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Status Updates posted by TRAY

  1. Dear future applicants of LoTC, when writing your bios, please come up with a story more original than your parents dying from Orcs, or some kind of tragedy. Thank you ~ Every A-Team Member :P

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Octovian


      I killed my parents.

    3. CowsGoMoo


      I... ate my parents.


      I'm gunna.

      Watch out, Stral and Dante~

    4. 0000


      My parents were killed by undead orcs. I have been trying to exact my revenge for several hundred years. I blame my evil and villainous actions purely on that fact.

  2. Fun Fact: It is considered Power Gaming, if an Orc can speak Common Tongue fluently.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      Fun Fact: Most Humans are half Elf.

    3. Divinus


      Fun fact: Bubba has robbed over 50 KFC's in the tri-state area of Alaska.

    4. Austin


      Yes, if you see someone speaking perfect common tongue that isn't approved PM their MC name. [[Havenok is exmpted from this with his small tusks.]]

  3. Why there no Forum Title for people that have been around for awhile? :/

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Praetor


      I've been here since December, and have the old hat. :p

    3. Divinus


      cause everyone hates you

    4. Skippy


      haters gunna hate

  4. It's mah BIRFDAY!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nononymous



    3. Maximas1211


      HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :D:D:D:D <3

    4. Maximas1211


      HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :D:D:D:D <3

  5. I feel I would be a great GM just not much support...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Aislin


      What Ever said, views and +1's mean nothing.

    3. TRAY


      Thanks guys I feel more inspired to write up a GM app

    4. shiftnative


      It'd be inhumane to not gather opinions from our friends and comrades - the playerbase

  6. So I watched "The Human Centipede 2" last night.................

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Religious_Pie


      Have you seen the bit that was cut out...the fapfapfap bit... D':

    3. Swgrclan



      It's so terrible and disgusting.

    4. Divinus


      Jesus H Christ. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.

  7. Jenifer Lawrence will be my EX-Wife one day.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      From Kentucky with Love. Just no.

    3. Samoblivion


      @ww2buff99 third cousins or more is the golden zone, my friend. *Knows way too much about the science of inbreeding than he cares to know*

    4. Aislin



  8. I wish I was popular on the server :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dyehu
    3. Rilath


      Don't worry, I will teach you my ways young one.

    4. Groobs03


      It's ok, your popular in my mind... xD

  9. Vaq updates Patch....10 mins later RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. drfate786


      please note im only posting this as you havent read my app and i have been waiting 1hr

    3. drfate786


      also heres how to stop people from leaving do undead invasions and make the lore have more action like in the begining of the lore when ebilee attempts to destroy all life

    4. drfate786


      and create teams to run events that would make evryone happy as the current lore does not sound fun but boring (modern lore)

  10. I've finally made my return to LoTC :D. It's been a awhile.

  11. It's almost been 2 years since I first joined LoTC!! Crazy how fast the time has gone by.

  12. Where do I post when I need help from an Admin?

  13. If your gonna troll on April Fools Day. Atleast be funny *lesigh. Only funny troll I've seen was Aryons app it made me lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Coconuta


      Heh, Someone should of said they accidentally deleted the ban list and everyone who ever did anything got unbanned :3

    3. Aryon


      Okay, that would have been amazing. Though Vaq's was good. Convinced all of us smexy nerds.

    4. Respiren


      :forever alone:

  14. *posts A-Team 2 months ago, still hasn't been reviewed *Than browkencrowe posts his App yesterday, instantly gets accepted the next day O.o....... Favoritism? I'm not trying to spread any hate, but I don't see that fair I've been waiting soo long for Auv/Seventh to review mine but it still hasn't happened. I've seen people post an app than a few days later the get accepted WHAT!? IS THIS!!?? Keep in mind I mean this in no way offensive to these people but I...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danny


      His was reviewed because it was to be accepted, after the app team discussed him.

    3. TRAY


      Like I said though is I needed to flame this somewhere. Sorry if I cause an offence, and I know this wont help me in anyway but still, and creeper I deleted that post..

    4. Lirinya


      Brokencrowe is known to be useful and good. He had been mentioned several times before he even posted an application. I'm rather annoyed with people calling favouritism. If your app is good you will be accepted. If not, it won't. Apps don't HAVE to be reviewed. Much like GM apps.

  15. Loosing the will power to rp. Nothing has been going on for the past few weeks and I'm starting to get bored. I don't know what to do to spice things up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      Try a new character and drop him in a different enviroment.

    3. TRAY
    4. Lykos


      Get drunk as all hell. Just did with raptor and was the funnest thing i've done for a while.

  16. Just sent in my first Job Application for McDonalds. Wish me luck :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prince_Horus


      I hate working at fast food restaurants. -_-

    3. crusad3r


      horus youve only worked at porn stores.....

    4. Divinus



  17. There's something about Asulon that doesn't make it as fun as Aegis was, but I can't seem to figure out what it is...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Varstivus


      Part of it is, all our work, the economy, and everything is now gone. I can't tell you as in Aegis I was a homeless bum who couldn't RP yet.

    3. Aislin


      King's Road.

    4. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      I hated the King's Road. Walking from the CT to Al-Khazar I always got robbed aleast once.

  18. Everyone's saying that the server's dying, because everyone's leaving. But I just think it's the end of the first generation LoTC of players.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shiftnative


      them's some strong words! I think there are quite alot of players whove been around for nearly a year - maybe a new "event team" will help things along for some

    3. Guest


      I do believe I along with a few others, are the last first dayers. Who are not GM.

    4. higgsyy


      I came in round sept maybe? And i aint leaving nay time soon

  19. Officially retired as App Team

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TRAY


      Hopefully I'll be back when I'm less busy

    3. lemontide331
    4. HuskyPuppy


      Nuuuu D: Who will i creep on? ((late comment i know))

  20. It's summer and I've finally got the time to play LoTC. Wow the server has changed the few months I've been gone!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Drelik


      yea, elven race has been entirely wiped out and unplayable

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      Actually we're just subtly taking over Oren by doing it with all your nobles and eventually we'll rule the world.

    4. The Best Basileus

      The Best Basileus

      Too bad. I think that all the elves should go back to Malinor. Would make things better, but meh.

  21. Tomorrow it will be officially 8 moths since first playing on the server :)

    1. Blackdragonhole
    2. Neri


      Happy Nearly-Anniversary to you! :P

    3. TRAY
  22. Been 2 months, and still no one has checked my A-Team App :/

    1. Dasaro


      Patience my friend...

    2. Dante


      Actually if it's being ignored that's a good thing. It means it's up to par with their standards and has a possibility of being accepted.

    3. 0000


      Or they've forgotten about it and it will never be accepted >:D

      Kidding, patience.

  23. Such a **** day. To pissed off to even think straight and I can't even log onto the server cause I'll end up doing something stupid and get myself banned!! Ima just chill on the forums I guess hopefully cool down

    1. NekoDanie
    2. Swgrclan


      *nudges a cookie toward Babbah*

    3. Swgrclan


      Bubbah* .w.

  24. Oh Dear God... the director who made "The Human Centipede 1-2" is making a 3, and he says the 3rd is going to make the 2nd look like a Disney Film.... I don't want to, but I must watch it when it comes out......

    1. ΚΨΙΞ


      Nope. chuck, testa

    2. 0000


      If you are easily grossed out by things do not watch these movies

    3. Divinus


      sounds erotic

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