the citizens of Hanseti-Ruska and honourable invitees below,


    As autumn draws ever closer, and the winds become colder, it is once again time for the annual Reinmaren Festival. Kretzenfest shall be hosted by the House of Barclay, and held within the lands of Reinmar. The lengthy festival will last for two consecutive days, which are filled with various types of games, festivities and alcohol.





    The first day of the event is to start at Reinmar’s festival grounds, where a number of stalls shall be set up for attendees to freely and without reservation sell their products. Alongside this, music, alcohol and the traditional festival games are to be held.




    The participants shall be given a bow and a set of arrows, and from a set point they must try and hit as many targets as possible. The one who accumulates the most points is rewarded 200 mina.




    In collaboration with the International Equestrian Federation, a Grand Race shall be held, encompassing the near entirety of Haense. The riders will set out with their own horses, and the first one who completed the entire track wins the sum of 400 mina.




    Once the Grand Race comes to a conclusion, it is time for the attendees to properly wet their tongues in a drinking contest. Only the best beer made from Reinmar’s fields shall be served, and the last man still holding their drink wins the prize of 200 mina.




    After the drinking, it is time to enter the arena, and to find the best brawler from the bunch. With only their fists, the participants are to enter a pit, and the last man leaving that pit will receive 200 mina.

    Once the Barclay Brawl has ended, the attendees are encouraged to remain in the grounds of Reinmar to tour the stalls and listen to the Waldenian music performed within the festival.





    The second day of the Kretzenfest will begin around the fiefdom’s docks, where a boat race shall kick off the second day of the festivities.




    Beginning from the docks of Reinmar, the contestant will be tasked with making their way through a lengthy boat track around Lake Victoria! The first one to complete the track, and return back to the starting point wins the sum of 200 mina!




    Honouring the tradition of the previously held Waldofest, the mug hunt calls for the contestants to search around the fiefdom for hidden mugs. The person who finds the most in a given time, wins themselves the amount with regards to mugs found.




    After the mug hunt, a round of gift exchange shall commence with each participant bringing a gift of their own, and giving it away to a randomly assigned person. Those that gave away a gift will then receive one from the individual in return to represent good faith.




    To conclude Kretzenfest, the Lord of Reinmar wishes to invite all the attendees to join him in the halls of Wilheburg. Beginning with a speech from the Count, the end of Kretzenfest shall be celebrated in the form of plentiful food, drink and stage performances.




    His Royal Majesty, Sigismund III Barbanov, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his noble pedigree 

    His Grace, Ruslan Baruch, Duke of Valwyck and his noble pedigree

    His Grace, Ailred var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree 

    The Right Honorable, Jan Kortrevich, Count of Jerovitz and his noble pedigree 

    The Honorable, Isaak Amador, Viscount of Aurveldt and his noble pedigree

    His Lordship, Robert Ludovar, Baron of Sesweck and his noble pedigree 

    His Lordship, Hildebrand Mondblume, Baron of Richtenburg and his noble pedigree 

    His Royal Highness, Otto Morovar, Baron of Ghaestenwald and his noble pedigree


    Her Royal Highness, Catherine Barclay, Countess of Sarissa and her noble pedigree

    The Right Honourable, Ulrich von Alstreim, Landgrave of Alstreim and his noble pedigree

    His Lordship, Ernst Barclay, Baron of Freimark and his noble pedigree




    The Right Honourable, Johann Erich Barclay, Count of Reinmar and Kretzen, Baron of Freising and Sigradz, Lord of Wilheburg and Freisburg, Chief of the Reinmaren


    Her Ladyship, Georgina Sofiya Baruch



    OOC: Day 1 to be held October 14th at 4 PM EST, Day 2 to be held October 15th at 4 PM EST.




    The First Reinmaren Equestrian Festival



    His Lordship, Ser Wilheim the Stallion, Baron of Friesing and racing champion


    “The Right Honourable, Johann Barclay the Count of Reinmar hereby invites all budding horse masters, racers, knights and equestrian freemen to attend the first annual Reinmaren Equestrian Festival, a series of races and events to test and prove who is the best horse master and rider on Almaris.


    During the festival there will be several equestrian events with subsequent celebrations and feasts for the great occasion, the following events will be hosted in order;


    The Horse Master’s Chase


    The first event is a race to prove who is the greatest horse master on Almaris. During the event each attending horse rearer may submit a horse and a rider who will face off against other riders and their prized horses. The winner, and therefore the Horse Master, shall receive three hundred mina, a finely crafted Reinmaren saddle, and a medal.


