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Everything posted by TeaLulu

  1. Potatoes are one of life

    1. TeaLulu


      'S gifts but I guess that works too

    2. drfate786


      Your a potato.

  2. There are several differences between what Leo wants and what I intended with this. Obviously you didn't read the thread in it's entirety. If you had you'd realize it is not intended to be justification for a culture that already exists. This isn't a Wood Elven culture; the people were wood elves solely because, according to what is known about lore, Wood Elves are the most unchanged from the appearance of ancient elves, and thusly these people would resemble wood elves, but they would not characterize themselves as wood elves. In addition, this isn't a culture that is established, roleplay, or existing. It was not written to be a history for a culture for people who already had that culture to simply reinforce their pre-existing beliefs. How can it be "roleplayed" when it has not been discovered and no one knows anything about it? This is lore for a subsect faction that existed in Ancient History, and is intended for events, explorable areas, and event lines to be built up around it. Do I need lore to create eventlines and event areas? No, but out of respect for the LMs I'd rather not bullshit my way into relevance by just starting on a project of this size. If any players find it and decide they want to adopt the culture, that is up to the playerbase. But it was not created nor written to be a culture people are intended to adopt. I am not submitting lore for the justification of my own current IC beliefs, culture, or religion. I am submitted lore in order to bring something to the server for the Players to discover and do what they wish with, which may very well simply be "explore and discover".
  3. In that grey time that is largely undefined by lore or dates. By Pre-Aegis I mean pre-player Aegis. This did not occur during the same time period as normal roleplay was occuring on the server; by then the asimulums had died out or were dying out. Just for reference I've placed the time periods at roughly post-Larihei's departure (Which occured in pre-roleplay times as they left to Asulon through the same portals all other people who colonized Asulon and then eventually either died out or fled to new lands did). I would characterize Larihei's departure from the Elves as probably the first great "Schism", which in my opinion sort of opened the floodgates for the ultimate division of the elves that inevitably lead to the different sub-races we know today. To clarify they are not ancestors of Wood elves, though some lines may be or may desire to claim descent from them. They were remnants of ancient elves and had no environmental, magical, or other influences which changed their physical appearance.
  4. OOC Prelude Hello everyone, For once I have gotten off of my bum and done a thing; I’ve written some lore for LoTC ancient history (Not super ancient history but pre-Aegis), specifically for the Elves. My goal is to use this lore as the foundation for Events; Specifically both event builds, and eventlines. Keeping in mind the goal that this lore will be revealed in roleplay through events and IC discoveries, I have not posted all of the lore here. The LM team can privately contact me for the full documentation of the lore, some of which is still being worked on, and is currently at about 15 pages lore and 3 pages OOC. However, I am enemy #1 of “secret” lore, and so I am posting this lore on the forums so that players have a method of voicing their opinions/concerns. This will include a general lore overview and information on a few of the main aspects of this culture (though not full details and not all the info as that shall be discovered IC). First though, some (a lot of) OOC Information. General Lore Overview General Culture Overview Final Statements As mentioned in the beginning, I am not posting all of the lore. There is a lot more written about this and in more detail than it currently stands; There is also lots of room for improvements and additions. The full lore as it is includes in-depth explanations of how their society functions, their culture, their laws, and the different jobs and positions held within their societal structure. It also includes in-depth information about some important cultural aspects of life, such as rituals for funerals, celebrations, what arts they praticed outside of magic, etc. The full details are being kept secret because I would like them to be discovered in character and I would like characters to draw their own conclusions based on the discoveries they and others make. tl;dr:: Realist naturalist mage elves who have an actual lore reason to have something left behind after millenia, that can be uncovered and explored by players. Also if you are good at Elven and wish to help me in my attempt to make this lore as immersive as possible, please hit me up.
  5. Again, my opinion is thus; If you want to have this as accepted lore that occurred for some of the wood elves, then okee dokee. But do not attempt to appropriate, claim, and thusly wholly limit the possibilities of lore for all wood elves. By claiming that "All Mali'ame from ____ onwards did _________," you are limiting the possibilities of creativity in lore for future individuals to create something unique. You can certainly claim, "Some small number of wood elves splintered off into ____ and did ______", but I do not think it is appropriate to ever claim that the entirety of a race did something. That is severely limiting for future lore, eventlines, and storylines. In addition, Druids were never solely wood elves. (I bring this up because Space brought it up). To try and claim that that magic originated and began with wood elves is false and an attempt to appropriate the history of that magic to prove yourself and your IC beliefs right. The attempt to declare and claim the religion of all ancient wood elves is another reason I say this lore is absolutely unacceptable if you want to claim that all wood elves in ancient times followed it. In addition, I would like to know how you plan to have all this information, if accepted, "revealed" to the populace...considering the fact you already preach all of the above IC. How would it be revealed that, oh, look! Somehow, without any RP proof at all, Artimec was right all along!!!! That's just stupid. You can't start roleplaying a belief and then attempt to get it accepted as lore; That's doing it backwards. tl;dr:as long as you keep trying to put all of ancient wood elf lore in your personally controlled little basket of lore that fits what you want people to believe IC, I do not think it should be accepted. Ever.

