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Everything posted by SharpString

  1. The crunching sound under his feet brings Tuzic to his senses - the forest dwarf stops, and takes in his surroundings… A thick pine forest extends out in every direction, and shadows are cast throughout the environment as the midday sun struggles to peek through the branches. He looks down, and sees the source of the sound - the forest floor was strewn with thick brush and ferns, along with thriving mosses that blanketed any spot they could. Tuzic stood there for some time in silence, his eyes gazing between the trunks of the trees that enveloped him - he was looking for a sign… Though - nothing comes. He can’t help but notice his heart thumping loudly in his chest as he decides to trudge forth through the dense undergrowth. “Kozrol?” Tuzic asks into the forest in the ancient dwarven language. He continues wading through the sea of flora, but the only response he receives is the singing of the birds and the chirps and trills of the many insects that call the woods their home. Up ahead though, a clearing catches his eye through the branches. Tuzic lets out a sigh of relief as he finishes his trudge over to the grassy clearing, he walks out to its center to catch his breath. A smile crosses his face as he feels the warm sun beating down on his skin - but early into his moment in the sun, a chill runs up the forest dwarf’s spine… The birds weren’t singing… The insects were gone. It was silent. A bloodcurdling scream cuts through the forest “PA! HELP MEH!” “MAEVEN?! WHERE ARE YE LUV Oi’M ‘ERE!” Tuzic calls back in desperation at the sound of his daughter’s voice. Though his calls were answered only by the voice of another… “TUZIC WHERE ARE YE?” called the familiar voice. “GAREDYN ES T’AT YE? GAREDYN WEH WILL FIGHT ET TOGETHER COME TO MEH!” he calls back to his clan father in his strong dwarven accent… and again no response. The screams echo in Tuzic’s head as around him the forest quickly grew dark. His feet feel glued to the center of the clearing as the screams of his family and friends overlap - a cacophony of fear that seems to come from every corner of the darkened woods. “WHERE IS RENNY?” yells Crera. “TUZ? THEY’RE HERE.” shrieks Hana. “RUN!” shouts Erik. “T’EY GOT MEH GUILD!” Bodhi bellows. “THA FAE TREES!” Khazaefron screams. “CHIEF??” Thedmar calls out. “HELP US!” Cries Onora. The forest around Tuzic grows darker and darker as he sees flashes of movement darting through the trees… and he still can’t move. His eyes are drawn to the sky as the forest goes black. A total solar eclipse now hangs in the sky above him - the blazing celestial ring burns his eyes… though he doesn’t care. He understands. “Thyokk, kvinn eron anym.” he mutters. And with that, Tuzic returns from his vision… the forest dwarf breathes heavily and sweat pours down his face as he sits cross-legged in his cramped and overgrown cavern shrine. Roots and mosses creep through the stone, while small brown mushrooms peak through cracks here and there. The small cavern was silent… disturbed only by the occasional drip of water off the stalactites. The well-practiced seer of Hefrumm took time to steady his mind and his breath in the peaceful place before he began his climb to the surface. Symbols of the Brathmordakin line the cavern walls, and Tuzic mutters a prayer to each as he passes. A puff of spores is illuminated in a cloud as Tuzic stirs the air - clambering out of his hidden shrine. He coughs a bit before taking in a deep breath of fresh air and heading to Hefrumm. The Council of Seers must know of such an omen.
  2. Most dwarven magic imaginable not being made dwarven in any way…. Sadness. God forbid if anyone in LOTC had anything special!
  3. The moon glints in Tuzic’s telescope as he attempts to adjust the dials on the delicate tool. “Hrmph” the forest dwarf grunts in frustration as he sits himself down on the grass behind him… He takes a deep breath as his gaze shifts to the moon he had been trying so hard to get a closer look at. He had been out there for a while, the teachings of Dungrimm ringing loudly in his ears along with the crashing of blades and the shock of cannons. Many hours passed as the lessons filled his mind, his worship drawing him deep into the night before his curiosity brought him to break out his telescope. Tuzic sits up, calm after his worship of the Lord of Avarice. He adjusts the device, and quickly focuses it on the moon with the turning of some dials. “Surely t’is telescope es not enough to gaze upon tha halls o’ Khaz’A’Dentrumm?” he wonders aloud to himself in his thick accent as he brings his eye to the eyepiece. “Mmm aye… as ah thought.” Tuzic mutters then as he sees the slightly-magnified moon through his elaborate contraption. His gaze lingered though on the lunar surface, his eyes flicked across it as if looking for answers. Hours turn to minutes as he gazes in worship; and soon the sun would begin to wash away the tapestry of stars that filled the sky as the object of his gaze fell behind the horizon. The rising sun brought Tuzic back to his feet, Armakak’s generous warmth spurring him. As he turned to leave and take on the day, he felt the relief of an empty mind - one devoted to the Brathmordakin, and to Dungrimm. The crash of metal on metal and the boom of the gunpowder had left his ears, and a fire of determination burned in his heart in its place. And then he was off… much was to be discussed with the King and Lord Bear.