    The Riders Right


    The second event will showcase the best rider amongst those taking part. During this competition each rider will be provided with a horse of equal quality to each other. Thus, the horsemen shall prove themselves through raw riding skill. The winner will receive three hundred mina, a handcrafted saddle and a medal.


    The Destrier Dash


    The Destrier Dash is the most brutal of races that will take place in the festival. Horses and equipment will be provided, and the riders shall be allowed to strike, obstruct, and fight their way past the competition. Only the most cunning and ruthless rider shall prevail, and their prize shall be three hundred mina, a lance forged by Ser Reinhardt Barclay, and a medal.


    Winners presentation and Feast


    The final occasion of the festival will be a grand feast within the walls of Reinstadt, where the winners of each event will be presented with their prizes, there will be plenty of food and drink for those attending to make merry.''



    The Right Honourable, Johann Erich Barclay, Count of Reinmar, Count of Kretzen, Baron of Freising and Sigradz, Lord of Wilheburg and Freisburg, Chief of the Reinmaren



    The event will start at 5pm EST on friday 1st of October, beginning at the docks of Reinmar.






    Penned by Johann, Count of Reinmar.






    Over the past months, we have seen some tribulation within the halls of Reinmar. Brother slanders brother, and a feud brews within our ranks. As I am forced to watch this battle, I am filled with sadness and concern. Therefore, as Count of Reinmar and the Chief, I call forward a moot for the House of Bishop. I ask the feuding parties, namely Erwin Bishop and his siblings to join me in Reinmar, so that we may mediate this dispute peacefully and also in a way that suits us all. 




    • The feuding parties, namely Erwin Bishop and the disowned member of the House of Bishop shall attend the moot.
    • All men who enter the halls of Reinmar are to be unarmed, and shall come with good intentions.
    • Osvald Barclay, an elder Reinmaren statesman shall preside over the moot.
    • The outcome of the Moot shall be respected by all members of the Bishop family.





    The following are spesifically invited to attend, though all the denizens of Hanseti-Ruska are also welcomed.


    • His Royal Majesty, Sigismund III, King of Hanseti-Ruska
    • Mister Erwin Bishop
    • Mister Luka Bishop
    • Mister Friedrich Bishop
    • Miss Maya Bishop
    • All the members of the House Bishop



    The Right Honourable, Johann Erich Barclay, Count of Reinmar, Count of Kretzen, Baron of Freising and Sigradz, Lord of Wilheburg and Freisburg, Chief of the Reinmaren



    Current date is 30th of September, 4pm EST. Though this can still change in the future!





    24th of Gronna ag Droba, 389 ES





    With a heavy heart, comes the announcement of His Grace, Erich Erwin Barclay’s death. After a prolonged state of coma, the Duke of Reinmar has finally found peace, and we pray for his ascension to the Seven Skies.


    Duke Erich’s full titles are thus passed to his firstborn son and heir, His Grace, Johann Barclay, who shall remain in regency until his coming of age.


    Wer Rastet, Der Rostet



    A portrait of His Grace, Erich Barclay, Lord Treasurer of Hanseti-Ruska


    Sir Friedrich Barclay KML, Regent of House Barclay


        His Grace, Johann Erich Barclay, Duke of Reinmar, Count of Kretzen, Baron of Freising and Sigradz, Lord of Wilheburg and Freisburg, Chief of the Reinmaren

  5. Renewal of Barclaid

     2nd of Gronna ag Droba, 378 ES






    As the news of the rebellion against our kin in the south reached us in the Duchy of Reinmar, so do we once again take up arms for our family in the south, and the rightful rulers of Sutica.


    Thus, does the Ducal House of Barclay, under the pre-emptive of the third section in the Merryweather accord between the Commonwealth of Sutica and the Kingdom of Haenseti-Ruska, pledge its resources and offer renewed Barclaid in the efforts of quelling down the illegitimate rebellion, and bringing back order and stability to Sutica.



    Sir Friedrich Barclay KML, Regent of House Barclay

    His Lordship, Johann Barclay, Baron of Sigradz

  6. 14th Sitting of

    the Knight’s Table






    On this Jula ag Piov of 384 E.S, the Knight’s Table of Hanseti-Ruska met for the 14th time following the enactation of the Knightly Reforms of 332ES. 