    1. Textarea


      what is wrong with status updates? xD

      it's been more than a few months and they still haven't changed the invalid "/pet call <id>" text to "/pets call <id>" (it's on the horse plugin when you do /pets view)

  7. TeaLulu


    The Ascended from this moment on will not be the main protagonists of Lord of the Craft. l m f a o the implication that they were before I thought the ascended were being removed completely. What happened to that? why the cancellation?
  8. distant maniacal laughter unrelated to this lore proposal
  9. *clapz* woo yey Also honestly if it is accepted I'd see about prodding the dev team for waterbreathing buff. Honestly we need some more water-based creatures and etc. Its a realm fairly unexplored by the server lore and etc. These really aren't similar at all to 'sirens' by LotC standards aside from the singing; The description for LotC sirens is "The upper body of a siren is known to be a beautiful lady. The lower body however is completely bird like. Their legs and waist are covered in feathers. Their feet are large talons. " There are currently only 5 water-based creatures in the creature index; Vodniks (zombie like thing), Skelts (insect like things), Pleskana (only one that is actually a marine animal), Kelpie (water spirit), and Sirens, which just live on islands in the sea and not the sea itself. So I feel like the sea/ocean is a ripe theme for LoTC creatures, playable or otherwise.
  10. Could these possibly be sorted and categorized by Habitat for ease of finding by ET looking for creatures fit for a region? Also, possibly for some of them, work through the ET creations and see what has already been built as an MC-representation for some of the creatures, and create a warp to them, labelled, so ET/GMs can easily find and grab a MC version of the creature for events? Happy to help on that end. Also feel free to hide this comment after you've read it so your thread isn't spammed. <3
  11. Have to help watch the Front Desk for a while until the new girl is brought on.... the TV in the lobby is left on CNN....

    1. AGiantPie
    2. TeaLulu


      i said watch, i didn't say anything about working. 

  12. It begins.

    All AT you have my sympathies.

    1. Ezo Karasuga
    2. Jachnun


      Lulu, you have my sympathies for sympathizing with them. 


    (´◉◞౪◟◉) pbbbbblttt 

    1. youdude


      tttlbbbbbp  (´ )

    2. Zarsies
  14. the monk flood 2016

  15. M5hOu2v.gif

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      Whoa, TeaLulu I joined at the same time as you and cannot accept that.

    3. Desires



    4. TeaLulu


      desires, you're hired HIRED HIRED HIRED

  16. you can

    1. TeaLulu


      (well ****)


      dance if you want to?

    2. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      do anything your little heart desires. 

    3. AGiantPie


      I'd leave your friends behind tbh.

