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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by chaotikal

  1. my new name is swag if you think otherwise i hope you feel bad for yourself xd xd xd eksdee *dank memes*

  2. I'm looking for a consistent group that is out of the way of kingdom drama, can be a family or a group. Any suggestions?

    1. AGiantPie


      felsen watch!

    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      Poke me dude :) been awhile

  3. I meant inter-elf wars. I should of specified, but since the post talked of "Elf racial wars" thought it was obvious.
  4. Ugh. The lore doesn't make sense. There were no racial wars before Anthos, no reason for Elves to be this separatist unless they themselves were going nazi and tried to spread out from the "lesser" races. The Helves were completely passive at this point, even having dark elves under them and Kharajyr, so your lore is inaccurate. Also, having Snow Elves arrive to Anthos decades before the Descendants is silly and won't be accepted in my opinion. The Descendants went from Anthos to Elysium and Kalos, two archipelagos near Asulon, only then after a volcano filled the sky and both islands under magma the descendants left for Anthos. If there was one lore I want retconned, is this piece of **** group that undermined the great Dwarf Antag that was the real Snow Elves.
  5. 73a3ef1f32.jpg

    1. chaotikal


      A map I made in Worldmachine, a 2,000 x 2,000 multibiome map with a long beach, dunes, one singular mountain and a range, and frosty hills on the north :D

  6. Yo, Tela, what are the changes to Character Cards in RPE?

    1. Telanir


      Character Cards are part of the Persona plugin, and are not related to the chat plugin.

    2. chaotikal


      Are you going to add stuff to 'em though? Like height, weight, and so on? :D

    3. Telanir


      I think that sounds very cool! (:

      We'll see I suppose, when I get to reworking Personas (if I do), I would likely add those features.

  7. I got warned for telling someone that their avatar was p bad.

    1. Space


      read the new forum rules


      it's kinda obnoxious

  8. ultrafeminism should be bannable.

    1. Malocchio



    2. Llir



    3. Malocchio
  9. Guys meet my new Character malin. He's a very old elf. :)

    1. chaotikal


      He's a 1000 year old duck

  10. I want me some of that sweet nepotism

    1. Pureimp10


      A vote for me is a vote for LotC.


      Let's make these forums great again. 


    2. roast guy

      roast guy

      agree, kevin has good hair

  11. Man the server is so unsutable nowadays.

    1. Telanir


      I'd love to help you but I have no idea if you mean unsuitable or unstable or, like, any other word that begins with uns. ._.

    2. chaotikal


      Unstable* :P I dunno, since yesterday there's been several crashes, and I'm not talkin' from my side.

    3. Anderssn
  12. It's cognitism, not Cognatism.

    1. chaotikal


      Here's proof, dont call me a dip




  13. Why was your thread locked??

    1. Zhulik


      Was private and didn't necessarily need replies/banter. Would've turned a letter into something political.

  14. Who did the Cross's Heraldry? I lurv it.

    1. mmat


      The Cross' heraldry was a bit chopped of my house heradry by Numirya, which was also done by Numirya.

    2. Jonificus


      It was all m-- oh, alright

  15. Totally against the decision DiscoLiquid made. It is obbvious the situation got to it because of the dude elongating the situation up until everyone was salted up... I

    1. AGiantPie


      Not to mention harassing Zaichic about Pking her character and refusing to pay her for her OOC work!

  16. f31e23eab1a55710c9fcadfaa1df5961.gif

    1. TheGreasyChef


      how it feels when the gf is off at college

    2. chaotikal


      @tuslwmonster when you get morning wood and wife teases

  17. I'm talking about your "Cult". Why would they have a cult to something they never could have learnt that existed? I'd just like you to explain more of their origin, it's a little bit too vague and makes little sense.
  18. There was no village known as At'Noch, Kharajyr after the descendants arrived were being hunted left and right... Literally decimated by the day, how would a Kha' village form parallel to this Grand Hunt of the Kha' in Asulon? (And if it wasn't during the hunt, then it was before the descendants arrived, which would mean Iblees couldn't of been there.)
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