    • Ser Cedric 'The Kind' Barclay, Knight Paramount
    • Ser Aleksandr, 'The Ardent' Vyronov, Marian Knight
    • Ser Zodd, 'Ironclad' Calliban, Crow Knight
    • Ser Demitriyus, 'The Preserver' Aubert, Crow Knight
    • Ser Karl, 'The Humble' Amador, Crow Knight
    • Lynette Stewart, Squire
    • Aleksandr Ruthern, Squire
    •  Reinhardt Barclay, Squire
    • Viktor Baruch, Squire
    • Abraham Othan, Squire
    • Nikoleta Barrow, Page
    • Klaus Barclay
    • Oleksandr Zelinski



    • Viktor Baruch was accepted as a Squire in the Order of the Crow and assigned to Ser Karl
    • Abraham Othan was accepted as a Squire in the Order of the Crow and assigned to Ser Demitriuys



    • Quest to Rimeveld: The trails of an massive creature, even larger than the Rimeveld's previous inhabitants, the trolls, have been sighted at the region. The Knight Paramount has assigned the Squires and Knights of the Orders to investigate what these trails belong to, and whether or not it is an threat to Haeseni people.
    • Renegades of the East: As the black scourge continues to hammer its strength against Haense and its people, a new group of self-appointed Renegade Knights has risen up in Haense's eastern territories, pillaging, banditing and causing havoc in the roads. The Knight Paramount has tasked the Squires and Knights of the Orders to bring the group to justice, or if necessary, eliminate them.



    • The previously made decision, of only Hussar Knights being permissioned to take squires has been reverted until the ranks of the Hussar Knights are grown large enough to carry such responsibility.


    Compiled by Ser Cedric Barclay,

        Knight Paramount of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

  7.     Summons to the

        14th Sitting of the Knight’s Table 384ES









        Pursuant to the Edict of Knightly Orders, the Knight Paramount, Cedric Barclay, forthwith summons the Knights of the Order of the Crow and the Marian Retinue to a sitting of the Knight’s Table this Jula ag Piov of 384 E.S.

        These warriors of renown, actively serving in the Order of the Crow or the Marian Retinue for the protection and betterment of the Kingdom, are summoned to attend this Sitting of the Knight’s Table to discuss new quests for the Knightly Orders to undergo, as well as the acceptance of new squires to fill the ranks of the Orders. The below are summoned to attend;

    Ser Zodd 'The Ironclad' @AdmiralLB

    Ser Aleksandr 'The Ardent' @Sarmadonn

    Ser Antonius 'The Fervid' @Milenkhov

    Ser Franz 'The Oracle' @Gusano

    Ser Aleksandr 'The Whisper' @Xarkly

    Ser Hildebrand 'The Gryphon' @Limo_man

    Ser Demitriyus 'The Preserver' @MCVDK

    Ser Oliver 'The Lion' @Werew0lf

    Ser Karl 'The Humble' @giambro

    All the Squires of the Order of the Crow and the Marian Retinue

    All the Pages of The Order of the Crow and the Marian retinue

    Klaus Barclay @FionnTWG

    Abraham Othan @1_Language_1

    Yvo Mondblume @Limo_man

    Oleksandr Zelinski @erictafoya

    Retired Crow Knights and Marian Knights as a matter of formality;


    This sitting of the Knight’s Table shall convene at the first dawn of Jula ag Piov in the meeting hall situated at the knight’s quarters in the Nikirila Prikaz.

    [Thursday July 29th, 4EST.]



        Issued by Ser Cedric Barclay,

        Knight Paramount of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

  8. 13th Sitting of

    the Knight’s Table






    On this Wzuvar ag Byvca of 380 E.S, the Knight’s Table of Hanseti-Ruska met for the 13th time following the enactation of the Knightly Reforms of 332ES. 



    • Ser Cedric 'The Kind' Barclay, Knight Paramount
    • Ser Zodd, 'Ironclad' Calliban, Crow Knight
    • Ser Demitriyus, 'The Preserver' Aubert, Crow Knight
    • Lynette Stewart, Squire
    • Erich Barclay, Squire
    • Frederik Baruch, Squire
    • Aaron, Squire
    • Karl Amador, Squire



    • Karl Amador was accepted as a Squire in the Order of the Crow and assigned to Ser Hildebrand



    • Quest to Sutica: Ser Zodd, alongside his squires and any other willing to join shall travel to Sutica, and investigate on their current situation with the monster harassing the nation, and how the Knightly Orders may assist in this matter.
    • Quest to Luciensburg: Ser Demitriyus, alongside his squires and any other willing to join shall travel to Luciensburg, and help with their efforts in retaking the city from the rat-people.