  4. “Suh beautiful… Anbella bless ye two!”
  5. [!] The Realm of Anbella *A note would be delivered by a crow to all those of Hefrumm, and to friends of Eerika Cottonwood. With a heavy heart, I must announce that the third High Chieftain of Hefrumm Eerika Cottonwood - spouse of Paragon Bjor Cottonwood - has passed from this realm. The honoured dwedlon was discovered near Hefrumm with an axe in hand and with a missing heart. She died defending herself from some dark assailant. It is both with pride and sorrow that we come together to honour our beloved 3rd High Chief’s passing, one who without doubt honoured both the Brathmordakin and our progenitor Gloin. The seers of Hefrumm will hold a funeral in the late hours of Thorok’Aindar to honour the life of she who helped build the home of the united forest dwarves. It was the known wish of the 3rd High Chief to be buried near her husband, and it will be honoured. ᛁᚨᚾᚲᚨᚱ ᚦᚱᚢᛞᛟᛚ ᛒᚱᚨᚦᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ ᚨᚲᚺᛟᚱᚨᛚ ᚢᛟᛉ Yankar thrudol, Brathmordakin akhoral voz. Tuzic Mossborn - High Chief of Hefrumm, Seer of Hefrumm Khazaefron Blackroot - Keeper of Hefrumm, Chief of the Blackroots, Seer of Hefrumm Garedyn The Green - King of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Chief of the Mossborn, Seer of Hefrumm OOC Info: Time: 3pm est, 8 pm gmt ~ Date: Friday 15th, December 2023 Meet near Hefrumm Gate!
  6. “Good riddance!” Tuzic calls as he tosses his hand-hewn crutches off the cliffs of Hefrumm - They clatter against the rocks, smashing to bits before they ever reach the bottom… He sighs and sits back on the bench nearby. “Let’s see ‘ere…” he muttered, his hand feeling over his bench for the lunch sack he had brought with him to his Cliffside spot… though it wasn’t there! “Hrm?... wot en tha..” he turns back towards the village to see a flash of something… something small and silver had dashed off around the corner. “Wot en Anbella’s name…” Tuzic thought to himself as he hoisted himself from his seat - he quickly followed after, he was suspicious… with a war going on afterall. He trailed that flash of silver along the paths that lead up the cliffs in the home of the Forest Dwarves. The trail of the small being was easy to follow - it’s tiny feet left clear marks for the seasoned hunter to track “Silleh buggers… Just loike ah read.” he mutters to himself. Tuzic paused then, his head filled with thoughts as he tailed the small thief. The light filters down through the high treetops of the village, the silhouettes of leaves cast on the food storage. “Maybe..” he thinks aloud to himself as he digs into a store barrel nearby - he grabs a sack and fills it with carrots from Hefrumm’s stores, and off he is again up the path towards the top of the cliffs. Following the tiny trail up the path led the forest chief to a small burrow… dug under the roots of an oak tree. A Silvernip was there, a tiny gnome-like creature covered in silver hair - who was trying his absolute hardest to stuff Tuzic’s lunch sack into his burrow, though the opening was clearly too wide… The chief frowned as he saw the silly little creature struggling to secure his loot, he grabbed the sack he had filled with carrots in one hand as he approached. “‘Ere… bit o’ carrots ‘and oi get me lunch back lad?” He asks the creature in his thick dwarven accent. The gnomish Silvernip lets out a squeal of fear as he sees his victim has caught up to him, and he runs behind the stump of his oak tree to hide. “Ahh… yer ah pest but don’t fret, nah mean ye ‘arm… no point.” the Chief mutters as he traded his lunch sack for the one filled with carrots… he didn’t want to starve the tiny guy. He chose then to leave the silvernip to his hovel alone, and as he shuffled away - the creature peaked around it’s oak cover - sneaking a confused glance at the Forest Dwarf before returning to it’s sad attempt at shoving the sack into it’s burrow. Tuzic laughed at the sight, quite pleased with the small little “friend” he had made in the silvernip as he walked back to his cliffside bench. He sat once again in his spot - snacking on the various breads and dried meats he had prepared for himself, he let out a sigh of relief… Though quickly his mind was back to the fighting - the cannons rang out in his ears and the “THWACK” of the trebuchets along with them… the clanging of armor and blade striking together - the screams of the wounded. “Will weh watch t’eir ‘ome fall to blade and spell as t’ey threatened ours?..” he wonders aloud, and a frown goes over his face as he pauses to think “If weh must.”