  17. l m f a o

    1. Joe_Blackman


      can you explain to me why you are laughing off your fat ass?

    2. TeaLulu


      only fatties would understand

    3. Joe_Blackman
  18. can I have my FREAKIN

    1. TeaLulu



    2. Swgrclan
    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      scrubs don't deserve rank forum lel ex DEE

  19. trolly threads are funny but not helpful in the long wrong! Feedback threads like Sythan

  20. you know the last youtuber we had got to play a super special character and race too.

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      We have now to make ducks a playable race, people will likely want to join the server and play a duck



    2. TeaLulu


      i'll be over here, in the corner. crying.


      pls do not replace humans with duckmen


  22. Stop making statuses the staff can ignore and start making threads.

  23. A quote, from myself:

    1. TeaLulu


      "It goes without saying that this "help" should be clearly defined, limited, and posted publicly for all to see in order to reduce confusion and allow staff, including GMs and Administrators, to enforce the red lines and boundaries of the help offered and insure no one on these new "Media Branches" steps out of line."

  24. [!] The sound of distant laughter.

  25. hi can please link the application that was filled out by this new media-baboon for their position of POWER?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. TeaLulu


      thats on purpose

    3. Telanir


      thanks Tea, I don't intend to see that event repeat itself, likely he was given gm powers as a result of lazy overhead & staff that didn't want to coordinate those events but I feel that history is behind us.


      It's not an easy road, but we're willing to 'give it a shot'.

    4. TeaLulu


      except teltel, you keep saying you're going to 'give it a shot' but you're also severely lacking oversight and are being kinda lazy about it!!!


      Why was the fact random people can just walk in and ask to start a new 'Media Branch', as you claimed at the end of Scene21's AMA anyone could do, advertised to the server? Why was an application for said position not created? Why are we giving power to Scene21 to pick and choose his own 'staff' as he claims he'll be able to in his AMA?


      A lot of player's worries would be sated if there had actually been an official process in place that he had to go through to gain this new found position, and if the powers, pex, and responsibilities of said position were clearly outlined. An application would have also allowed players to give feedback and express their concerns. You really cannot disregard player feedback in this case because what this individual wants to do has, in the past, been disastrous. I know you and some of the Administration think that your #1 goal is to increase active player base, but you need to understand and respect the fact that 'fantasy minecraft roleplaying servers' are a very niche group, and the audience that youtubers reach is, by and large, not going to be the same type of audience as our playerbase. 


      Honestly, the worst part about the last time we had a youtuber on board doing 'advertisement' wasn't the power abuse, it was the endless stream of subpar new players, most of whom were only in it for the PvP. They literally formed their own faction and started PvPing everyone else endlessly, along with trolling, hacking, and just...awful. In the end, they had to be banned en masse. Literally people's number 1 worry should be the fallout from that, especially with how lax the application already is.


      I could go on for days about the guy himself and how sketchy this entire situation is. I honestly feel just reading what he's said that he's pulling the wool over your eyes and you guys are falling for it hook, line, and sinker. Instincts.

      Why is it that the main thing he seems to bring to the table is 'contacts' that he's shady about? Also, I really need to tell you: He's outright lying about having been a member of the server during Aegis. The fact he 'can't remember his username' is insanely ridiculous. That would imply he's literally bought a new minecraft account between then and now. Either he's someone with such a bad rep he doesn't want it to be known, or he never was an Aegis player.


      no, it definitely won't be an easy road; But it's going to be a rough road for the players mostly, not yourself. So you should take the time to listen to them and what they're trying to communicate to the Administration, rather than locking every thread that starts digging into the matter. 


      And honestly, when the fallout hits, you can expect a lot of good people to just go inactive, or their inactivity to drop significantly, until it passes. In addition I'll tell you this; Any self-respecting ET wouldn't be caught dead being the pet builder/actor for Mr. Youtube.

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