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Everything posted by sam33497

  1. I will gatekeep my rare lore -1
  2. the wind beneath my wings, Desert Eagle underneath my coat

  3. Lanre Cerusil frowned. It would have to continue.
  4. Lanre Cerusil would never feel the need to defend himself. However, his [skygod] gratifies him and indicates that he does not partake in bathhouse celebrations. Were they weird? Perhaps they were. Nevertheless, uniquely poised, Lanre Cerusil prepares himself. Seeing this indication of questionable [IC] intent, Lanre prepares his [CRP minmax] and those of his allies, his students. He prepares himself to fight [powergaming] orcs and prepares intensively to [powergame] himself - he knows, assuredly, that [moderators] will be involved in this conflict and that whatever spawns from this will inevitably siphon a great amount of meaningless hours from people's lives and result in at least four [ban reports], whilst resulting in no good [roleplay] or any meaningful resolution to the conflict, except for a few people celebrating in [discord] that they caved a mage's head in with a hammer, after spending seven hours getting spells [powergamed] at them. Thus, he prays for the lives of the offenders, hoping that they find meaningful hobbies and cohesion in their [roleplay] soon.
  5. Lanre staggered over to a poster-board, reading Valindra's written response. "Amazing. This is really fancy." He departed without making an effort to respond to it.
  6. "Sulieronn Ashwood, I challenge you to a duel."
  7. [!] A missive was dispersed quite oppressively, albeit solely within the walls of Hokhmat. Sorcerers of Hokhmat, social rejects of Hokhmat, bath-house degenerates of Hokhmat, Fatebinder, and others who might reside within the walls of Hokhmat: I, Lanre Cerusil, who could be described by plenty of harrowing anecdotes, shall not do so of myself, and shall only instead say that I am the most powerful mage within these walls, and thus by the rights of battle-magery and ambition, I claim the position of MAGISTER, and will usurp any figure who stands in my way to achieve that position. Thus, to Fatebinder, allow this as a formal petition: put forward the Magister you cast into doubt, and I shall strike down their forces, and break their will. That is all.
  8. seems too easy to create heaths/monoliths, should probably require bigger ritual and a matured tear at the site already fundamentally though i like the idea of this being possible but gotta be careful with how it's implemented
  9. "I challenge you to a duel," said Lanre Cerusil to the empty square.
  10. Down, down, deep within the earth and deeper still, treading upon a path of rock and darkness and magic, fate twisted and clawed. An elf stretched his arms, partaking in feelings of normality and that of not-flesh, of magic and corruption, of reminder and implication and dread and death. But Lanre Cerusil did not think of these things, for all they assaulted him - Lanre Cerusil did not think at all, except to participate in the perpetual self-lie, to fancy, to desire. He rejected thoughts, and they flew from his mind, eschewed, useless, bearing no fruit. But he did think that day. Lanre Cerusil had seen much of ambition. He had seen it within others, nurtured or trampled upon it, cultivated it within himself. He did not think of it anymore. It did not matter to him whether or not he held ambition, or whether or not those around him did. But that day, he thought of it. He thought of a man, concealed and paradoxical, a pariah. He thought of a man who he had endowed his trust and who had endowed trust upon him. He thought of that face - just for a moment. And he wondered. He had paused, freezing in place, his perpetual motion disrupted. It was unnatural. But Lanre Cerusil did not realize that it was - he continued walking, down, down, deeper into the earth, basking in feelings of life, seeking refuge and enlightenment and the Void. Or perhaps not seeking those at all. He could not know.
  11. [!] A few missives have been distributed in major cities, bearing frantic but oddly ornate writing. I AM VERY ANGRY. The other elven day, NECROTIC BEASTS assailed me and my allies at one of the towers of Hokhmat, somehow having infiltrated the TOTALLY FOOLPROOF and WELL-DEFENDED ziggurat. Now, that alone would not be enough to cause this great bout of passion from me, for what warrior does not welcome such a glorious fight, in their own walls, nonetheless? HOWEVER, upon arriving, one of these undead uttered phrases that have caught my EXTREME IRE. “We have come for Fatebinder,” it said, or some drivel along those lines. It had appeared before me, and asked for a NOVICE MAGE. A NOBODY. I PROCLAIM THIS: GASHADOKURO AND ALL AFFILIATED NECROTIC BEASTS: YOUR BONES ARE BRITTLE AND POORLY ALIGNED CLOWN OUTFITS LOOK REALLY STUPID YOUR NAMING SCHEME IS INCREDIBLY UNINSPIRED YOUR WILL IS WEAK AND YOUR CAUSE IS AIMLESS As long as I live, you shall have no honor. SO COME SEEK OUT SOMEONE OF COMPETENCE, AND LET US DO BATTLE. -LANRE CERUSIL
  12. stop coping on forums and recognize that someone who has consistently been putting in massive amounts of work into the server and resolves a massive amount of issues on the server efficiently is going to be the best choice for the role lotcers are so dramatic
  13. heraldry isn't a magic as for the others, current LT seems to be ruling that because of this redline, musin would be incompatible with housemagery, kani, and bardmancy
  14. should have paid for a diving instructor and then maybe you wouldn't be having this issue
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