  7. Tuzic shrugs at the missive. He shakes his head as he thought on the words, before he went back to pitching his tents in newly purchased lands.
  8. "'ow long will t'is fightin' keep on?...." Tuzic mutters as he read after taking part in the battle "Best weh can do es keep our lot safe now..."
  9. Tuzic nods in approval at the missive "Works te Praise Yemekar nah doubt." - "Well done Bostone." the forest dwarf says with a proud smile.
  10. Tuzic awakes with a start, sitting up in his bed. "Hrm?" he grunts, crinkling his nose at the strange smell. - The forest dwarf sits there for some time... taking in the dream he had received in the night. "Silver ahnd Sapphire... curious..." he mutters to himself, standing and taking in the strange sights around his room "Bostone?" he wonders aloud as he dresses himself, rushing out of his stump to find he whom he had seen in his dream... and Auriel too.
  11. ISSUED BY: Tuzic Mossborn ᛏᚺᛖ ᛚᛟᚱᛞ ᛒᛖᚱ A LORD BEAR AWAKENS ᛏᚺᛖ ᛚᛟᚱᛞ ᛒᛖᚱ BY THE WILL OF THE FOLK’S COUNCIL OF HEFRUMM ᛒᛁ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚠᛟᛚᚲ’ᛊ ᚲᛟᚢᚾᚲᛁᛚ For some time, the revered Bears of Hefrumm have hibernated - lacking the leadership of a Lord Bear who could offer them his care and guidance. But by the vote of the Folk’s Council of Hefrumm, a new Lord rises from his slumber. Thedmar Mossborn shall be named Lord Bear - effective immediately. Violence has come to our village in recent years, but Thedmar’s leadership will uncover a path forward toward the peace we all desire. Those villagers who wish to aid in the cause should reach out to the new Lord Bear. Narvok oz Dol’Vekaan - Narvok oz Thedmar. Signed, Tuzic Mossborn, High Chief of Hefrumm, Prophet of Ogradhad, Seer of Hefrumm, Grand Librarian
  12. "Good 'e stood trial.... Though ah doubt et puts an end te aneh of t'is..." A blonde-haired forest dwarf remarks from his stump, looking out over Hefrumm as he reads the missive "Could use yer 'elp Bjor..." he says, fiddling with his circlet.
  13. Tuzic smiles as he sees his clan father’s latest work “Now t’at es wot oi like te see…”
  14. A Blonde forest dwarf nods at the missive "Ah reliable ally... Yemekar knows weh need such..." He sighs as he folds the missive up, and returns to his business.
  15. "Strange words... comin' from ah traitor ahnd ah killer" Tuzic says with a grumble "Goimbar es tha onleh good Gold'and left ye sick dwed"
  16. "'ope t'ey are all okeh... nah saw wot 'appened to them since tha Ferrymen attacked" Tuzic mutters to himself, still unsure of what he had heard happening inside the hall "T'at was ah lot of bangin'..."
  17. Tuzic chuckles as he sees the missive "Hopefulleh t'is thrashin' will bring tha Umri to t'eir senses. T'atd be fer tha best..." he says, tacking the paper back on the notice board.
  18. Tuzic was polishing off his face mask and daggers as he received word of the victory "Seems t'ey mean te bring t'is violence no mattah what now... Foolish, standin' against tha might of Yemekar's children..." He said, sighing softly. "Tha time to fight has come..."
