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Status Replies posted by Asutto

  1. palace egirl daughter or fleeper son?

    1. Asutto


      fleeper son would at least have some code of loyalty. palace egirl daughter would sell you out just to larp as a princess

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. always remember thats a grown ass man behind the screen

  3. What group on the server do you believe achieves the highest quality of RP? 

    1. Asutto


      any of the slice of life groups that sit in their house and RP for eight hours a day. they're not having to deal with the bs of the rest of the server

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. not the trans community deciding the best way to promote themselves is dunking on other community.... talk about /tolerance/.... jeez guys

    1. Asutto


      @Travellerim not gonna make excuses for what some wackos did but if we're talking about conveniently ignoring uncouth behavior, perhaps u need to check urself my guy

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Bandit "rp" is the worst rp on lotc.

    I love it when people just start lame ass combat 1 block away from you and then say "d20" afterwards, not giving you any sort of actual roleplay.

    1. Asutto


      Just show them your wheel art. I'm sure they'll run away at the sight of it...



      Or pugsy you for being weird idk

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. actually I'm gonna be deadass I don't think it's a huge deal at all and I feel bad for everyone involved 

    1. Asutto


      @Damnit_Delmar I think you're weirdly out of touch with reality and morality. 

      Now if their voluntarily spreading such in LOTC sponsored or official places, inviting minors, ect that is another topic entirely. 

      At one point you could access this server from the main LoTC discord artist commission channel. Once in you could self-assign yourself a role that enabled you to see all those "spicy" chats.

      but for the most part, most people are just malding at adults getting spicy art.


      No, most people are malding at the aforementioned statement. But for the minority of people that are malding at "adults" getting spicy art, they have a right to. The characters that have spicy art drawn of them are more than likely interacting with characters roleplayed by children.

      I can tell you now, that the greater the voice against it; the more likely peeps have to hide shit.

      So what are you suggesting? We should shrug off the fact that discord severs ran by Staff Members that are hyperlinked into the main LoTC discord contain **** and other NSFW images can be accessed by anyone?

       certainly when people act like staff and NL positions are actually something important. I find it funny people are treating those positions like their some real world political power outside of LOTC as a whole, and that this is some great big political scandal. 

      If you don't think Staff and NL have powers you're oblivious. They are community leaders. As MaltaMoss mentioned, they govern over young impressionable children and if those young, impressionable children see that their NL or the player who accepted them to the server is in that discord, they'll likely regard it as a safe place only to be met with photos that belong on Rule34. 

      I don't understand why you're trying to normalize this freakish behavior. The fact that so many reputable players were on that wheel only goes to show how much this discord server was able to insert itself into the LoTC playerbase. Anyone who encouraged, promoted, or capitalized on the actions in this server should absolutely be banned. People need to go to timeout for being so addicted to a game that they feel the need to commission NSFW photos of their own characters.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  7. Damn bro, the Epstein Flight Logs got leaked!!!




    was surprised not to see one of yall in them 

  8. Looking back at the Almaris snapshot makes me realize how much better the map design was, even the empty areas had more varied terrain and just somehow seemed more alive. Towering forests of thick conifers, mesas, open plains, alluvial hills, great river valleys, and large chains of islands to explore made Almaris just seem so full of things to get lost and discover. I've been looking through it all day and I'm still finding interesting places I've never seen before despite playing on the map for a year.



    Aevos just doesn't really compare stylistically and just seems very milktoast. I hope we get a sort of map expansion soon - maybe another big island chain or half-continent to mess around in to add more variety for exploration's sake.

    1. Asutto


      I think the Map Designers were trying to create an environment where roleplay is more accessible to the common man rather than making a sprawling map for people in VC to sprint jump around in when bored.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. i just want to kiss boys smh

    1. Asutto


      chat, ban him.

      this is clearly political propaganda meant to inspire a divide in the LoTC community and its very existence threatens the delicate balance of the lotc-verse

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. God created not one Man but many, to live upon the Creation of His Image.

    1. Asutto


      mr sala of fourth street,


      it is good to see you doing well.


      do you still dream of the empire?


      a concerned orenian

  11. it really irks me when people rip media 1 to 1 for lotc, not even changing names, be original you freakazoids

    1. Asutto


      I've said this before but I got dogpilled by ST for it even though it's literally in the rules.


      "Roleplay must take place within the server’s established lore and medieval-fantasy setting. Exclude real-world history, clones of real-world figures, and lore from other games and fiction from your roleplay."


      I wouldn't expect this to change anytime soon.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  12. for those of you that wanted to know about the results of the report, there were no bans. every single person (everyone, including myself) was just given a warning.

    it's odd seeing the lack of transparency from moderation on the verdict of a public report, and disappointing that despite the amount of evidence, the verdict is just a blanket warning

    1. Asutto


      >Hyspian admits to cheesing the game, metagaming, and placing OOC above RP

      Mods: You silly boy. You can't admit that in public! We'll just slap your wrists and send you on your way to return to OOC politicking.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  13. Whispers of an upcoming merger and acquisition involving $HNSE. May be interesting to consider long positions. . .

    1. Asutto


      Sorry Lhindir, using insider information to make your trades isn't allowed. The board is gonna have to review this one.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. I, as a player, am agender, and asexual.

    Don't be gross.

    My skin is still crawling from the comments made yesterday.


    There is a line, and making disgusting sexual comments about my character(s) is over that line.

    Stalking my character(s) IC and OOC is over that line.

    Asking in a VC where to find me IG so you can come screw with me is over that line.


    If 'Human Decency' is too big of an ask for the community, then I'm done asking.

  15. Following are all nations currently implemented on the server:
    - The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

    - The Kingdom of Norland

    - The Kingdom of Balian

    - The Kingdom of Numendil

    - The Kingdom of Aaun

    - The Commonwealth of the Petra

    - The League of Veletz

    - The Grand Principality of Aeltarys

    - The Principality of Stassion.

    - The Viceroyalty of Hyspia


    - The Principality of Celia'nor

    - The Crown of Amathine

    - The Silver Empire of Healun'or

    - The State of Nor-Velyth


    - The Grand Kingdom of Urguan

    - The Union of Gortrek


    - The Rexdom of the Iron Horde


    - The Halfling Realm of Dunfarthing

    - The Serene State of Lurin

    - The Unified Domian of Vortice


    AWAITING IMPLEMENTION (has enough signatures on the forums):

    - The Principality of Vlachia

    - The State of Ravenswood

    - The (2nd) Cove of Nevaehlen


    Nations implemented: 20

    Nations awaiting: 3

    Nations total: 23



    1. Asutto


      It's like maybe. . . the Admins knew what they were doing with activity checks. . .

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  16. The Battle of Westmark



    DC: Voluble




    1. Asutto


      Holy **** bro, that's an insane edit 

      excited to see the final product

  17. Friendly reminder that not every1 reads the Moderation discord religiously and keeps up to date on warclaim shit

    1. Asutto


      yeah but when you find out about it, you don't double down 💀

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. all crp fights should be settled in wynncraft

  19. someone do math for me, 6 years ago today from 5 years old. how old would that character be now?

  20. I've never used this damn page since I joined. Hallo! 

  21. before>"I hate Oren"

    after>"I miss Oren"

  22. from fascist symbolism to fascist terms, really makes u think

    1. Asutto


      you sure know a lot about facist symbolism and phrases

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  23. At this point each side of the Adria war is just rep farming. When will we get some actual war action??? Atleast when Renatus was at war it was entertaining

    1. Asutto


      Sunday - unless Aaun logs out like they do for the raids

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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