    • The Golden Hussars, or Hussar Knights were introduced by the Knight Paramount; From this forth, they shall be acting as the heavy cavalry, and the veteran force of Knights under the Order of the Crow.


    • The Knights Tribunal was introduced by the Knight Paramount; This being a tribunal of knights, acting as judges on whether or not a Knight who has broken the Code of Chivalry is to be discharged from his duties.


    • The fourth Knightly Trial, this being the 'Trial of Piety' was introduced by the Knight Paramount.


    • The reforms done to other Knightly Trials were also introduced; These being the removal of the 'Skill' part of the Trial of Wisdom, the removal of the 'Escort' part of the Trial of Strength, and the addition of the 'Horsemanship' part onto the Trial of Strength.


    • Each Knight shall be thus forth afforded their own crest; This crest depicting either the beast they slayed for their Knight's Quest, the colors of their House or their Moniker.


    Compiled by Ser Cedric Barclay,

        Knight Paramount of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

  9.     Summons to the

        13th Sitting of the Knight’s Table 380ES









        Pursuant to the Edict of Knightly Orders, the Knight-Paramount, Cedric Barclay, forthwith summons the Knights of the Order of the Crow and the Marian Retinue to a sitting of the Knight’s Table this Wzuvar ag Byvca of 380 E.S.

        These warriors of renown, actively serving in the Order of the Crow or the Marian Retinue for the protection and betterment of the Kingdom, are summoned to attend this Sitting of the Knight’s Table to discuss some of the reformations considering the Knightly Orders, and the acceptance of new squires. The below are summoned to attend;

    Ser Zodd 'The Ironclad' @AdmiralLB

    Ser Aleksandr 'The Ardent' @Sarmadonn

    Ser Antonius 'The Fervid' @Milenkhov

    Ser Franz 'The Oracle' @Gusano

    Ser Aleksandr 'The Whisper' @Xarkly

    Ser Hildebrand 'The Gryphon' @Limo_man

    Ser Demitriyus 'The Preserver' @MCVDK

    Dame Marie 'The Enduring' @EnderMaiashiro

    All the Squires of the Order of the Crow and the Marian Retinue

    All the Pages of The Order of the Crow and the Marian retinue

    Retired Crow Knights and Marian Knights as a matter of formality;


    This sitting of the Knight’s Table shall convene at the first dawn of Wzuvar ag Byvca in the meeting hall situated at the knight’s quarters in the Nikirila Prikaz.

    [Wednesday June 30th, 4EST.]



        Issued by Ser Cedric Barclay,

        Knight Paramount of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

  10. 12th Sitting of

    the Knight’s Table






    On this Joma and Umund of 378ES, the Knight’s Table of Hanseti-Ruska met for the 12th time following the enacation of the Knightly Reforms of 332ES. 



    • Ser Cedric 'The Kind' Barclay, Knight Paramount
    • Ser Zodd, 'Ironclad' Calliban, Crow Knight
    • Ser Demitriyus, 'The Preserver' Aubert, Crow Knight
    • Dame Marie, 'The Enduring' Vyronov, Crow Knight
    • Aleksandr var Ruthern, Squire
    • Klaus Barclay, Squire
    • Erich Barclay, Squire
    • Tavisha Barrow, Squire
    • Fenika Ruthern, Squire
    • Frederik Baruch, Squire
    • Aaron, Squire
    • Karl Amador,  Page



    • Klaus Barclay was accepted as a Squire in the Order of the Crow and assigned to Ser Hildebrand
    • Tavisha Barrow was accepted as a Squire in the Order of the Crow and assigned to Dame Marie
    • Erich Barclay was accepted as a Squire in the Order of the Crow and assigned to Ser Demitriyus
    • Aaron was accepted as a Squire in the Order of the Crow and assigned to Ser Cedric 



    • No further Quests were introduced at this Sitting of the Knight's Table.



    • Ser Grigoryi Vilac was honourably discharged from his duties as Crow Knight by the Knight Paramount.
    • Ser Alric Ruthern was honourably discharged from his duties as Marian Knight by the Knight Paramount.


    Compiled by Ser Cedric Barclay,

        Knight Paramount of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

  11.     Summons to the

        12th Sitting of the Knight’s Table 378ES









        Pursuant to the Edict of Knightly Orders, the Knight-Paramount, Cedric Barclay, forthwith summons the Knights of the Order of the Crow and the Marian Retinue to a sitting of the Knight’s Table this Joma and Umund of 378 E.S.