  19. ᛏᚺᛖ ᚱᛁᛜᛊ ᛟᚠ ᚺᛖᚠᚱᚢᛗᛗ The Rings of Hefrumm ᛏᚺᛖ ᚱᛁᛜᛊ ᛟᚠ ᚺᛖᚠᚱᚢᛗᛗ The working Rings of Hefrumm, while well designed in many ways - have often suffered from a lack of direction due to over complication in its leadership. This proposal aims to maintain much of the old system, while simplifying its leadership to keep work flowing through each of the Rings. THE RINGS ᛏᚺᛖ ᚱᛁᛜᛊ The Rings of Hefrumm will remain largely as they have been. As our village's workforce, the Rings will provide for the needs of Hefrumm. Through farming, gathering, crafting, smithing, brewing and more, the Rings bolster Hefrumm's growth and prosperity. Those who labor under the diverse Rings will be compensated for their work, whether through financial or other material means - by discretion of the Primarch. The Ring of the Topaz Boar The Topaz Boar is a symbol of joy, abundance, hardiness and versatility. This Ring will be responsible for gathering food and resources. Previously, the industries of farming, logging, fishing, butchery, hunting and so on, were scattered throughout the different castes. This Ring will refocus the efforts of Hefrumm to gather the materials needed for its construction and to feed the Forest Dwedmar. The Ring of the Ebony Beaver The Ebony Beaver is a master of creation, wise and prudent. The members of this Ring are responsible for supplying the tools needed for Hefrumm. From wooden buckets to metal armor, the Ebony Beaver does all. They also gather mineral resources. The Ring of the Golden Magpie The Golden Magpie is symbolic of wealth and intelligence. Culture often spreads through the efforts of merchants, and thus members of this Ring are tasked with running the shops and forming caravans to other settlements, to spread and teach the Forest Dwedmar culture through our cultural exports and crafts, as well as earn the funds to help the community of Hefrumm. Furthermore, some members of this ring have the knowledge and wisdom to refine fine alcohols, medicines and narcotics. All of which play major parts in the culture of Hefrumm. Ranks ᚱᚨᚾᚲᛊ Primarchs ᛏᚺᛖ ᛈᚱᛁᛗᚨᚱᚲᚺᛊ The Primarchs are those hard working and trusted folk of Hefrumm who choose to take on the role of leading the Rings, and striving to keep work flowing for its members. There are to be two primarchs, who will divide the work of running the three Rings between themselves based on their skill sets. Those who take on the mantle of the Primarch are responsible for communicating with, and organizing payment for the rings with the High Chief, as well as distributing it to laborers for their work. They are also responsible for recruiting new members from the village to work in the Rings, as well as organizing meetings and events for the workers to participate in. Lastly, the Primarchs are free to hire Custodians, to assist in their leadership. Custodians ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᚢᛊᛏᛟᛞᛟᚨᚾᛊ The Custodians of the Rings may come in many forms, but their shared goal will be to assist their respective Primarchs - while receiving an increase in pay at the Primarch’s discretion. Custodians should be an expert in their respective work, such as farming, brewing, or crafting. These skills will be used to assist the Primarch in their duties, whether this means through being a courier for worker’s payments, assisting in the creation of important goods, the running of shops, or the running of events. There will be no set number of Custodians, however their numbers should be kept small - as they should be hired to assist just where the Primarchs find themselves lacking. Many possible positions could be taken, but the current list is as follows: The Custodian of the Soil The Custodian of the Hoof and Beak The Custodian of the Brew The Custodian of the Still The Custodian of the Ore The Custodian of the Earth The Custodian of the Shop The Custodian of the Caravan Laborers ᛚᚨᛒᛟᚱᛖᚱᛊ Laborers are the backbone of the Rings, and are responsible for carrying our labor as their Primarchs direct it. Laborers are free to work under whatever Ring most suits them, and will always receive compensation for labor given - the amount and type being at the discretion of the Primarchs. Those Laborers who show prowess in their work, and show leadership skills - will be selected to receive promotions in rank when needed. Signed, Tuzic Mossborn, High Chief of Hefrumm, Prophet of Ogradhad, Seer of Hefrumm, Head Librarian
  20. "Aahh... such es sillehness. 'Is reign 'as onleh just begun, ahnd tha dwed's 'and was taken fer nearleh nothin. 'Bait of War' es quite ah strong term when onleh one side committed true violence... Seems some folk hold such hate fer tha Ire'earts t'ey can't bring t'emselves tew care fer t'eir own blood." Says Tuzic, shaking his head at the shower of negativity being spread through his home. "Bakir needs te relax... but te publicleh denounce ye own kin's leadership aftah such... sad... Seems even our most dear kin will turn te contrarianism when t'ey not get exactleh wot t'ey wanted." He says with a sad sigh, retiring to his stump.
  21. Tuzic Mossborn wipes away a proud tear from his eye "Look at em go!" He says, blubbering as he went off to hide his tears in The Brewing Stump.
  22. “Anothah missive written by ah ravin’ lunatic. By Yemekar folks are writin’ a lot today… and ef ‘e speaks wrongly of mah wife once more….”
  23. “Unable even to respond to the accusations of a blatant attack, and his people cheer him on. Quite sad, such blind loyalty.” Grumbles a typically cheery dwed from his home.
  24. “Hmmm…” Hums a blonde forest dwarf from his stump “Bakir acted recklessly but… the loss of a hand is certainleh no way to reply… ah can onleh ‘ope t’is es resolved…”
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