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Everything posted by chaotikal

  1. P sure this doesn't need to go through this forum or a lore mag
  2. chaotikal

    Curse Words

    Is it bad I've received Aegis Nostalgia from many of these....
  3. ban flurgh, save axeman51

  4. Rep war, troll vs innocent man with axe



  5. my friends and i opened a skin shop



  6. damn dude I wish I wasn't such a **** person

  7. Why was my comment removed, wtf
  8. My adopted brother was about 13 when mmy parents gave him up


    life is tough in the ghetto

  9. SJW doomforged, smh.

    1. Kardel


      is this supposed to be english lol

  10. The lore is copy cat pretty much from the Kharajyr origin lore. And the server doesn't accept new races as far as I'm concerned, unless it's a very well fleshed out ET only race, with unique lore and unique quirks, this is only nagas with kharajyr backstory. And furthermore, Who's Lucien? Who's Sibilus? What are they? How are they creating these hybrids, how did these hybrids went unnoticed if they're mortals? If they're aenguls, how did Lucien pass? How did Sibilus take over this Lucien's work? Given that Aenguls don't really have much in the way of friendships.
  11. Be + posessive = Is - Which means you can use moredos as is. What type of "On" do you mean? If it's "on something" you can simply use morred (Above).
  12. whoever is giving me random rep...


  13. Braxis is a Half Elf, why is he being allowed to permanently keep his character by silently changing his race to wood elf?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TeaLulu


      Fyi I wasn't going after throdo there I'm just saying NOBODY cares nemore. 


      Sorry throdo u was just the best example

    3. chaotikal


      Still smells like bullshit, even if I am / was friends with Braxs. If this is true, I'll do it with my own characters then . _ .

    4. Space


      yeah you can nobody gives a ****

  14. I'm not inactive, I'm just playing in the username Chaotikal, now.


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