        These warriors of renown, actively serving in the Order of the Crow or the Marian Retinue for the protection and betterment of the Kingdom, are summoned to attend this Sitting of the Knight’s Table to discuss mainly the addition of new and fresh squires, the removal of old, inactive ones and the positions that the Knightly Orders currently possess. The below are summoned to attend;

             Ser Zodd 'The Ironclad' @AdmiralLB

    Ser Alric 'The Cavalier' @biggestdon

    Ser Aleksandr 'The Ardent' @Sarmadonn

    Ser Antonius 'The Fervid' @Milenkhov

    Ser Franz 'The Oracle' @Gusano

    Ser Aleksandr 'The Whisper' @Xarkly

    Ser Hildebrand 'The Gryphon' @Limo_man

    Ser Grigoryi 'The Scorched' @pkdon

    Dame Marie 'The Enduring' @EnderMaiashiro

    All the Squires of the Order of the Crow and the Marian Retinue

    All the Pages of The Order of the Crow and the Marian retinue

    Erich Barclay @GoodGuyMatt

    Aaron @Herod

    Tavisha Barrow @Althea_

    Casimir Colborn @Totalitarianism_

    Retired Crow Knights and Marian Knights as a matter of formality;


    This sitting of the Knight’s Table shall convene at the first dawn of Joma and Umund in the meeting hall situated at the knight’s quarters in the Nikirila Prikaz.

    [Thursday June 17th, 2EST.]



        Issued by Ser Cedric Barclay,

        Knight Paramount of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

  12. 11th Sitting of

    the Knight’s Table






    On this Jula and Piov of 376ES, the Knight’s Table of Hanseti-Ruska met for the 11th time following the enacation of the Knightly Reforms of 332ES. 



    • Ser Cedric 'The Kind' Barclay, Knight Paramount
    • Ser Zodd, 'Ironclad' Calliban, Crow Knight
    • Fenika Ruthern, Squire
    • Frederik Baruch, Squire
    • Reinhardt Barclay, Page



    • Re-Instituting proper requirements for squirehood.
    • No new Squires introduced.   



    • Quest to Slay the Beast: A massive bear has been sighted traversing near the Knoxville settlement, already taking the life of one Haeseni. The Knight Paramount has assigned the Squires and Pages of the Knightly Orders to slay the beast before it can bring any harm to the halfling population, or any Haeseni.



    • The addition of a new Knightly Trial; This being the Trial of Piety was discussed, and was then chosen to be decided at the next sitting of the Knight's Table.
    • The re-institution of proper squiring requirements; These being either squiring by birth, or squiring by heroism. In addition, it was decided that a commoner may be chosen as a potential squire upon reaching the rank of Armiger in the Haeseni Royal Army.
    • The Knight Paramount laid out his plans to start having proper trainings for the Knights in order to better the skills of the Knights and Squires of the Knightly Orders.


    Compiled by Ser Cedric Barclay,

        Knight Paramount of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

  13.     Summons to the

        11th Sitting of the Knight’s Table 376ES









        Pursuant to the Edict of Knightly Orders, the Knight-Paramount, Cedric Barclay, forthwith summons the Knights of the Order of the Crow and the Marian Retinue to a sitting of the Knight’s Table this Jula and Piov of 376 E.S.

        These warriors of renown, actively serving in the Order of the Crow or the Marian Retinue for the protection and betterment of the Kingdom, are summoned to attend this Sitting of the Knight’s Table to discuss the duties of knights after their knighting, the reconstruction of the squiring process and quests for both the knights and squires of the orders to undertake. The below are summoned to attend;


    Ser Alric 'The Cavalier' @biggestdon

    Ser Aleksandr 'The Ardent' @Sarmadonn

    Ser Antonius 'The Fervid' @Milenkhov

    Ser Franz 'The Oracle' @Gusano

    Ser Aleksandr 'The Whisper' @Xarkly

    Ser Hildebrand 'The Gryphon' @Limo_man

    Ser Grigoryi 'The Scorched' @pkdon

    Dame Marie 'The Enduring' @EnderMaiashiro

    All the Squires of the Order of the Crow and the Marian Retinue

    All the Pages of The Order of the Crow and the Marian retinue

    Retired Crow Knights and Marian Knights as a matter of formality; 


    This sitting of the Knight’s Table shall convene at the first dawn of Jula and Piov in the meeting hall situated at the knight’s quarters in the Nikirila Prikaz.

    [Thursday June 3rd, 4EST.]



        Issued by Ser Cedric Barclay,

        Knight Paramount of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska


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