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Status Updates posted by _pok_

  1. I can't believe Rick died...

    1. empirerebel
    2. SteelMarshall


      *season spoiled* *cries* *never watches walking dead again*


  3. i couldnt think of a better name srry

    1. Crayfishchris


      It's a cool idea. Just don't get raided. :P

    2. _pok_


      if somebody wants 2 raid this party then i've lost hope

    3. Crayfishchris


      I will ban whoever raids Pok's parties. Permanently. (justkiddingmaybe)

  4. i gave u 1 star rating lel

    1. Dolly


      well I have homemade peach cobbler and you don't so I win.

  5. i h8 u all [cept gms i

  6. I has lots o' cobble for Mogroka :D

    1. Ever


      Can Ever has some? .w.

  7. i hate you all

  8. i hate you all

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Galendar


      and thats mean

    3. _pok_


      i made a status that said i love u all but since nobody commented on it i hate u all now

    4. Kickstarted and Running
  9. I have a nice slave business going here. Dayum.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Honestly though, if the Slaves just want to get back to normal RP, can they arrange OOCly to leave? You jsut walking into a town and randomly taking a slave is really, really annoying.

    3. BadCall


      I asked you, are you going to hurt this child, said no. 15 min later, slave. *le sighs*

    4. _pok_



  10. I have a strange craving....FOR MORE HEARTS!

  11. I just Denied a Greek of Spartan Descent with the sub-race of a Grizzly Bear. I must be going crazy...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kote (luigimario77)

      Kote (luigimario77)

      Didn't look like a troll app.

    3. Agnub


      WAI U DENY HIM?!

    4. MediocreGamer


      That was my son, his name is Bear Grylls.

  12. I just won that goddamn competition, thanks RHCrow

  13. i love you all

  14. I need a fallback character for a week or two before I write the sequel, Ideas??

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. _pok_


      Lykos, I'm sold.

    3. Ursolon


      Ascended. Bring back everything over the next 1-2 weeks.

    4. ayresalex
  15. I need help, I can't get Gez'Mar to message me back. Can you guys comment on his profile saying, "Pok needs you to read the PM he sent you! It is a matter of serious seriousness!" If you do that, you'll be my best friend.

    1. _pok_


      Best friend forever...

    2. Dat Burkester
    3. _pok_


      Hehe, Derp Fourm Name is Eltyer, get to it!

  16. I remember when Iron VIPs used to be able to have shops too. It's why I donated... :/

    1. Austin


      I remember when Diamond VIP's got 60k mina and 100x100 plots..

      That's why I donated.

    2. Shar'ku/jenspelao
  17. I robbed 25 diamond today...then when I take the fast travel home I land in the void...-_-

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. _pok_


      Lol, at least I logged before I could die. Then I landed back in Strigzgoi safe and sound :P

    3. _pok_


      ^With all my diamonds

    4. Lautrec (nobark_noonan)

      Lautrec (nobark_noonan)

      You can log out and in and it will fix

  18. i see white people

  19. i see white people

    1. Lym


      das raycist, poor white peoplez

    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      German, dont act like you dont dig this supremacist message. Lol, just kidding with you.

    3. Aislin


      you are white literally shut the **** up

  20. i seriously cant believe that worked

  21. I think Asulon was better than Aegis. There. I said it.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Bucky_24


      Anthos was the best.

    3. Cooonie


      Aegis was nice, y'know, but Asulon was better. I liked the break we had from those nuisance magickz spammers.

    4. Praetor


      Only beef I had with Asulon was the distance. Apart from that, my favorite continent as well.

  22. i was thinking of getting on the server again too

  23. i wish i had pocket admins

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. _pok_
    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      mog was actually the only admins aside from danny who was actually nice to me.


    4. Nefarious Aus Shitpost
  24. I'll be doing a lot of work on the wiki now, I already made the Gronkkston page nice and full and I'll do a War Nation page too for the nations section

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