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Everything posted by Timer

  1. Petyr Bishop shakes his head and remarks, "He hasn't yet apologized to me once, the vile c*nt"
  2. Freebuild..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      the virgin freebuild vs. chad 10000 mina settlement taxes + vortex grinding for building materials

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Virgin 10k settlement taxes vs CHAD getting nation land because you know a guy who knows a guy and they hooked you up OOCly.

    4. Marron



  3. THE ATTACK ON A MERE BOY [!] A Missive was posted around Canonist Nations (Art of the Basilica of the Ascent of the Exalted Godfrey) Hear men of dios! An acolyte of the faith was attacked, but this was not just an acolyte, but a 14 year old boy! The enemies of our church have resorted to attacking children with blows of metal and steel. The people of Providence should know that there were no guards to protect this boy near the church from an armed assassin. The assassin himself is a shirtless farfolk brute who wishes to burn Osanora and Providence, due to his twisted beliefs. This same man us Hyspians had beheaded not so long before, and put his head on a pike. I went into the church after speaking with some of the locals, and found blood near the visage of the Exalted Owyn "The Purifier", the blood was a trail to the upstairs of the church, all the way to the quarters at the top floor. I continued to follow the trail and had found that it ended at Acolyte Rodryk's room. I stepped inside and to my horror I saw a wounded Rodryk, with a wound at the left side of his head. I quickly picked the boy up and brought him to the Orenian clinic, but there was no-one there to treat the wounded boy. I had to and did take him to the Osanoran clinic, where I found Doctor Alfie, the Osanoran doctor. Here I gave Alfie the boy, and went to the balcony, which is where I heard the assassin shout awful things about killing Canonist and burning down towns. This man is supposed to be my farfolk hermano, no? Yet he attacks my religion on baseless charges. I saw Holy Sir Santiago walk into the city, in full Hyspian uniform, sword at the ready. I walked down to the man and Santiago after moments of bickering. I drew my sword before the fiend, yet he told me of the risks that would bring, his allies waited at the mountains, ready to slaughter the people if I laid a finger on him, so I yielded. After more bickering, I let him leave Osanora, then went back to tend to Rodryk. When will it cease? When children watch their mothers and fathers die before them on basis of their religion? When towns are burnt down, and churches sieged? I leave you with a sketch I made of the man with Santiago, do watch out for this fiend! -Agustin Episcopus Cordoba
  4. After some pleasant conversations with this person, I can safely say I have high hopes for them in this server. They are a good person and you should try to get to know them, mega +1 from me for this guy

  5. MC Name: teawithtimer Current Tier: None Desired Tier: F Reason to be Moved: I am an absolute trash retard at PVP
  6. Agustin Bishop Cordoba runs to meet with his colleague, Urzog, holding presents for the fashionable and handsome Uruk!
  7. Bishop Agustin-Cordoba overlooked the thesis reclining in his soft Albarosan chair, he swished his San Roberto Tequilla around inside his glass as he did so, he would remark, "Dios es Grande..as is this beautifully written thesis!"
  8. Olav Einarsson Kvitravn thinks by his fire, sipping from a wooden mug, "Heh ois doin' meh proud"
  9. image0.png?width=712&height=401


    Had a lot of fun with you guys last night
    Forever Standing!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gandhi


