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Everything posted by Cheese

  1. Cheese

    2 year AMA

    What’s been your favorite rp encounter on Verena :)
  2. This is such a sweet idea. Love seeing how supportive and wonderful of a community Haense is. You rock Gus, we all love you <3
  3. One Liridona Amador chuckled at her cousin's reaction to the news, seeming quite intrigued with the paper herself! "Eam sure it will niet be... ve season is niet over yet! Ea wonder what will happen next..."
  4. who's your favorite tax evader from your time in Urguan
  5. I'm so glad this is having attention brought to it. Mental health is so important no matter the gender, but I have met so many wonderful men who have struggled so much and didn't have the confidence or support to seek help, and I've met so many people who lost a wonderful man in their life due to mental illness. All of you kings are so seen and so valid, and are never EVER alone, no matter what you might think or what society might tell you. Sending so much love to anyone going through a hard time, I know you've heard this before but it WILL get better <3
  6. Juniper Rose smiled at the invitation, and pinned it to the wall to mark the date. Nothing could stop her from attending this wedding.
  7. “Krusae zwy Kongzem! Long live ve new prinzenas!” Exclaimed an excited Liridona Amador
  8. Liridona Amador has a panic attack just thinking about her debut…
  9. Although only meeting the princess once, Juniper let out a wistful sigh upon the news of her death "She seemed lovely... a shame I did not know her better." - "I hope her twin is okay, it's always worse being the one who was left behind."
  10. Cheese


    Upon finding this out for herself, a supportive Ilaria Amador wrapped her daughter tightly in a hug, and placed a motherly kiss upon her head. "It will be alright, mea dear..." She cooed in an attempt to sooth the younger woman. "Ea will help vy, ag Ea will love vy nie matter what."
  11. Liridona Amador grins, overjoyed for her beloved twin! Iblees herself could not stop this Amador from attending Nataliya's wedding.
  12. Liridona Amador is very proud of her twin sister, future brother-in-law, and cousin's hard work putting this together :)
  13. I need 10 I don't care if I can't tame them
  14. Liridona Amador welcomes her newest in-law happily
  15. I didn't know Jedi too well, but I remember knowing her enough to say that she was an amazing person, and it is devastating someone as wonderful as her is gone so soon. To all her family and friends, I offer my deepest condolences, and at least hope she is at peace in a better place. Sending love and good feelings to everyone who loves this wonderful person
  16. A panicked Juniper paced back and forth nervously, clearly anxious of what she should bring with her… and where would she go?
  17. A proud Aedymamej Ilaria Amador sheds a tear of pride, seeing her nephew take on her old work!
  18. Aedymamej Ilaria is very proud of her nephews, but especially her successor as Court Astrologer, Sterling
  19. THE HAESENI HOROSCOPE ISSUE III Issued by the COURT ASTROLOGER On this 7th day of Jula ag Piov of 476 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, Throughout the history of the Kingdom of Haense, the Sigmundic Calendar and the astrological signs associated with it have served as a cultural practice that allows the stars to guide believers through their daily trials and tribulations, as well as predict both good fortune and shortcomings of the relatively near future. While many may accuse horoscopes as leading people astray, or preaching outright blasphemy, it is important to keep in mind that the following horoscopes are merely metaphors, and are open to diverse interpretations. But above all, it is important to remember that it is Godan who put the stars in the sky, and it is His will that guides men through their day. This issue of the Haeseni Horoscope is special for a number of reasons. Firstly, this issue is in dedication to the celebration of His Majesty Georg I and Her Highness Sofia de Pelear and their upcoming marriage, which will bless the Kongzem of Haense with their union. Secondly, this will be the last issue I write as Haense’s Court astrologer. I have enjoyed my position serving in the courts, but as my age is beginning to catch up to me, I fear that astrology is no longer a priority to me, when I must fulfil my duties as an ambassador, as well as a mother. Although my writings have been infrequent, it brings a smile to my face knowing that the Kongzem enjoys them, and I dearly hope the next person to write this post does so in a way that makes this old woman proud. THE MOON: While the Moon is often known for their neutrality and compassion towards all, this may backfire on them this year. While it is often against their empathetic nature, the moon may find themselves needing to choose their loyalties more definitely. THE QUEEN: During this year, The Queen may find herself lacking in the subjects she usually has following her lead. This may cause some frustration, but it is important for the monarch to remember that selfishness and desire will not tether those around them in the way they wish. Rather, it would be more effective to be patient, and allow loved ones to notice one’s good qualities instead. THE CROW: Finding itself prospering alongside its allies, this year shall be good to the Crow. Should they remain unfaithful to their loved ones, however, the year will be difficult and hard to recover from. Otherwise, the crow may count on the joys from those around them to infect oneself. THE WYRM: The boldness of the Wyrm will be especially prominent this year, especially with the recent conflicts regarding the Mori and Adrians. However, the ambitions they may hold in their loyalty should not prove to be reckless, and they should remain cautious in whatever goals they choose to pursue. THE GIANT: Contentedness and peace will both be found for the Giant this year, especially should their valour and dignity hold strong. It would be wise, however, for the giant to take advantage of this serenity, and avoid looking for impurities or action in the silence. THE WOPPERKLAW: This year, the Wopperklaw is most blessed, and will relish in the utmost prosperity. They shall find loyalty and love from their allies, and even command respect from their enemies. Furthermore, the tolerance for others the Wopperklaw holds shall find itself contagious, favouring the less fortunate during these times. THE DRAKE: Lastly, the Drake should find hardship in the conflicts they choose to involve themselves in. Their vigour on the battlefield may finally be met with someone of equal or superior skill, so the drake should choose their fights with caution. IV JOVEO MAAN Her Excellency, Viorica Irena Kortrevich, Grand Lady of the Morrivi Court, Countess-Consort of Jerovitz, Viscountess-Consort of Krusev, Baroness-Consort of Koravia Lady Ilaria Amador, Court Astrologer of Hanseti-Ruska
  20. what’s your favorite color :)
  21. A heart wrenching scream rang out through Lurin as a little girl was left without her parent. Juniper collapsed to her knees, shrieking until her voice was hoarse and all that was left were echoing sobs. In a fit of rage, of grief, of fear, Juniper threw something, anything within reach. It was akin to a child throwing a fit over a lost, precious thing... and precious Aech was, to poor Juniper, who was now all alone in her cold, silent world. In another world, perhaps the after life, a smiling woman welcomed her beloved home. "Thank you, Aech... for keeping our beautiful daughter safe. I missed you," Octavia said, wrapping the halfling she loved oh so much in an embrace.
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