      Forever Standing 😘

    3. Timer


      forever standing

    4. Bigman31


      forever standing 

  10. Cesar II while watching from his Osanoran balcony, turns to his Lord Regent, Carlos Mendez , and asks him, "Why must the members of the Alliance be so hostile to each other dear cousin? Are they not amigos as I am with my people and they are with me?" He says as he waves to a Hyspian Peasant, slightly looking to his cousin @ArizonaRanger
  11. Full Name of Man - Peter Schewitt Date of Birth of Man - x Name of Woman - Eris Bourdain Date of Birth of Woman - x Location of Ceremony - Osanora Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1811 Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Bishop Hernando-Cordoba & Acolyte Agustin
  12. Bishop Agustin's tears drop into his glass of tequila, his hand quivers and the glass falls to the ground, shattering. The young bishop looks to the sky, then kneels and clasps his hand for prayer. The bishop says a long prayer for the fallen of the church, then gets up to clean the mess he had created quickly, he had a diocese to maintain after all.
  13. Padre Agustin signed the lorraine while inside the Osanoran Church, he looked up to the portraits of Francisco Altamirano, Javier Francisco, Alfonso Altamirano, and Hernando Altamirano, sighing while kneeling before them, saying a prayer in Hyspian for the Hyspian martyrs of the faith.
  14. Timer

    Best Mineman

  15. Petyr looks to his fiance, Mariya de Drăghicescu @HeftyDonut, "We could use the money love, perhaps I could send my sons and cousins off on this rogue! What would you say?"
  16. The crossover we need : dankmemes

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Gandhi



    3. BuilderBagel
    4. Bigman31


      Stop posting about among us, I'm tired of seeing it! 

  17. Francisco Cardinal Sutica welcomed his old friend, a new arrival in the Seven Skies
  18. I've known you for quite some time Nuker, It's more important to vibe than to seek mineman power, I am glad that you are beginning to see that, good luck King. If you need anything, send me a discord dm and we can discuss it
  19. Padre Agustin nods in approval of this missive
  20. THE ATTACK Authored by Padre Agustin of Cordoba (Hyspian Depiction of the Attack) The attack on Osanora happened on the twelfth of Harren's Folly, during a bright and sunny sky, perfect conditions for such a meeting with the Vicar of God. Before me and the late Bishop Hernando entered Osanora with the Pontiff, I had warned them both not to go, due to the people that consumed the streets. The people were annoying, and outright spoke of malicious behavior, banditry and the like, these are the common people of Osanora due to the Count's terrible leadership abilities. I had begged and pleaded with both the Bishop and the Pontiff not to go, but they both trusted in good faith alone. I have seen the corruption that has spread into Osanora, the acts of sin, left unchallenged by our idle minded Count. He allowed this vile fiends into our town, to let them do acts such as these, acts of villainy against our church. I lead the Bishop and the Pontiff to the meeting area, it was full with the scum, only three were not of the villain type. Two Waldenians, who would be liars, assassins against our Holy Mother Church, and a heartlander woman, who looked the Orenian type. My mind goes hazy as I recount the details of these people, for I defended the pontiff after all the assassins pulled their swords, the thoughts of Religious Fervor me and his excellency, Bishop Hernando had are engraved in my mind, I keenly remember saying before the fight begun, "I die here for GOD and the Pontiff!". I was not the one to die though, the events before me getting knocked out are scattered, those being the fighting that ensued after a moment of talking, I would wake to see my good friend Carlos Mendez, and Domonic of Sutica. Domonic had his men retreat, for what? Because brigands who looked not the type to carry a sword were fighting against us? The Suticans were cowards during this fight, obviously more focused on saving the man that lead to all this death, the Count, Felipe de Medina. After I passed out the meeting room with Carlos Mendez helping me walk, I went to where the count was, to watch Carlos Mendez asking for answers. The count spoke vile insults against Hyspia, not wanting to serve "our kind". The Count does not care for the people who helped found his city, Cesar I would weep at the sight of this. After consulting with new arrivals, Father Basil and Holy Sir Santiago, Padre Alfonso would walk out, towards the north, this would be the last time we saw him on this earth. We have lost many that day, the 12 of Harren's Folly, 1813 Pax et Amor, Padre Agustin of Cordoba
  21. Francisco welcomes his brother, glad that he could see him once more, he would bring him to where the martyr's of the faith rested, where Nicolas, Otho, Hernando, and Javier all were, "Let us pray dear brother, together once more at last."
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